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��15��443 <br /> a <br /> n • <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'i���824�'I ���nt�nued� Page 9 <br />� used fio interpret or define�he pra�isions❑�this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Merger. There shall be n❑ merger of the in�erest or esta�e created by this D��d vf Trust with any a�her in�erest❑r <br /> es�ate in�he Praperty at any time held by❑r for the benefifi❑� Lender in any �apaci�y, withou�the written �vnsen� <br /> vt Lender, <br /> Governing Law. This Deed a# Trust wili be gvverned by federal faw appli�able fv L�nder and, �o the exten� nat <br />� � preempted by��deral law,the�aws v#the State ot Nebraska w�#hou#regard�o i�s cvn�ii�ts o�law pro�isiflns. This <br /> Deed of Trusfi has been a��ep#ed hy Lender in the 5#a#e vf Nehraska. <br /> � Choice �f Venue. If�here is a �awsuit, Trustar agrees upon Lender's reques� t❑ submit #❑ #he ju��sdictian o� the <br /> caurts a.f Haf! Caun�y, 5tate o�Nebraska. <br />' Joint and Se�eral Liabili�y. A!! abligations ❑f Trustor under this Deed af Trus� shall be jvint and se�eral, and all <br /> re�erences to Trus�or shall mean each and e�ery T�rus�vr. This means that �ach T�ustor s�gning belaw is <br /> responsibl�for all❑bliga#ions in�his Deed�f Trust. <br /> No 1JVaiver by Lender. Lender shall not he deemed to ha�e waived any rights under this Deed vf Trus� unless such <br /> wai�er is given in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or❑mission on the part vf Lender in exercising any right � <br /> � shall ❑pera�e as a wai�er of such right ar any❑ther right. A wai�er by Lender❑fi a prv�ision af fhis Deed of Trus� <br /> shall nvt prejudice vr �vnstitute a wai�er ❑� Lender's right ❑�herwise �o demand s#rict campliance wi�h �ha� <br /> pro��sion �r any ❑�her pr���sivn ❑f this Deed af T�-ust. Na prior waiver by Lender, nar any caurse at dealing . <br /> he�ween Lender and Trus�or, shall consfitute a wai�er ❑f any ❑f Lender's rights �r afi any v�Trus�vr's obliga#ions � <br /> � as to any fu�ure transactivns. WheneWer the consent a� Lender �s required under this Deed of Trust, the gran�ing <br /> �� such consen� by Lender in any instance shall nat �vnstitute continuing cvnsent ta subsequent instances where <br /> such consent is required and in all cases such consent may be grant�d vr wi�hheld En the svle discretion of Lender. <br />� 5everahility. I� a court af competent jurisdiction �inds any provision vf this ❑eed o�Trust to be illegal, �n�alid, ❑r <br /> unenforc�able as to any persvn ❑r circumstan�e, that finding sha[R na� make the v��ending pro�ision illegal, �n�alid, <br /> vr unenfvrceahie as tv any other pe�son ar circumsfiance. I� �easible, �he offending prv�ision shall be considered <br /> modified sv that it becomes �egal, �alid and enfvrceable. If the �f�ending pra�isivn canno� �e sa modified, it shall <br /> be considered defeted frvm this ❑eed vfi Trust. llnl�ss afiherwise required by law, the ill�gality, invalidity, or <br /> unenfvrcealaility of any prov�sivn ❑fi this Deed of Trust shall nat affect the legali�y, �afidity or enforceability o� any <br /> v�her pro�isivn vf this ❑eed af Trus�. <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. Subject t❑ any limi�a��ans s�a�ed in this Deed a�Trust an transfer v�Trustor's interes�, <br /> �his Deed vf Trust shall be binding upon and inur� to the benefi� of�h� parties, their suc�essors and assigns. 1f <br /> awnership v�the Proper�y becarines vested in a persvn vther than Trustor, Lender, withvu�t nv�ice to Trustor, may <br /> dea� with Trustar's successars with referen�e to this Deed of Trus�and the lndehtedness by way o�f fvrbearance flr <br /> extension wi�hout releasing Trustor fram the vbligativns ❑f this �eed❑f Trust ar fiability under the lndeb�edness. <br /> Time is of the Essen�e. Time is ofi the essence in the performance af this ❑eed❑f Trus�. <br /> �JVaiver af Homes�ead Exemp�ion. Trustor her�by releases and wai�es all rights and benefits ❑f the homestead <br /> exemption laws vfi the State of Nebraska as ta all Indebtedness secured by this Deed vf Trust. <br /> DEF�NITE�NS. The followEng capitalized words and terms shall ha�e the fiaflawing meanings wh�n used in this aeed ❑� <br /> Trus�. Unless specifically stated to the cflntrary, all refierences t❑ dollar amaunts shall mean amounts in lawful money <br /> af the United 5tates o� Ameri�a. VVvrds and terms used in the singular shall �nclude the p�ural, and the plura� shal[ <br /> incfude the singular, as the context may �equire. Wvrds and terms not ofiherw�se defined in this aeed ❑fi Trus� shall <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed t❑such terms in�he Unifiorm Cnmmercial Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Points gank� and its suc�essvrs and assigns, <br /> Bvrrowsr. The word "Barrvwer" means C�AD J MlLLER a1k1a CDAa JAY MILLER alkla C�AD M�LLER and <br /> MARTINA P DDETSCH a1k1a MARTINA PETRA DDETSCH alkla MARTINA ❑�ETS�H and in�ludes all �a--signers <br /> and ca-makers signing�he Note and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed af Trust. The words "aeed ❑� Trus�" mean fihis Deed af Trus� amang Trus�or, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes wifihau# fimitation a�f assignment and securi�y interest pro�is�vns relat�ng to the Persanaf Property and ' <br /> Rents. � <br /> DefauE#. The word "��efault" means the Default set�rarth in fihis Deed�f Trust in the sectivn#itfed "Default". <br /> En�ironmental Laws. The words "EnvErvnmental Laws" mean any and all s�a�e, federal and toca� statutes, <br /> regula�ians and vrdinances relating ta the prvt�ction of human health vr the en�ironment, including wi�thout <br /> iimitativn the C�mprehensi�e En�ironmen�al Response, Comp�nsa�ion. and Liability Act of 198fl, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Sec�ian 9501, e� seq. {"CERCLA"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reau#hvrization Act ❑f �98C, Pub. L, <br /> Nv. 99-499 �"SARA"}, �he Hazardvus Mat�riaCs Transpartafiion Act, 49 IJ.S.C, Sec�ion '�8�1, e�seq.,the Resource <br /> Conser�a#ion and Reco�ery Act, 4� �.5.�. Section 69��, et seq,, or o�he�- applicable s�ate or federaf laws, rules, <br /> vr regula#ions advp��d pursuant thereto. <br /> Event of De�ault. The wards "E�ent❑f Defaul�" mean any vfi�he e�ents n�defau�t set fvrth in this Deed of Trust in <br /> �he e�ents��default sectivn❑�this Deed of Trus#. <br />