<br /> �
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<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan No: ��'I 2824�'� ��ontinued� � Pa�e 8
<br /> pr�hibi-ting Lender from seeking a de�iciency judgment against th�Trusfivr to�he exten-�such acfi�on is permitted by
<br /> law. Elec�ion by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy sha[l not exclude pursui� ❑f any ather remedy, and an el�c�ion ta
<br /> mak� �xpenditures ❑r to �ake actian to p�rform an ob�igation o�Trust�r under this ❑eed ❑f T�-us�, after Trustor's
<br /> failure t� perform, shall n�t atfect Lender's right tv declare a defaul�and ex�rcise its remed�es.
<br /> Request�or No�ice. Trus�or, on �ehalf of Trustar and L�nder, her�by requests that a copy o�any NotiCe vt❑efau�t
<br /> and a �apy a�any Notice of Sale under fihis ❑eed of Trust be mailed �❑ them at the address�s set farth in the first
<br /> paragraph❑�F�his D��d ❑f Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. l-� Lender insfi�tutes any sui� or a�tivn ta enforce any ❑f the t�rms of this Deed �f
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be enti#led to re�v�er such sum as the cour� may adjudge r�asonable as attorneys' fees at triaE
<br /> and upon any appeai. INhe#her or not any court ac�kian Es in�v[�ed, and t� the �xt�nt not prvhibit�d by Iaw, a[!
<br />, reasanable expenses Lender �ncu�s that �n Lender's opinian are necessary a� any time �for the pro�ec�ian ot i#s
<br />, in�er�st or the en�orcemen�❑fi its rights shall become a part of�he Indebtedness payable an demand and shall bear
<br /> in�erest at the Note rate from the date o�the exp�ndi�ure unfiil �epaid. Expenses co�ered by thEs paragraph inc[ude,
<br /> without limita�ion, howeWer subject to any limits under applical�le �aw, Lender's attarneys' fees and Lender's Iega1
<br /> expertses, whe�kh�r or not �here is a lawsuit, including attorneys' fees and expenses �or banl�rupficy prnceedings
<br /> �including e��orts�o modify or�a�a�� any automatic s�ay❑r injunc�ion}, appeals, and any anticipa�ed p�s�-judgment
<br /> colle��ion ser�ices, fihe cost of searching records, ab�a�ning tifile reports �including fivreclosure repartsy, sur�eyvrs'
<br /> reporfis, and appraisa[ fees, �itle insurance, and fees for �he Trustee, fio th� �xt�nt perm�tted by appEicable fav+r.
<br /> Trustor als❑ will pay any caurt casts, in addition�o all ❑ther sums pro��d�d by law.
<br /> Righfis of Trus#ee. Trus�ee shall have all ❑fi the righ�s and duties v�Lender as se�forth in this sectE�n.
<br /> P�WERS AND �BLIGATIDNS �F TRUSTEE. The fiaiiowEng pro�isions rela�ting to�he powers and obligations v�Trustee
<br /> are par�❑f�his Deed ❑f Trus�: �
<br /> Powers o�Trustee. [n addition to aii powers o�Truste� arising as a matter of law, Trus�ee shall ha�e fihe power tv
<br />� �ake the following act�ons with respect t❑ the Prop�r�y upon fihe written request�� Lender and Trustor: �a� jain in
<br />� preparing and fiiling a map or pla� ot the Rea! Proper�y, in�[udin� th� dedica�ion �� streets or other rights t❑ �he
<br /> public; tb� join in gran�ing any easemen� or creating any restric�ion on th� Real Property; and �c� Join �n any
<br />' subardina�ion❑r o�her agreement affecting this Deed of Trus�or�he interest o�Lend�r und�r thEs ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall mee� all qualit�catiQns required fior Trustee und�r applicable law. �n additivn ta the rights
<br /> and remedies set for�h abvve, with respect to a�l ❑r any part of�he Property, �he Trustee shall ha�e the righ� �a
<br /> fore�lose by nvtice and sal�, and Lender sha�l ha�e the right to foreclvse by judicial #oreclasure, in either case in
<br /> a�cordan�e with and���he full extent pro�id�d by applicable law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may trom tim��o time appvinfi a su�cessar Trus���to any Trus�ee
<br /> appointed under this Deed a�Trus� by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> affi�e af fihe recorder o� HALL County, Sta�e of Nebraska. Th� ins�rument shal[ contain, in additian �o al! ❑ther
<br /> mafifiers requir�d by stafie law, the names ❑f the ❑riginal Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustor, �he book and page �or
<br /> computer system reference� where �his Deed ❑f Trust is recvrded, and �he name and address ofi the successor
<br /> trus�ee, and the ins�rument shall be execu�ed and ackn�wledged by a[l the benefiiciaries under this Deed of Trust or
<br />, their suc�essors in int�r�s�. The su�cessor �rustee, withvut con�eyance o�the Property, sha�i succeed �a all the
<br /> tifile, pvwer, and duties conferred upon�he Trustee in this ❑eed of Trust and by appli�able law. This procedure for
<br />; subsfiitution of Trustee shall goWern�o the exclusion❑f ail a�her pro�Esivns for substitution.
<br />; N�TICES. Any natice requ�red t� be giWen under this Deed o�Trust, inc[uding without limitativn any notice ❑f default
<br /> and any notice vf sale shali be gi�en in writing, and shall be e��ectiWe when actually deli�ered, when actually re�ei�ed
<br /> i�y telefiacsimile �uniess atherwise required by law}, when deposEted wi�h a nationally recagnized ❑�ernight caurier, ar, if
<br /> mailed, when deposited in the lJnited 5ta�es mai�, as �irst class, cer�Efied or registered mail postage prepaid, directed fio
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning of�his Deed vfi Trus�. All copies of natices afi�orecfosure #rnm �the holder ❑f
<br /> any lien which has priority o�er this ❑eed o�Trust shali be sen� to Lende�'s address, as shown near the beginning af
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any party may change its address fflr no�i�es under �his Deed of Trus� hy gi�ing �arma� wri��en
<br /> na�ic� to the vther pa�ties, speci�ying fihafi fihe purpase o� the nofiic� �s ta ehange �khe party's address. For no�ice •
<br /> purposes, Trustor agre�s �o keep Lender in�ormed a� ai! �imes nf Trustor's curr�n�address. Unless otherwise prav�ded
<br /> ❑r required hy Eaw, E��here is mare�han ❑ne Trustar, any notice gi�en by Lender t❑ any Trustor is deem�d ta be no�i�e
<br /> giWen#o al[Trustvrs. -
<br /> MES�ELLANEDLlS PR�V151�NS. The�ollowing misce[[aneaus pro�isions are a part❑f fhis ❑eed a-F Trus�:
<br />� Amendments. Th�s ❑eed af Trust, �oge�her with any Rela�ed Documents, cans-titutes fihe ent�re understanding and
<br />� agreemen� �f the partEes as to the mat�ers s�fi torth in this Deed of Trust. No alterafiian of vr amendment t❑ this
<br /> Deed a-F Trust shal� be effec�ive unless gi�en in writing and signed �y the party or par�ies sough�to be charged or
<br /> �ound 1ay fihe alteraf�on❑r amendment,
<br /> Annual Reports. �f the Proper�y is used for purpases ather than Trustor's residence, Trustor shall furnish ta
<br /> . Lender, upon reques�, a certi�ied statemen� of ne� operafiing incame recei�ed fram �he Property during Trustor's
<br /> pre�ious fiscal year in such form and de�ail as Lender shal[ �-equire. "N�t vperating income" shall mean all cash
<br /> rece�pts from the P�oper�y less all cash exp�ndi�ures made in connection with the operatian af the Praperfy.
<br /> • Caption Headings. Capfiivn headings in this ❑eed nf Trust are for can�enience purposes ❑nly and are nvt to be
<br />