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��15��44� <br /> ,. <br /> � � <br /> DEED �F TRUST � <br /> Lvan Na: ����8���3 {Cantinued� Page 3 <br /> L�nder's prior wri��en cansent. As a candtt��n t��he remo�al o�any lmpra�ements, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satis�actory ta Lender to repla�e such lmpro�ements with impro�ements ❑f at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's R'rght tv Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and represen�a�i�es may enter upon the Real Praperty at a�� <br /> � reasonable �imes fiv at�end t❑ Lender`s in�eres�ts and ta inspe�� �he Rea[ Property for purpases vf Trust�r's <br /> compliance with the terms and cvnditians o�this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Complian�e with Governmenta! Requir�ments. Trus�or shall promptly cvmply with all laws, ordinanc�s, and <br /> regulations, now vr herea#-ke�- in effe�t, o� all gvvernmental au�hori�ties applicab�e �a fihe use or accupancy a� the <br /> Properky, including wi�h�u� limita�ion, the Americans 1111i�h ❑isabili�ies Ac�. Trus�or may ��ntest in good fai�h any <br /> � such law, ardinance, or regula�ian and withhvld cvmp�iance during any proceeding, including apprvpria�e appeals, <br /> so long as Trustor has natified Lender in wri�ing prio�r ta doing so and so lang-as, in Lender's s�Ee opinian, Lender's <br /> interes�s �n �he Praperty are nv��eopardized. Lender may require Trus�or �� post adequa�e security or a sure�ky <br /> bond, reasvnably sa�isfac�ory to Lender,to protecfi Lender's in�eres�. <br /> ❑u�y �o Prvtect. Trustvr agrees nei�her to abandvn or lea�e una��ended �he Praperty. Trustvr shaEi do all other- <br /> ac�s, in additian to fihose ac�s set for�h abo�e in this secfiian, which trom the chara�ter and use❑f the Prvpe�ty are <br /> reasanably nec�ssary to prv�e��and preser�e�tihe Property. <br /> DUE�N SALE-CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender's option, declare immediate�y due and payabEe afl sums <br /> secured by this Deed a�F Trust upan�he sale or�ransfer, wi�hout Lender's prior wri��en consent, v�all or any par�❑f the <br /> Real Proper�yr ❑�any in�erest in th� Rea� Prvperty. A "sale ❑r trans-�er" means the c�n�eyance af Rea� Property ❑r any <br /> righ�, title or �nterest in the Real Praperty; whe�kher legal, heneficiaf ❑r equitable; whe�her �olunfiary or in�vluntary; <br /> whether 1ay outright sale, deed, ins�ai�men�k sale con�rac�, land contra��r can�rac� far deed, leasehvld interest with a <br /> term greater than three {3� years, lease-aption cvnfiract, vr by sale, assignment, ar firansfer o�any bene�icial interesfi in <br /> or t❑ any �and trust holding fii�le�v the Rea� Praperty, or by�any vfiher me�hod a� con��yance o�f an interest in the Real <br /> Praper�y. Howe�er, �his option shall no� be exer�ised by Lende� if such exercise is prohibi�ed by federal law ❑r hy <br /> Nebraska law. ' <br /> TAxES AND L�ENS. The �vllowing pro�isions rela�ing tv �he taxes and liens ❑n the Prvperfiy are pa►-� of�his ❑eed af <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen�. Trusfi�r shall pay when due �and in all e�en�s prsar ta delinquency� al��ax�s, special fiaxes, assessmen�ks, <br /> charges �including water and sew�r}, fines and impasitions le�ied agains� or on account��th� Proper-�y, and shaii <br /> �ay when due alI claims for wvrk dane on ❑r far ser�ices �ender�d ❑r material furnished �o�he Pr�per�y. Trustor <br /> sha[� maintain the Properfiy free❑t al� �Eens ha�ing priarity over or equa�fiv the interes�❑f Lender under this ❑eed ❑� <br /> Trust, excep� for the iien ❑fi �axes and assessments not due and except as o�herwise pr�vided in �his Deed of <br /> T�-ust. � <br /> Righ�ta Contes�. Trustor may withhald payment of any tax, assessment; ar claim in cvnn�ctivn wi�h a gaad �aifih <br /> dispute over the obEi�a�tion fio pay, so Iong as Lender's interest in fihe Prvperty is nat jeopardized. l�a [ien arises o� <br /> is �iled as a resul� v� nvnpayment, Trus�or shal[ within fifteen �'�5} days after the Iten arises ❑r, i� a Eien is filed, <br /> w�thin fifkeen �'�5� days afrter Trusfivr has natice of the filing, secure the dEscharge of�he lien, ❑r if requested by <br /> Lender, dep�sit w�th L�nder cash❑r a sufFicient corpvrafie surety bond or o�her security safiis�Factary�a Lender in an <br /> amaunt sufficient ta discharge the �ien plus any cns�s and attorneys' fees, ❑r vfihe�-charges that could ac�rue as a <br /> result vf a �orecl�sure�r sale under�he �ien. En any cvnfiest, Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment I�e�ore enforcement against the Praperty. Trus�or shall name Lender as an addifiiana� oh�igee <br /> under any su�r�ty bond furnish�d in the c�ntest prviceedings. <br /> Evidence vf Payment. Trus�or sha[f upon demand �Furnish ta Lender sa�is�fac�ory evidence ❑f paymen�❑f the taxes <br /> ❑r assessments and sha�� authorize�the appropria�e ga�ernmen�a! ❑fficia[to deli�er to Lender at any time a wri��en <br /> sta�ement of the taxes and assessments against the Property. <br /> Na�ice o�Consfiruc�ion. T�ustar shall not�#y Lender at 1eas�t fifteen �15} days before any inrork is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are�urnished, or any ma�erials ar� supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, mafierialmen's lien, or <br /> o�her lien coufd b� asserted on account ❑fi�he work, services, ar materiars. Trusta�- wi�l upon requ�s� of Lender <br /> fiurnish to Lender advance assurances satisfac�ory to Lende�- �that Trustor �an and will pay the �ost n� such <br /> imprv�emen�s. <br /> PRDPERTY DAMAGE tNSURANCE. The�o�Iowing pra�isivns re�ating ta insu�-ing the Prvperty are a par#of#his Deed vf <br /> Trus�. <br /> Main�enance vf Ensurance. Trustor shaEl pracure and mainta�n pa�icies a# �ire insurance with standard extended <br /> coverage endvrsements �n a �air value basis for the �ulf insurab[e �alue ca�ering all lmprovemen�s ❑n �he R�al <br /> Property in an amount sufficient t❑ a�v�d appli�a�ion vf any coEnsurance clause. and with a s�andard mortgagee <br /> cfause in fa�ar of Lender. Trus�or shall aisv procure and maintain comp�-ehensi�e general liability insurance in such <br /> cv�erage amaun�s as Lender may reques� with Trustee and Lender being named as additional insur-eds in such <br /> � liability insurance polici�s. AdditEonal[y, Trustvr sha�l maintain such ❑�her insu�-ance, including �ut not Eimited �� <br /> hazard, business in�erruptian, and bviler�insurance, as Lender may reasona�fy require. Policies sha�E be written in <br /> form, amaunts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptable to, Lender and issued by a �ompany or companies <br /> r�asonably acceptable �o Lender. Trustar, upon r�qu�st ❑� Lender, wi11 deli�er tv Lender �rom time ta �ime the <br />