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��15��44� <br /> .� <br /> . * <br /> L�EED ��F TRUST <br /> � r <br /> Laan Nv: -'1 a'��8�5�v� �CDntlnued} Page � <br />� this Deed �fi Trust secures, in addition to the amounts spe�ified in the Nv�e, all �uture amounts Lender in its dis�re-�ion , <br />; may foan ta gorrower ar Trustor,toge�her with all interest thereon. <br /> Trust�r p�esently assigns tv Lender �also known as 6ene�iciary in �his Deed�vf Trusfi7 all a� Trus�or's right, title, and <br /> infieres� in and �❑ all presen� and futu�-e leases of �he Proper�y and all Ren�ts from th� Pro�erty. In addifi�an, Trus�or <br /> grants�o Lender a LJniform Commercial Code security interest in the Personal Proper�y and Rents. <br />� TH1S DEED DF TRUST, INCLUi]1NG THE ASS�GNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST lN THE RENTS AND � <br />� PERS�NAL PR�PEF�TY, !S �IVEN T� SECURE �A} PAYMENT �F THE rNaEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFDRMANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATI�NS UNDER THE NflTE, THE FiELATED DDCUiSllENTS. AND TH�S DEED �F TRUST. TH15 <br />� DEED�F TRUST 15 G�VEN AND ACCEPTED ❑N THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> TRL]ST�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AN�] WARRANTIES. Trus�or warran�s thafi: �a} this Deed ❑f Trust is exe�uted a� <br />; Borrawer's request and nvt a��he reques� of Lender; �b� Trus�ar has�the �ull power, right, and authvrity tv en�er in�a <br /> fihis De�d o�Trust and ta hypo�hecate the Property; �c} the pra�isions of this De�d ❑f Trust d❑ nvt con�lict with, vr <br /> resul� in a default under any agreemen�or ❑ther instrument binding upvn Trustor and d❑ not result in a �io�a�ion ❑f any <br /> �aw, regula�ion, �aur� decree or vrder applicable-fia Trus�or� �d} Trustor�has es�ablished adequa�e means af ab�aining <br /> �rvm Bvrrawer on a cant�nuing basis in-�orma�ion abaut Borr�rrver's fiinancial condition; and {e} Lender has made nv <br /> represen�a�ior�t�Trustor about gorrvwer �including without�imitation�he creditworthiness of Borrower�. <br />� TRUSTOR'S 11VA�VERS. Trus�tor wai�es ali �i�h�s or de�Fenses arising by reason of any "one ac�ivn" vr "an�i-de�icien�y" <br />; law, ar any vther law which may p�re�en� Lender fram bringing any action against Trustor, including a claim fvr <br />; deficEen�y t❑ �he exten� Lender is otherwise enfii�led to a claim �a�deficiency, before or af-�er Lender's commencement <br /> or compl��ian❑�any for�closure action, ei�kher judicially vr hy exerc;se o�a p�wer of sale. <br />; PAYMENT ANI] PERF�RMANCE. Except as atherwise prvWided in this ❑eed ❑�Trusfi, Borrower and Trust�r sha11 pay tv <br />� Lender ail lndeb�edness secured by this Deed vf Trust as i� becomes due, and Barrower and Trus�ar shall strictly <br /> perfarm al�their respecti�e ohliga�ions under�he Nvte,this Deed o�Trusfi, and�he Related Documents. <br />� PDSSESSI�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY. Bvrrvwer and Trustar agree tha� gorrower's and Trustor's <br /> possession and use of the Property sha1� be go�ern�d hy�he following pra�isions: � <br /> Passessivn and Use. Un�il �khe vccurrence o�F an E�ent ❑f Defauf�, Trustor may (1} remain in pvssession and <br /> cvn�rol o�the Praperty; t�} use, ❑pera�e or manage the Praper�y; and 43� col�ect the Ren�s from the Properky. <br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trusfior shall mafntain the P��perty in tenanta�le condition and promptly perform all repairs, <br />� replacements, and maintenance necessary�a preser�e E�ts�alue. <br />� Compliance Vlli#h Environmen�al Laws. Trus�or represents and warrants fiv Lender thafi: {�� During the periad of <br /> Trus�or's �wnership vf the P�-vperty,there has been n� use, genera�ion, manufac�ure, st�rage,treatment, dispvsal, <br /> re[ease ❑r threatened re�eas� ❑f any Hazardous Subs�an�e by any person ❑n, under, abou� or frvm the Praperty; <br /> ��} Trustar has n❑ knvvv�edge of, or reasan fio laeiieve that there has been, excep� as pre�ivusly disclased t❑ and <br /> , acknawledged by Lender in writing, {a} any breach vr vivlativn of any�Envirvnmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> g�nera�i�n, manu�ac�ure, s�orage, �rea�kment, disposa�, re��ase ar threatened release v# any Hazardous Subsfiance <br /> ❑n, unde�r, about or firom the Praperty hy any prior ❑wne�s or occupan�s of �khe Prope�ty, vr {c� any a�tual vr <br /> fihreatened litigation or �laims of any kind by any person relating to such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disciosed t� and a�knvwledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} nei�her Trust�r n�r any tenant, confira��or, agenfi or vther <br /> autharized user af the Praper�y shall use, generate, manufacfiure, store, treat, dispase❑f or release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance ❑n, under, about or firom the Praperty; and �b} any such ac�i��ty shall be conducted in compliance with <br /> all appEEcable �ederal, sfiate, and iocal �aws, regulatians and ordinances, including wi�haut limitation all <br /> En�ironmentaf Laws. Trus�or au�horizes Lender and its agents to enter upvn �he Property to make su�h <br /> inspectEons and �ests, at T�-us��r's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance ❑f the <br /> Proper�y wi�h �his sec�ion o�the ❑eed ❑f Trust. Any inspect3ons o�- tes�s made by Lender sha�� be �ar Lender's <br /> purpases vn�y and shali nof be cans��-ued �o �rea�e any responsibilifiy vr liabili�ry an�the part❑f Lender to Trus�or or <br /> �v any o�ther person. The representations and warran�ies contained herein are based ❑n Trustor's due diligence in <br /> . in�estigating the Property fior Hazardaus Substances. Trus�ar hereby ��} re�eases and wai�es any�u�ure �laims <br />� against Lender for �ndemnity ❑r contributivn in �he e�ent Trustvr becomes liabf� fio� cleanup o�- other costs under <br /> any such faws; and t2� agrees �o indemnify, defend, and ho�d harmless Lender agains�any and all claims, [osses, <br /> liahiliti�s, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly vr indirecfi�y sustain or suffer resulting �rvm <br /> a br-each af this se�tion af�he Deed of Trus� or as a �onsequence o� any use, genera�ion, manufac�ure, s�orage, <br /> d�sposal, release o�-threa�ened re�ease occurring prior to T�-ustor's vwnership or interest in the Prvperty, whefiher vr <br />' not the same was or sh�uEd ha�e been knvwn t❑ Trustor. The p�o�isions o�f �his sec�ion ❑f the Deed of Trus�, <br /> including�he olaligation to indemni�fy and defend, shafi s�rWi�e th� payment❑f the lndelatedness and th�satisfaction � <br /> and re�on�eyance vf fihe lien af this ❑eed of Trust and shall nvfi be affected by Lender's acquisitian of any interes� <br />: in the Proper�y,whether by fo�-ecFosure or o�herwise. , <br /> Nu�sance, Was�e. Trus�or shall not cause, conduct or permi� any nuisance nvr commit, permit, or suf�er any <br /> s�ripping �� ❑r wast� on or ta �he Praperty or any pvrtian af th� Property. Wi�hout limi�ing �he generali�y of the <br /> �oregoing, Trus�or will nvt remo�e, or gran�tv any other parfiy the right�a remoW�, any fiimber, miner-a!s �including <br /> oi[ and gas�, coal, clay,scoria, s�il, gravel ❑r rock pr�du�ts without Lender`s priar written Gonsen�. . <br /> l�emova!of lmprovements. Trustor shall not demo�ish or remove any Impro�ements#rom the Real Properfiy wi�hout <br />