<br /> r
<br /> nat be exercised unrea.sonably. Lender may require Barr�wer ta pay, in connectian wi�h th�s Loan, �it,her: (a}a ane-
<br /> time cha.rge far flood zone d��errninatian, �ertif catian and�racking services;or(h�a ane-time charge for flood zone
<br /> determinatian and certification ser�ic�s and subsequ�nt cha.rges each time remappings ar similar changes occur which
<br /> reason.ab�y might af�ect such de�ermination ar certificatian. Borrower shall alsa be responsible far the payment of
<br /> any fees imposed by the Federa�Emergency Man.agement Agency in connectian with t�e re�iew of any flaod zone
<br /> dete�rmina�ian r�sulting fr�m an abj�ction by Barr�wer.
<br /> �,f Borrower fails to mai.ntain any of the cv�erages described abave, Lender may abtain insurance co�erage, at
<br /> Lender's option a.nd Borrower's expense. Lender is under na obligation to purchase a.ny particular type or amount
<br /> af ca�erage. Ther�fore, su�h coverage shall co�er Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Barrawer's
<br /> equity in the Property, or the c�ntents of the Pr�perty, against any risk, hazard or liability and might pravide greater
<br /> or lesser coverage�han was pre�iausly in eff�ct. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance co�erage so
<br /> obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insuran�e that Borrower could ha�e v�tained. Any amaunts d.isbursed
<br /> by Lender under this Sectian S shall become additional debt vf Banawer secured by this Security�ns�rument. These
<br /> amounts sha�l bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement a.nd sha1l be payable, with such in�erest,
<br /> upon natice fram Lender to Barrower requesting payment.
<br /> A�I insuranc�pnlicies required by Lender and r�newals of such policies shall�e subj ect to Lender's right t�
<br /> disapprove such policies, shail include a standard mortgage clause, and sha�l name L�nder a.s mortgagee a,ndlor as an
<br /> add�tional loss payee. Lender shall ha�e the right ta hold the policies and renewal certificates. If Lend�r requ�res,
<br /> Borrower shall promptly gi�e to Lender a1�receipts of paid premiums a.nd renewa�notices. If Barrvwer abtains any
<br /> fvrm of insurance coverage, not�therwise required by Lender, fvr damage ta, or destructian of, the Property, such
<br /> poiicy shall include a standa,rd martgage clause and shal� name Lender as martgagee andlor as an additional loss
<br /> payee.
<br /> In the e�ent af loss, Borrower shall gi�e prompt natice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make
<br /> proaf vf lass if not ma.de pr�mptly by Barrawer. Unless Lender and Banower atherwise agree �.n writing, any
<br /> insura.nce proc�eds, whether or not th�underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration
<br /> or repair of the Property, if�he restoration or repair is economica�ly feasible and Lender's securi�y is not lessened.
<br /> During such repair and restoration period, Lender sha�l ha�e the right to hold such insurance proceeds until L�nder
<br /> has had an opportunity tv inspec� such Property to ensure t�he w�rk has been completed to Lend�r's satisfaction,
<br /> pro�ided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and
<br /> restarati�n in a single payment or in a seri�s of progress payment,s as the wark is completed. Unless an agreement
<br /> is ma.de in writing ar A�plicable Law requires interest ta be paid on such insurance prvice�ds, Lender sha�l not be
<br /> required to pay Barrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties,
<br /> re#ai.ned by Barrower sha�l na�be paid aut of�he insurance proceeds and shall be the so�e ob�igation af Bonawer.
<br /> �f the restoration or repa�.r is no�economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds
<br /> shall be applied to�}ie sums secured by th.is Security Instrument, whether�r not then due,with the excess,if any,paid
<br /> tv Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in th�arder pro�ided for in Section�.
<br /> If Sorrawer abandons the Property, Lender may fii�, n�gotia�e and s�ttl� a.ny a�ailable insura.nce claim a.nd
<br /> related matters. If Borrower dves no�resp�nd within 3U days to a notice from Lend�r#hat the in.surance carrier has
<br /> offered ta settle a claim, then Lender may negat�ate and settle the claim. The 34-day period w�ll begin when�he
<br /> natice is gi�en. In either even�, ar if Lender acqu.�res the Praperty under Sectian�2 or othervvise, Barrower hereby
<br /> assigns ta Lender(a�Borrower's rights to any insurance proc�eds in an amaunt not to exceed the amaunts unpaid
<br /> under the Note vr this Security Instrument, and�b}any other vf Borrower's r�ghts(other than th�right to any refund
<br /> of unearned premiums paid�y Borrower}und�r a11 insura.nce policies co�ering the Property, insofar as such rights
<br /> are applicable ta the ca�erage of the Property. Lender may use�he insurance proceeds eit�.�er to repair or restore t,he
<br /> Property or to pay amaunts unpaid under the Nate or this Security Ins�rument, whether or nvt then due.
<br /> 6. Uccupancy. Borrawer sha�l occupy, esta.blish, and use the Praper�y as Bonower's principal residence
<br /> within 64 days after the execution of this S�curity In.strument and shall con�inue to occupy the Property as Borrower's
<br /> principal residence far at Ieast ane year af�er the date of occupancy, unl�ss Lender otherwis�agrees in writing, which
<br /> NEBF�ASK►4r-Single Family--Fannie MaelFr+edd�e Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT- MERS p,o����
<br /> Form 3�28 11�1 Page� of 1� www.do�rrragic.com
<br />