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��15��435 <br /> If Lender exercises this optian, Lender shall gi�e.�3orrower notice of acceleration. The notiCe sha11 pro�ide a <br /> period af not less than 3�days from the date�he notice is given in accordance with Sect�on 1 S within which Borrower <br /> must pay a11 sums secured by this S�curity Instrument. If Barrawer fails to pay these sunas prior to the expiration of <br /> this periad, Lender may invvke any remedies permit�ed by this SeGurity Instrument with�ut further natice or demand <br /> on Barrower. <br /> 19. Burrower's RiEght to Reinstate After A�celeration. If Borrower meets c�rtain cond�tion.s, Borrower shall <br /> ha�e the right to ha�e enforcement af this 5ecurity Instrument discantinu�d at any time prior to the earliest nf: �a� <br /> five days before saie of the Proper�y pursuant to any pawer af sale cantai.ned in th�s Secur�ty Instr�ument; �b} such <br /> other perivd as Applicable Law might specify for the terminativn of Borrower's right to reinstate; �r (c)entry of a <br /> judgment enfvrcing this Security�nstrument. Thvse canditianS are that Bvrr�wer: �a}pays Lender al1 sums which <br /> then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Nate as if no acceleratian had occurred;(b}cures any default <br /> of any other ca�enants ar agreements;�c}pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing this Securi�y Instrum�nt, including, <br /> but not limited tv, reasonable attorn�ys' fees, prvperty inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the <br /> purpase vf protecting Lender's interest u�the Froperty and rights under this Security Instru.ment; and�d}t�kes such <br /> action as Lender may r�asana�ly require ta assure Lender's interest iri the Praperty and rights under t,his Securi�y <br /> Instrument, a.nd Bonvwer's obligation ta pay t�he surns secured by this Security Instrument, sha�l continue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require tha�Borrower pay such reinstatemen�sums and va one ar m�re af the follawing forms, <br /> as selected by Lender: �a}cash;(b�money order;(c}c�rtified check,bank check,treasurer's check or cashier's chec�, <br /> pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an institutian whose deposits are insured by a fed�ral agency,inst�rru.mentality <br /> ar en�ity;or�d}E�ectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstat�ment by Borrower,this Security Inst�ument and abligations <br /> secured hereby sha11 remain fu11y ef�eCti�e as if no acceleration had occurred. Howe�er, this right to reinstate sha11 <br /> nat apply�n the cas�af acceleration under Section 18. <br /> ZU. Sa�e af Note; �haage of Lvan Servicer;Noti��flf Grie�anee. The Nvte or a partial interest in the Note <br /> ttogether with this Security Instrument}can be sald one or more times withvut priar natice to E►�rrower. A sale might <br /> result in a cha.nge in the entity�kn.own as the "Laan Servicer"}that collects Periodic Payrnents due under the Note <br /> and thxs Security Instrument and perforrr�s�ther mor�gag�laan ser�icing vh�igat�ons under the Nate, this Security <br /> Instarrument, and�pplicable Law. There also might be�ne or more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated tv a sale <br /> of the Note. If there is a Change of the Lvan Ser�icer,Borrawer wi11 be gi�en wr�tten notice of the change which will <br /> state the name and address af the new Loan Ser��cer, the addr�ss to whi�h paymen�s should be made and any other <br /> informatian RESPA requires in�onnection with a natice of transfer af servicing. If�he Nate is svld and thereaf�er <br /> �he Loan is ser�i�ed by a Loan Servicer other#han the purchaser af the Note, the mortgage�oan ser�icing obligations <br /> to Barrawer wil�remain with the Laan Ser�icer or be transferred to a suc�essor Laan Servicer and are not assumed <br /> by the Not�purch,aser unless otherwise prv�ided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neit�her B�rrawer nar Lender may commence,jain, or be joined to a.ny judicial action�as either an indi�idual <br /> litigant or the member of a class}tha�aris�s fram th�other party's actians pursuant to th�s Security Instrument ar that <br /> al�eges that the o�her party has breached any pro�ision of, or any duty owed by reason af, this Security Insbrument, <br /> until such Borrvwer ar Lender has n�tified the other party�with such notice gi�en�.n complia,nce with the requirements <br /> of Sect�an i 5�of such al�eged breach and aff'�rded�he other party hereta a reasonable period after the gi�ing�f such <br /> notice to take carr�cti�e action. If App�icable Law pro�ides a tim�period wh�ch must elapse hefore certain act�on <br /> can be taken, that time periad will be deemed to be reasonable for purpases of this paragraph. The notice af <br /> acceleration and opportunity ta cure gi�en to Borrvwer pursuan�ta 5ect�on 22 and the notice of acce�erativn given <br /> to Borrower pursuant to Section 1 S sha11 be deemed to satisfy the nat�ce a.nd upportunity to take corrective action <br /> pravisions of this 5ec�ion 2U. ' <br /> Z1, Hazardaus Substanees. As used in th�s Section 21: �a} "Hazardous Substances" are#hose substances <br /> defined as toxic ar ha.zardous substances,pallutants, or wastes by En�iranmental Law and the follvwing substances: <br /> gasoline, kervsene, other flanamab�e or tox�c petraleum products, tuxic pesticides and herbicides, �o�atile so��ents, <br /> materials containing asb�stos ar formaldehyde, and radi�acti�e materia�s; (b} "En�iranmental Law" means federa� <br /> laws and�aws of th�jurisdictian where the Fraperty is located�ha�relate to health, safety or envuonmenta�protection; <br /> �c} "En�ironmental Cleanup" inc�udes any response a�t�on, remedial action, or r�mo�al action, as defined in <br /> NEBRASKA Singfe Famify--Fannie MaslFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRU - D�c�Bg�lc <br /> Form 3028 11a 1 Page 11 of 15 www.dvcmagic.�om <br />