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��15��435 <br /> under this Security Instrument un.less Lender agrees to si;ch releas�in writing. The co�enants and agreements af th�s <br /> Security instrument shall bind�except as pra��ded in Sectivn 2��and benef t the successors and assigns af Lender. <br /> 14. Loan�harges. Lender may charge Bvrrawer fees for services performed in connection with Borrower's <br /> default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Praperty and rights under �his Security Instrument, <br /> inc�uding, but nat Iimi�ed ta, attorneys' fees,property inspection and valuatian fees. In regard to any other fees, the <br /> absence of e�press authority in this Securi�y Instrum�nt tv charge a sp�cif c fee to Borrawer shall not be canstrued <br /> as a prohibiti�n on the charging vf such fee. L�nder may not charge fees that are expressly prahibi�ed hy this Security <br /> Inst�rrument ar by Applrcab�e Law. <br /> If the Loan is subj ect to a law which sets maximum loan charges, a.nd that law is finally interpreted so that the <br /> interest�r other loan charges collected ar to be collected in cannection with the Loan exceed the permitted Iimits, <br /> then: ��a}any such laan charge shal�Ue reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; <br /> and(b�any sums already collected fram Barrower which�xceeded permitted limits will be refund�d to Borrawer. <br /> Lender may choase to make this refund by r�ducing the principal awed wader the Note or by making a direct payment <br /> to Barrawer. �f a refund reduces principal, #�he reduct�on will be �reated as a partiai prepayment without any <br /> prepayment charge�whether ar not a prepayment charge is pra�ided far under the Nate}. Barrower's acceptance of <br /> any such refund made by c�rect payment ta Borrower will constitute a wai�er af any right vf action Borrower might <br /> ha�e ar�sing vut of such a�ercharge. <br /> 15. Notices. A11 natices gi�en by Barrower or Lender in cannection with this Security Instruirient mus�be in <br /> writing. Any notice to Barrvwer in connection with tlus Security Instrument sha11 be deemed ta ha�e been gi�en�a <br /> Barrawer when mailed by first c�ass mail ar when ac�ually delivered to Borrvwer's notice address if sent by other <br /> means. Notice ta any ane Borrawer shall canstitute notice to all Barrowers wa.Iess Applicab�e Law expressly requires <br /> otherwise. The nvtice address sha11 be the Prop�rty Addr�ss unless Borrvwer has designa�ed a substitute notice <br /> address hy not2ce to Lender. Borravv�r shall promptly notify Lend�r nf Barrower's ch�nge of address. If Lender <br /> specifies a procedure for reporting Bonawer's change of address,�hen Borrow�r sha�1 only report a ch.ange of address <br /> through that spec�fied proc�dure. There may b�only nne designated notice address under this 5ecurity In.strument <br /> at any ane time. Any nvtice ta Lender sha�l be g�ven by de�i�ering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's <br /> address stated here�n unless Lender has desig�ated ano�her address by n�tice to Borrawer. Any notic�in�onnect�on <br /> with this 5ecurity�n,strument sha11 not be deemed to ha�e been gi�en to L�nder until actu.a�ly recei�ed by Lender. <br /> If any natice required by t�us Security Instrumen� is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law <br /> requirement will satisfy th�correspanding requirement under this Security Instrument. <br /> 16. Go�erni�ng Law; Se�erability; Ru�es vf Canstruction. 'This Se�urity In.str�ument shall be go�erned by <br /> federal law and the 1aw of the jurisdiction in which the Property is lflcat�d. A1�rights and obligati�ns cantau�ed in <br /> this Secur�ty Lns�ru.ment are subject to ar�y requirements and li.mitatiflns of Applicabie Law. App�icab�e Law m�ght <br /> � explicitly ar implicitly a11ow the parties to agree by cantract or it might be silent, but such silence shall not be <br /> construed as a prahibition against agreement by contract. In t,he e�ent that any provision or clause of this Security <br /> Instzument or the Nate canflic�s with Applicabie Law, such c�ntlict shall not affect other pro�isions of this Security <br /> Instrument or the Nate which can be gi�en efFect wi�hout�he canflicting pro�ision. <br /> As used in this Se�urity Ins�rument: �a}words of the masculine gender sha�l mean and include correspanding <br /> neuter words�r wvrds of the feminine g�nder; (b}wards in�he singular sha�l mean and include the plural arid�ice <br /> versa; and�c}the�vord"may" gi�es sale discretion without any obligation ta take any action. <br /> � 17. Borrower's�opy. Borrower sha�l be given une cvpy of�he Nate and of this Security Instrum�nnt. <br />. 18. Transfer af the Prvperty or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Sec�ian 1 S, "Interes�in <br /> �he Froperty" m�ans any�egal or beneficial interest in�he Property, includ�ng, but not Iimited t�, t�hose beneficiai <br /> interests transferred in a bond fnr deed, contract for deed, u�stallment sales con�ract or escrow agreemen�, t�ie intent <br /> of which is the transfer of title by Barrower at a future d.ate to a purcha.ser. <br /> If all or any part af the Property or any Interest in the Froperty is sold ar transferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natura�persvn and a beneficial interest in Banawer is sold ar transfened}without Lender's prior written consent, <br /> Lender may require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this 5ecurity Ins�ru.ment. However, th�s option <br /> sha�l not b�exercised by Lender if such exercise is prvhibited by Applicable Law. <br /> NFBRASKA Single Family--Fannie MaelFr+eddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUMENT- MERS ���� <br /> Form 3D28 �1D1 Page 1� of '15 www.dv� <br />