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��15��43� <br /> in�he Pr�perty and r�ghts under�his S�curit� Instrumen�; and �d} �akes such ac�ion as Lender may <br /> reasonab��require�o assure that Lender's in�erest �n the Proper�y and r�ghts under th�s S�cur�t� �ns�rument, <br /> and Borr�wer's obliga�ion to pay the sums secured�y this Securi�y �nstrumen�, shall�on��nue unchanged. <br /> Lender may requ�re that Barrov�er pay such reinstatem�n�sums and expenses in one ar mflre�f the fo��ow�ng <br /> forms, as se�e�ted by Lender: (a} cash; �b}money order; �c} certi�ed check, bank check, treasurer's c�eck or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such che�k is drawn up�n an inst�tu��an whose deposi�s ar�insured by a <br /> federal agenGy, instrumen�ality or en���y; or�d} Electroni� Funds Transfer. Upon r�instatemen�b�Borrower, <br /> th�s Securit� Instrument and obl�ga�ions se�ured hereby sha11 remain full�effect��e as if no acceleration had <br /> occurr�d. �iowever, th�s right to r�ins�a�e shall no�app�y �n the case of acceleratiion under 5ec�ion �8. <br /> 2D. Sale af Note; �hange vf Laan Ser�icer; Notice vf Gr�e�ance. The Note ar a pa�t�al in�ere�� �n�he <br /> Note�tagether v�ith this Secur��y �nstru�men�}can be sold�ne or m�re�imes v���hau�pr�nr no�ice�o <br /> BQrrower. A sale might resu�� in a�hange in the en�i�y�kn�v�n as the "Lna�z Servicer"��hat�ollects P�riod�c <br /> Paymen�s due under�he Note and�his SeCurity In�trument and perf�rms other mortgage�oan serv�c�ng <br /> �b�iga�ions und�r�he N��e, �h�s Securi�y Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might�e ane or more <br /> changes�f the Loan SerWicer unrela�ed to a sa�e of�he N��e. If there is a change af the Loan S�r��cer, <br /> Barrower w�l�be g�ven wri�ten no�ice of�he change�vh�ch wi�� s�ate�he name and address of the new Loan <br /> Servicer, the address to w�ich pa�ments should be made and any o�her�nforma�ion R�SPA requ�res in <br /> conneG�ion wi�h a notic�vf�ransfer of ser�v�cing. �f�he Note is so�d and thereafter�he I.flan�s ser�ri�ed by a <br /> Laan Servicer o�her than�he pur�haser of�he N��e, �he m�r�gage�aan serv�c�ng nbligat�ons to Borrawer vvi�1 <br /> remain with th�Loan Servicer Qr be transferred�a a successflr Loan Serv�cer and are not assurned by�he <br /> Nflte purchas�r un�ess o�herv�ise pra�ided by th� Nate pur�haser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may can�amence?j oin, �r be j oined�o any�udic�al ac�ion�as ei�her an <br /> ind���dual litigan��r the member af a c�ass}�ha�ar�ses from the other party's actions pursuant�o�his <br /> Security Ins�rument or that al�eges that�he other party has brea�hed an�pravis�on�f, or any duty owed by <br /> r�ason of, th�s Securi�y �nstrument, until such Borrawer or Lender has no�if�ed�he other par�y �with such <br /> notice g�ven in�a�np�iance ur�th the requirements of Se��ion 15}of such a��eged br�ach and affarded the <br /> other party here�a a reasonable p�r�od af�er the giv�ng of such no�ice�o�ake corrective ac��an. If Appiicable <br /> Lav�pro��des a time period which m�us�elapse hefore e�r�ain ac�ion can be taken, tha�time period wiii be <br /> deemed to he reasonable for purpos�s of this para�raph. The notice of accelera�ion and�ppor�un�t�ta cure <br /> given to �orrov�rer pursuan�to Section 22 and th�n�tice of ac�e�era�ion g�ven�� Borrower pursuan��o <br /> Sect�on 1 S shali be deemed�o sa�isfy��.e not�ce and oppo�unity�a�ake correc�i�e ac�i�n pro�isions of th�s <br /> Sec�ion�a. <br /> ��. Hazardous Suhstanees. As used in th�s Sec�ion 2�: �a} ".I�'a�ardous�"ubstances"are those substa.�ces <br /> defined as�ox�c or hazardous su�bs�ances, p�l�uta.n�s, or wastes by En��ronmental Lav�and�.he fo��aw�ng <br /> subs�an�es: gasoline, �ernsene, other flarnmab�e or�oxic petroleum products, to�i�pesticides and herbicides, <br /> vo�a�iie so�ven�s, ma�eria�s con�aining asb�s�os or fornnaldehyde, and radi�ac��ve mater�als; �b} <br /> ".Environrr�e��ar L,ci�v"means federal laws and �aws of�he jur�sdictian where the Proper�y �s located�hat <br /> r�la�e to health, safe�� or�nviranmental protec�ion; �c} "Er�viranr�2ert�al �leartu�"includes any response <br /> actian, rernedial acti�n, or remo�a� action, a�defined in En�irQnmen�a� Law; and �d}an "�nviro�rireyzta� <br /> C�ndition"xneans a cond�t�on�hat can cause, contribute to, nr otherwise trigger an�nvironmental C�eanup. <br /> Borr��ver sha�i no��ause or perz�t�he pre�ence, use, disposai, s�orage, or re�ease of any Hazardnus <br /> Su�stances, ar�hrea�en ta release any �3azardous 5ubstan�es, on�r in�he Praper��. Borr�wer sha��n��do, <br /> nor a��ow anyon�e�se to do, anyth��.g aff�cting the Proper�y�a� that �s �n violat�on of any En�iranmental <br /> Law, �b} whi�h creates an�n��ronmentai Condi�i�n, or��} whzch, due t��he presence, use, ar re�ease of a <br /> Hazardaus Subs�ar��e, crea�es a cand�txon that adversely affects�he�ralue o#'the Praper�y. The preceding two <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT Form 3fl28�109 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�y{1302} <br /> Wolters K�uwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 13 af 17 <br />