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��15��43� <br /> designated a substitu�e notice address by natic�to Lender. B�rrawer shali promp��y na��fy Lender of <br /> Barrower's change of address. If Lender specifi�s a pracedure far repar�ing Borro�er's change af address, <br /> then Barrower shall �nly repor�a change�f addr�ss �hraugh that speci��ed pr�cedure. <br /> There ma� �e on�y one d��igna�ed r���i�e address un�er th�s S��ur��y �nstrument at any on��ime. Any notice <br /> to Lender shall be g�v�n by�l��iver�ng �t or by ma�ling it b� f�rst�Ias�m�ai� to Lender's address stated here�n <br /> unless Lend�r has des�gnat�d anoth�r address by n�t��e to Borr�wer. Any no�ice in cannec�ian w�th�his <br /> Secur�ty �ns�ru.ment shal� n�t be d�em�d to ha�e been g��en to Lender un�il actually recei�ed by L�ndcr. �f <br /> any na��ce required by this Security�nstrument is also required under Applicable Lav�, the App�icab�e Law <br /> requirenlen�will sa�isfy the corresponding requirement under this Secur�t� �nstrument. <br /> '1�. Cvverning Law; Se►rerab�l�ty; Ru1es vf Cvnstruction. This Security�nstrumen�sha��be governed by <br /> federa� �aw and�he�aw af the�ur�sd�etinn in wh�ch the PrQperty is�flcated. A11 rights and�b�igati�ns <br /> conta�ned �n this Security �nstrument are subjec�to an�re�uirements an�Iimitations of App�icab�e Law. <br /> Applicable Law might e�plicitl�or implici��y a��ovw the part�es to agree by contract or i�migh�be s�lent, �ut <br /> such si�ence shall na�be construed as a prahibi�i�n against agreemen�by can�rac�. �n the e�en�that any <br /> pro��si�n�r claus��f this SeCurit��ns�rumen�or the Note confl�cts�vith Applieable La�v, such confl�ct sha11 <br /> no�affect other provis�ans of thxs Se�ur�ty�nstrument�r the No��whi�h can b�g��en effe���v�thout the <br /> confl�ct�ng pro�is�on. <br /> As used in�his Securi�y Instrumen�; �a} wards af�h�masculin�gender sha�� mean and xnc�ude correspanding <br /> neuter w�rds�r w�rds of the feminine gender; �b} words in the s�ngular sha�� mean and inc�ude the plural <br /> and��ce versa; and �c}the ward "may" gives sa�e discre�ion w�thout az�y�bligation ta ta�e any actinn. <br /> �7. Bvrr�vrrer's �npy. Borrawer sha��be given one capy af�he Note and of this SeCurit� Instrument. <br /> �8. T�ansfer flf the P�vperty or a Beneficia� �nterest in Bvrrower. As used in th�s Section ��, "Interest�n <br /> the Prop�r�y" means any legal or beneficxai �n��res�in the Property, including, but na�Iimi�ed ta, thase <br /> �eneficia� in�erests tra�nsferred�n a bond for deed, contrac�far deed, �nstallmen�sales con�rac��r escrow <br /> agr��nZent, the�ntent of which �s�he transfer�f ti��e by Borrawer at a future da��to a purchaser. <br /> �f a�� ar an�r part o�r the Prapert�r or any �nt�r�st in the Prop�r�y is s�ld�r transf�rred��r�f BQrrovver�s n��a <br /> natural persan and a beneficial int�r�st in Borrower is said ar�ransferred}w�thaut Lender's priar wri�ten <br /> �onsent, Ler�der may require imm��.�ate paym�nt�n full of a�� su�ms secured by t�is Security Ins�rument. <br /> ��wever, this op�i�n sha�l n�t be exerc�sed by L�nder�f such e�ercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. <br /> �f L�nder exerc�ses this op�zon, Lender shall g�ve Borrower notice of accelera�ion. Th�n��i��sha��prav�de a <br /> period of nflt�ess than 3�days from th�dat�th�noti�e is given in acc�rdanc�wi�h SeGtz�n �5 with�n which <br /> Borrower mus�pa�r aI� sums secur���y th�s S��uri�y Instrument, �f Borrawer fa��s��pay �hese sums prior�o <br /> the expirati�n of�his periad, L�n��r may�nv�ke any remedies pernz�t�ed�y t�is Security Ins�rument without <br /> further not�ce or demand on Barr�wer. <br /> '19. Borro►nrer's Right to Reinstate After A�ce[erati�n. �f Barrawer meets��rta�n�ondzt��ns, Barrower <br /> sha�� ha�e the r�ght to have enforc�ment of thi� S��urity Ins�rumen�dxscont�nu�d a�any t�m�.e pri�r to the <br /> ear�iest af: �a} fi�e days befor��al��f th�Praperty pursuan�t�any�awer of sale c�ntained�n�his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument; �b} such�ther per�od as App��cable Law m�ght spec�fy far the term�nat�an of Borrower'� right to <br /> re�nsta�e; nr�c} en�ry of a judgnnent enf�rcing th�s Security �ns�rumen�. Those conditions are tha�Barrow�r: <br /> �a�pays Lender a�� sun�s which then would be due under thi�Securit�Ins�rument and the Note as �f n.� <br /> acce�era�ion had occurred; �b} cures any default of any other co�enants or a�reements; �C}pays a�� expenses <br /> incurred in enforcing this Se�urity Instrument, in�luding, bu�no�l�mi�ed�o, reas�nab�e a�tarneys' fe�s, <br /> proper�y inspection and vaivati�n fees, and nther fees incurr�d for�he purpose of pratecting Lender's interest <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�artnie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�DRM INST�tUM�NT �arm 34�8 1t�1 <br /> VMP[►� VMPfi�NEy�13D2} <br /> Wotters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices P�g�12 vf 17 <br />