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��15���57 <br /> [�EE� �F TRLJ�T <br /> _ <br /> �an �V�: ������9�� ���t�t��7ued� Pa�� 5 <br /> the Proper-�y a-� -the ��me and place af safe fixed �y �t �n such Nafiice of 5al.e, ei�her as a �nrho[e; or in <br /> separate lo�s or par�e[s or items as Trustee sha[f deem exped'rent, and in such order as i-� may determ'rne, <br /> at pub�ic au��ion to the highes�I�idder�vr cash in lawfu� rrioney o��he United Stafies paya�le at�he�ime <br /> of sa[e. Trustee sha[[ de�iver �v such pu�chaser or purchasers th�rea� its go�d and su�fficien-t de�d v�- <br /> deeds canveying �he property so sold, bu� vv�tho�rt any co�enant or wa��an�y� e�€press or implied. The <br /> reci-�aIs in such deed o� an�y ma-�-�e�s or fiacts sha[[ be conc[us�ve pro�f af the tru�hfulness thereo�. Any <br /> persvn, including withou�[imita�ion Trustorr Trustee,or Lenderr may purchase a�such sa�e,. <br /> �b� As may be permitted by �avtir, after deducting a[[ cos�s, -�ees and sxpenses of Trustee and of this <br /> Trus�, incLud�ng costs of ev�dence ofi ti�[e in cvnne�tion with sale,Trustee shafl apply�he proceeds o�r sa�e. <br /> �o paymen� of ��} all sums expended under �he �erms of �his Deed �f Trust or under the terms of�he <br /> �redi�Agreemen� not �hen repaid, �ncluding but not [imi�ked �a accrued interes� and late charges, {�i} all <br /> other sums then secured hereby; and (iii� �he rerr�ainder, if any, �o the person or persons legaliy�ntit�ed <br /> the�-eto. <br /> {c� Trustee may in the m�nner pro�ided �y lavtr postpone sa[e o�all or any po�fi�on of the PrQperty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusi�re. Trustee and Lender, and each o� them, s:hall be enfiit€ed to en�orce paymen�k and <br /> performance�€any indebtedness or ob[igatians s�cured by this Deed vf T�-ust and�o exerc�s�all i-�gh�s and povtirers <br /> uncfer this Deed of Trust, under the Credi� �g�eemen�, under- any o� �he R��ated Documents, or unde�- any o�her <br /> agreement vr any [aws noinr �r hereafter gn force; notlrvi�hstand�ng, some or all vf sucf� 6ndebtedness and <br /> �bligations secured hy this Deed of Trust may nvw or hereafter be o�hervvise secured� whether by mpr-�gage, deed <br /> of trus�, p[edge� [ien, assignment or otherwise. Nei�th�r the ac�ep-�ance vf this Deed of Trus� n�r i�s en�o�cemen-�, <br /> whe�he� by cour� activn �r pursuan� to �he power o� sa�e or other powers conta�ned in this Deed of Trustr sha�� <br /> prejudice or in any manner af�ect Trustee's or Lender's right to realize upon or en�orce any o�her se�urity naw or <br /> �ereafter held by Trustee Qr Lender-, it b�ing agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and each o-F them, shall be entitled to <br /> enforce �his Deed of Trust and any other securi-ry now or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they or either vf �hem may in -the�� absolute discre�ion determine. No remedy confierred upan or <br /> reser��ed to Trustee vr Lender, is intended to be exclusi�e vf any vther remedy in �his ❑eed ot Trus� vr by �aw <br /> pro�ided or permit�ted, but each shall be cumuCativ� a�d sh�lf be in addi�kion to ��ery other remedy given in this <br /> Deed o�Trust ar nvw ar her�afker ex'rstin.g a� �aw or in equity or by statute. Every power or �-emedy gi�en �y�he <br /> Credit Agr�ement or any o� �he Re[ated Documents �o Truste� ar vr �o wh€ch either o� them may he <br /> otherv�rise en�i-�fed, rr�ay be e�erc�sed, concurrently or indep�ndently, fr�rr� time �o time and as ofi�en as may be <br /> deemed e�pedien-� b� Trustee or Lender, and �ither fl-�them may pursue rnc�nsistent remedies. Nvthing in this <br /> De�d of Trus� sha�l be construed as proh�biting Lender�rom se�king a deficEeney judgment against the Trustar�o <br /> tne exfent such acti�n is perrr�itted by law. <br /> E�ec�ivn of Remec�ies. AII af Lender's righ�s and remedies wil� �e cumu�ati�e and may be e��rcised a�one or <br /> toge�her. lf L�nder decides t� spend money or ta perform any o�T�-ustor's obligations under this Deed of Trust, <br /> a�ter Trustor's fai[ur� �o do so, tha� decis�on by Lender wi[[ no�a�feet Lender's right t� dec�are Trustor in de-Fault <br /> and�o exereise Lender's remedies. <br /> F��quest for 1Vvtice. Trus�or, on behal�F of Trustar a-nd Lender, hereby requests that a copy of any Natice v�Defau[t <br /> and a capy of any N�tice of Sa[� under th�s Deed o�Trust be mailed ta them a�the addresses se�fvrth in fihe firs� <br /> paragraph���his Deed��Trus�. <br /> A�€t�rneys= Fees� Ex�enses. 1� Lender institutes any sui� or action �o enforce an� of the terms o� this �eed �� <br /> �rus�, Lend�r sha[[ b� en-��t�ed to reco�er such surr� as�he c�urt may adjudge reasona�le as a�torneys` fees at tria� <br /> and �apan any a�pea[. 111lhethe� or no� any �ou� ac�ion �s �n�olWed, and to the �x�re�� n�t pro�ibi-��d hy �aw, a�E <br /> reasona�le e�penses Lende� �ncurs �ha� in Lender's �p��ian are r�ecessary a� a:ny time �or �he p�otec�ion vf its <br /> inter�st or��e en��rcer�enfi o��ts rights shal� become a par�of�he lnd�btedness payab[e�n demand and shali bear <br /> �nteres� at the Credifi Agreement ra�e from the date of the e�cpendi�ure unt�f repaid. Expens�s cQ�re�red �y �his <br /> paragraph include, withou�limitafiion, haweWer subject to any limits under applicab�e lav�r, Lender's a�orneys' fees <br /> and Lender's �egal expenses, whe�ter or n�t �the�e is a fawsuit, including attorneys" �ees and expenses �ar <br /> bankruptcy proceed�ngs �inc[ud�ng ef€orts to modi�y or vacate any automa�ic stay vr injunctron�, appeals, and any <br /> anticipated post judgment collection 5E.'CV�C�Sr �he cos� o� searching re�ords, obtain�ng title reports {including <br /> forec�osure reports}; surWeyors' reports, and app�raisa� �ees, titfe insuranee, and fees f�r the Trust�e, to the ext�nt <br /> permitted by appf icabfe�aw.- Trustar also wi[[ pay any caurt cos�s, in addition to a�!other sums provided hy law. <br /> Rights of T�ustee. Truste�shall haW�a��of-�he righ�s and duties of Lender as set for�th in this sec�ion. <br /> P+��lIIEF�S�1�VD �BL�GATI�NS �F`f�LdSTEE. �he �o���wing pra�risions r�lating ta�he powe�s arad ��l�ga�ions o�Trustee <br /> are par�a-��fias �eed o��"rus�. <br /> �a�er� vf Truste�a 9n add��ion to aI[ pov�ers o�Tr�s�ee arising as a �x�,a��er mf�aw�Tr�stee sha�� ha�e�he �aow�r t� <br /> fiake�he fol�owing ac�ions r�rith r�,spe�t�a th� Prvper�ij upvn �he�nrrit�e� �eques��i Lend��-ar�d�"�us�.�r: �a��vir� ir� <br /> prepar�ng and �iling a rnap or p�a� of the Real F'rcapertyf iracluding �he ded€cation o� s�reets �r o�her €-�ghts to �he <br /> pub[ic; {b� ja�n �n granting any easement ar createng any restr€c�ion on �he �eal Prop�rr�y; and {c� ja�n in any <br /> sul�ord�na�ion or other agreem�nt affe�t�ng�his De�d ofi Trust ar the in��rest❑f Lender under this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Truste�. Trustee shall meet a�� quali�ica�ivns required for Trustee under app[i�ab[e �aw. ln addition tv the rights <br /> and remed��s set�arth abo�e, with resp�ct to af� or any part o�t�te Prflper-ty, the Tru�tee shali hav� the righ��o <br /> fo�eciose by notice and sa�e, and L�nder �nri�I ha�e the right �v �orec[ose by�ud�cial for�.c�vsure, in eifiher case in <br /> accor-dance�nrith and tv the ful[exten�provided by app[i�a�1�law. <br /> Successo���ustee. Lender, at Lender's op�ior�, rnay�ram time to�ime app�int a successor Trus�ee t� any Trus�t�e <br /> ap�ointed under�his Deed of Trus� by an instrurr�ent executed ar�d acknvw�edged by Lender and reGorded sr� the <br /> . office of �he recorder o� HA�L Coun-�y, Sta�te o� Nebraska. The �ns�rument shal[ �on-�ainr in addit�on to a�� o��e�- <br /> �-na�ers required by s�ate lav�r, �he names �f ��e o�-iginal Lender, T€�ustee, and Trus��r, ��e boak arad �aag� ��r <br /> compu-ter syster� reference� where �his Deed �f �"rus� is recorded, ar�.d tl�e �ame and address o� �he su��essvr <br /> t�ustee, and the ins�rument sha�� be executed and acknov�rjedged by al�-�he l�ene��e�aries under�his �eed af Trus-t or <br /> th�ir successors in interest. The successvr trus�ee, v�itho�t conveyance o�the Propert�r, sh�ll succeed �o al� -�f�e <br /> tit�e, po�nrer, and du�ies conferred upon�he�rus�ee in�his [Je.ed o�r Trust and by applicab�e [aw. Th��proced�ure�ar <br /> subs�itution of Trustee shall gbvern to the ex��usion of aI�other pro��s€ons fvr s.ubst�tuti�ra. <br /> N�TI�ES. Any notice required �o be gi�en under�his Deed of Trust, incEuding wstho�a� fimitation any notice of default <br /> and any no�ice of sa[e shaI[ be gi�en in writing, and sha[[ E�e eff�cti�e wh�n actually de�ivered� when actuaf�y recei�ed <br /> by�elefacsim€�e �u;n[ess otherwise required by I�w}, when deposited with a nationally recognized a�ernight courier, o�-, Ef <br /> ma��ed, when depasited �n�he United States mail, as first class, cer-�ified vr registered mai[ postage pre�aaid, direc�ed to <br /> the acfdresses shovtirn near the b�ginning of this Deed of Trust. A1� copies of notic�s ofi�or�closure fram �he holder �� <br /> anjr [ien which has pr�ori�y over�his D�ed ofi Trus� shaf[ f�e s�nt to Lender°s add�ess, as s��w� r�ear��e aeginni�� of <br /> -�his �eed of Tr�st. Any �person rr�ay change his or her address -�v� r�oti�es under �his Deed of Trus� b� gi��ng for�a� <br /> wri��er� notice to the other �erson vr persvns, speci���g �ha�c the �urpose ❑f t�te r�ot€ce as to �han�e �he person4s. <br /> address. For�otic� purposes, Trus�or ag���s�o kee��ender Er�-�orrr�ed �t al��imes of T�-us��r's �urr�n�addresso �n[es� <br /> o�herwise provided or requi�-ed by �a�nr, �-�t�ere is �nor�tha� ane Trustor, �n�o notice g€��n by Le:�de�-to any�rustor �s <br /> d�enr�ed�o be natic�gi�en to af[�rustors. 1�will i�e Yrustoa-'s responsibi[Ety ta�ell�he others o��he notice�rvrr� Ler�deze <br />