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��15���57 <br /> DEED �F TRUS� <br /> Laan 1Vo: �7��5��4°� {�ol�$Inu�d} Page 4 <br /> SECUF�ITY AG�EE�ENT; F�NANCENG STATEII!lENTS. The �ol�ow�ng pro�isivns re[ating ta this Deed of Trust as a <br /> securi�y agreement are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument sha[f cons�itute a Security Agreemen� to the ex-tent any o� the Property <br /> cons�itutes fi�ures, and Lend�r shall na�e a[[ o�the righ�s o�a secured par�y under the Uniform Gommercial �ode <br /> as amended�Frvm�ime�o�ime. . <br /> Securify in�erest. Upon request by Lend�r, Trustor shall take whatever action �s requested by Lender to per�ect <br /> and continue Lender's security in�eres� in�he Persona� Proper�y. f n addifiion to rec�rding this Deed of Trust in �he <br /> rea[ prvp.erty records, Lender may, a� any time and without �urther authori�a�ion from Trustor, file executed <br /> coun�erparts, capies or reproduc�ions o� this Deed o� Trus� as a financing statemen�. Trustar �hall re�mhurse <br /> Lender for all expenses incurred in per��cting or cantinuing this securi�y interest: Upon de�ault, Trustor sha[I not <br /> remfl�e, seWer or detach �he P�rsona[ Property from th.e Property. Upon defauit, Trustor shall assemble any <br /> Pe�sona[ Property not a��ix�d to �the Property in a manner and at a p[ace reasonably coni��nient to Trus�or and <br /> Lend�r and make ��t availa�le to Lender vvi�hin three �3� days after receipt o� iivritt�n demand firom Lender to the <br /> extent permi��ed by appfi�able law. <br /> Addresses. The ma��in� addresses of Trustor {dehtar} and Lender {secur�d party� from which inform�t�on <br /> conce.rn�ng the security interest granted by this Deed o'f Trus� may be obtained {each as required by the [Jni�orm <br /> Comme�cia[ Code� are as sta�ed on the�First page o�th�s Deed vf Trus�. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; �TT�RNEV-IN-FA�T. The �following pro�isions relating to further assu�-ances and <br /> a��orney-in-�act are a part o�this Deed af Trust: <br /> Further�ssurances. At any time, and from t�me to time, upvn request ofi Lender,Trust�r w��� make, execute and <br /> deliWer, or wi[[ cause to be made; e�ecuted or de[iWer�d,to Lender or�v Lender's designee, and when reques�ted by <br /> Lender, cause to be fil�d, recarded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such ti_mes and in such offices <br /> and pfaces as Lender may de�m appropriate, any and a[[ such mortgages, deeds o-�trust, secur�ty deeds, se�urity <br /> agre�men�s, financin� s�a�emen�s, continuafiian sta�ements, ins�ruments o�F �further assuranc�; certificates, and <br /> o�her documen�s as may, in the sole opinion of Lende�f be necessary o�desirabl��n �rder to efFectuafie, complete, <br /> per�ect, c�n�inue, or preserve �'i� Trustor's ❑b�igations under the Credi�Agreement, �his Deed o-�Trust, and the <br /> Rela�ed Documents� and {�} the liens and security inter�sts cr�ated hy�his ❑eed o�F Trust as ���rst and prior iiens <br /> on the Proper�y, �nrhethe�-naw ov�rned or hereafter acquired by Trus�or. Un[ess prQhibi�ed by Iavtir ar Lender agrees <br /> tv the contrary in writing,Trustor shall reimburse Lender fvr all costs and e�penses incurred in�onnecti�n wi�h-�he <br /> rna�ters re�erred to in th�s paragraph. <br /> At�orney�n-Fa�ttl l�Trustor fails to d� any of th��hings referred to in the preced�ng paragraphr L�nder may do so <br /> fvr and �n the name ��F Trustar and at Trus�or's expense. For such purposes, Trus�or hereby zrre�ocab�y appv�n�ts <br /> . Lender as Trus��r`s a�torney-in-�act�or the purpose o�making, e�eecuting, deli�er�ng��iling, recording, and doing all <br /> v�her things as may be necessary vr desirab[e, in Lender's so[e opinion, �o aGcamplish the mat�ers re�erred �o in <br /> the preced�ng paragraph. <br /> FULL 1PERF�RiIIiANCE. l�Trustor pays all the Indebtedness v�rh�n due,termina�es the credit[ine account,and otherv�rise <br /> per�orms a�!the obligatians imposed upon Trustor under this Deed v�Trust, Lender sha[[ execute and de[iver tv Trustee <br /> a r�ques� �For �u[[ recvn�eyance and sha�� e�e�cute and deiiver to Trus�or suitab[e s�atemen�s of �ermination of any <br /> financing sta�emen� on file e�idencing Lender's securi�y interes� in the R�nts and �he Persanal Property. Any <br /> recon�eyance fee required by[aw sha11 he pa�d by Trustor, if permit�ed by applicab[e law. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustor will be in de�au[�under th'rs �eed o�F Trust �f a�y o�the �of[awing happen: �A} Trustor <br /> cornmits �raud or makes a material misrepresentation at any tirr�e in c�nnec�ion wi�h �h� Credit Agreement. ThEs can <br /> include, for example, a false s�atement abvu� Trus�or's sncor�e, asse�s, 1�abi�€tfes, o� any oth�r aspec�s o� Trustor's <br /> �inancia! condi�iort. {B� Trus-�o�-does not me��th� rep�yrrien��errr�s of the �redi�Agr�e�ent. �C} Trustor's ac�tion or <br /> dnac�ian ad�ersely affects �the collat�ral vr Lender's rights �n �he collafierai. This can incfude, fior e�amp[e; failur� to <br /> rnaintasra rec�u�red insurance, vvas�e or des�ructive use of the dwe��ing, fai�u�-e�a pay-�axes, death af a�i persons liab[e on <br /> the accvunt, t�ans�er of �itle ar sa[e of �he dwelling, cre�tio� o�F a senivr [ien on �he dwef ling without Lender's <br /> permiss;�n, �Fvre�losure by the halder of anoth�r�f�n, or-the use af funds��r the dwe[[ing for prohibited purposes. <br /> RtGHTS AIVD REiIl�ED�ES �N DEFAUL�. lf an E�ent of Defau�t occurs under th�s ❑e�d o�Trus�, a�any tim��hereafter, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any an�or mflr�o�the€o[[�wing righ�s and remed�es: <br /> A�ce�eration U�vn Defau�t;�tdditAvnaI Remedies. l�any EWent of De�ault accurs as per the�erms o�the Credit <br /> Agr�ement secured hereby, Lender may deciare al[ lndebtedness secured �y this I��ed of Trust to he due and <br /> payab[e a.nd fihe sa.m� shall thereupon become due and payab�e wi�hou�any presentment, demand, pratesfi or <br /> notice vf any kind. �fhereaf�er,Lende�may: <br /> �a} Ei��ter in persan ar hy ageni�■ 1N1��'l DC �nrithou� bringing any action or proceeding, vr by a recei��r <br /> appoin�ed by a c�ur-�and wi�houit regard �o the adequacy v�its securi�y, en�er upon and take possession <br /> of the Property, vr�ny par�thereo�, in ��ts own name o�'rn�he name o�Trustee, and do a-ny ac�s wh�ch i� <br /> deems necessary or desirable to preserve�he�alued marke�ability or rentabili�y o��he Prop�r�y, or par�t of <br /> the Praperfiy or in�erest in the Praperfi�; incr�ase the incflme from the Proper�y or protect the secu�ity o� <br /> the Proper�y; and; vvi�h ar without taking possession of the Property, sue €or or vtherwise callect �he <br /> r�n�s, issues and pro�its of th� Property, �ncluding fihvse past due and unpaid, and apply�he same; less <br /> costs and expenses o�F opera�ion and �vl[ec�ion attvrneys' �Fees,t❑ any indebtedness secured by this Deed <br /> o� Trust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The en�ering upon and taking possession o� the <br /> Properfiy, �he c�llection of such renfis, issues and profits, and the application �herev� shall no� cure or <br /> wai�e aRy de�aul�or notic� of de�ault under this Deed o�Trust or inva[idate any act d�ne in response t� <br /> such de�au��vr pursuant ta�ice�f defau��; and, natw�ths�anding�he�on��nuance in possessian of <br /> the Prvper�y or the col�ect�on_, recei�t and app[�cation af rents, issues or pro�its, �rustee or Lender sha[[ <br /> . be en�itled -�a exercise �very right pro�Qded for in the �r�dit Agr�ernent �r the Re�ated Documents or by <br /> law upon th�occurrence of any e�ent�f default, including the right to exerc�se th� pvwer o�sa[e; <br /> �b� �o�r�ence an ac�ion���Foreclose th�s Deed �f Trus�as a mortgage, appvint a rece��er or speci�fica�ly <br /> enforce ar�y o�F�he co�enan�ts hereof;and <br /> {G� Del��er ta Trus�ee a writ�en dec.larafiion of d��ault and demand for sa[e and a written notic�o�def�ul� <br /> and elect�on to cause Trustor's in�erest in the Property to be sold, which no�ice Trustee sha�i cause to be <br /> dufy filed for re�ord in the appropriate offices o�F�he Gvunty in which the Property is ivca�ed;and <br /> {d} Vllith respect to all or any part o�th� P�rsona[ Proper�y, Lender sha[i have�11�he righ�s and remedies <br /> of a secured party under the Nebraska Uni�orm Commercial Code. <br /> FarecIosure by Power of Sale. if L�nd�r elects ta foreclose by exercise of th�Power��Sal�herein can�ained, <br /> • Ler�der sha1� noti-�y Trustee and sha�E deposit rrvith Trustee this Deed of�frus� and the Credit Agreement and <br /> such�ece'ip�s and e�idence af e�ependi�ures rr�ade and secured by�this Deed o#-frus�as r rustee may requ�r�. <br /> � �a} lJpvn rece�pt of such notice fr�r� Lender,Trustee shall cause�o be recorded. pub[�shed and d�[ivered <br /> �fl Trusto�-such No�ice a� ��fau[t and Notice af Sa[e �s�khen required by �avv and by�his C��ed o�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, i�vith�u� demand on Trus��r, a€-te�- such t�.me as may then be requ�red by �aw and af-ter <br /> rec�rda�ion of such Nvtice o�Defaulfi and afi�er �lv��ce of Sa[e haW�ng b��n given as required by [�wa sel� <br />