<br /> Lvan No: 'i�'I 28���5 ���ntNnued} Page �
<br /> No Vllai�er by Lender. Lender shall no�t be deemed fiv ha�e wai�ed any rights under th�s Assignment unjess such
<br /> � wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. N� delay or❑m�ssion ❑n the part❑�Lender in exercising any right
<br /> sha�l ape�-ate as a waiver o�f such right or any o�her right. A wai�er by Lender of a pra�isian o�f this Assignment
<br /> shaf� nat prejudice or cons�i�ute a wai�er of Lender's righ� v�herwise �o demand stri�t �ompliance with that
<br /> prov�sFon or any other proWision ❑f�his Assignment. No prior wai�er I�y Lender, nvr any course of dealing be�ween
<br /> Lende�-and Grantor, shall consti�tu�te a wai�er of any af L�nder's rights ❑r of any of Grantar's obligations as ta any
<br /> �uture transac�ions. WheneWer �he consen� o� Lender is required under this Assignmen�, the granting v� su�h
<br /> consent �y Lender in any instance shall na� constitute continuing cansent to subsequent instances where such
<br /> cansent is required and in all �ases su�h�onsenfi may he g�-anted ar wi�hheld in�khe sale d�scre�ion of Lender.
<br /> Notices. Any natice required to be gi�en under this Assignmen� shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be efifecti�e
<br /> when ac�ually deli�ered, when actually recei�ed by te�e-�acsimile �unless otherwise required hy law}, when
<br /> deposited with a nationa[[y recognized o�ernight cvurier, or, i�mailed, when deposi�ed in the Unit�d 5tates mail, as
<br /> first class, certitied or r�gistered mail pos�age prepaid, di�-ected�❑ �he addresses shown near fihe beginning ofi thEs
<br /> Ass�gnment. Any party may change i�ts address for notices und�r thss Assignment �y gi�ing fvrmal written no�i�e
<br /> ta the other parties, speci�ying �hat the �urpvse o� the notice is �o change the party`s address. For notice
<br /> purposes, Gran�or agrees ta keep Lender �n�ormed a� al� tEmes ❑f Grantor's curren� address. Unless o�herwise
<br /> pro�ided ❑r required by faw, i� there is more than ❑ne Grantvr, any nvfii�e gi�en by Lender to any Grantar is
<br /> deemed ta be n�tice gi�en to all Grantors.
<br /> Pvwers of Attvrney. The�arious agencies and pvwers of a��orney can�eyed on Lend�r und�r fihis AssE�nmenfi are
<br /> granted fa�-purp�ses v�se�uri�y and may no�be re�aked by Gran�or until such time as the same are renounced l�y -
<br /> Lender.
<br /> Se�erahility. I� a cvurt v� compefien��urisdi��ion finds any prvvision �f this Assignmen� t❑ be illegai, invalid, or
<br /> unenforceable as�a any persan ❑r circums�an�e, that finding shall not make�he v��ending.prvvision illegal, in�alid,
<br /> vr unenforceable as to any other pers�n vr �ir�umstance. !f feasible, �he ❑-��endEng p�-o�ision sha!! be cvnsidered
<br /> modified so that it laecomes fegal, valid and �nfarceahle. lf�he ofFending pro�isian canno� be so modi�ied, it shall
<br /> be �vnsidered de[efied �rom thFs Assignment. Unless vtherwise �equired by law, the illegali�y, in�aiidifiy, or
<br /> unenforceabi�ity of any pro�is�on ❑f�his Assignmen� shalf no� aff�c� fihe legafity, �afidity or en�arceability of any
<br /> ofiher pro�ision of�his AssEgnmenfi.
<br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. 5ub�ect�❑any lim€tations sta�ed in�his Assi�nmen�on�ransfer❑f Grantor's interes�,�his
<br /> Assignmenfi shal� 1ae binding upon and inure to the bene�it ❑f the par�ies, �heir successors and assigns. I�
<br /> ownership v�F�he Prvperty be�omes�es�ed in a person ❑�her�han Grantor, Lender, without notice�a Grantor, may
<br /> deal wi�kh G�antor's successars wi�h re�ference to this AssEgnment and the lndebtedness by v+ray of forbearance ❑r
<br /> ex�ensivn without releas'tng Grantar�rvm�he oi�ligati�ns o�this Assignmen�ar�iabrlity under the fndebtedness. �
<br /> Time is of the Essen�e. Time is a��he essence in�h� performance of this Assignm�nfi.
<br /> 1Naiver of Hamestead Exemp#ian. G rantor hereby releases and wai�es a!f rights and benefits of th� homesfiead
<br /> exemption laws❑�the 5ta�e of Nebraska as to a�l lndebtedness secured by�his Assignment.
<br /> � • DEFIN�TI�NS. The follvwing capita�ized wo�ds and terms shall have fihe �ollvwing meanings when used in �his
<br /> Assignment. �nless specifica�ly s�ated to �he �vntrary, alf �eferences t❑ dallar amoun�s shall mean amvunts in fawful
<br /> m�ney ❑f�he United S�ates af America. Wards and terms used in fihe singular sha�� in�lude �he plu�-a�, and the plural
<br /> shall in�[ude the singular, as the �an�ex�may require. Words and terms nn�otherwise de-�ined in�his Assignmen�shall
<br /> ha�e�he meanin�s attribut�d t�such fierms in the lJni�orm Commercial Cade:
<br /> Assignment. Th�word "Assignment" means this ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, as�his A551GNMENT�F RENTS may
<br /> be amended �r madif�ed from time to�ime, t�ge�her with all exh�bits and schedules a�tached fiv thEs ASS1GNNiENT
<br /> �F RENTS�ram time t❑�ime.
<br /> Bvrrvwer. The word "Barrower" means PHlLfP NELS�N JR, S�IRAH J NELSDN, MICHAEL A KRAFT and LDRI G
<br /> KRAFT,
<br /> ❑efauCt, The word "aefaul�" means�he Defau�t se�far�h in this Assignrnen�.in the sec�ion titled "�efault".
<br /> r -;—�.--_..�-,.----� �.�..�._
<br /> --�..„�..
<br /> E�ent of Defau�t. The wo�ds "E�ent ❑� ❑efault" mean any ❑fi the e�en�s of�de�aul�:se��or�h:in�this Assignmen� in
<br /> �� � � � ��- � �
<br /> the de�ault section af this Assignment. �. �,- . _
<br /> • , ' •.:'.��rf s � �
<br /> Grantor. The wvrd "Granta�-" means MICHAEL A KRAFT and L�R1 G KRAFT. °� �� � --. . _ �
<br /> Guaranty, The word "Guaranty" means the guaran�y�rom guarantvr, endorser, surety, ar accvmmvdativn party ta
<br /> Lend��-, including without limitation a gua�anty of all ❑r part of the Note.
<br /> lndeb�edness, The word "fndebtedness" means all principal, interes�, and ofiher amounts, CC35�5 and expenses
<br /> paya�ale under the Note vr Refated ❑ocuments, tvge�her with all renewals ❑�, extensions ❑f, modifiications v�,
<br /> cansvlida�ians of and subs�i�ut��ns for the No�e or Rela�ed ❑ocuments and any amounts expended or ad�an�ed by
<br /> Lender to discharge Grantor's obliga�ians vr expenses incurred by Lender to en����e Gran�or's vbligations under
<br /> �h�s Assignment, together v►rifih infierest ❑n such amounts as pro�ided in th�s Assignment. 5peci�ically, wi�hvut
<br /> limi�ation, Indeb�edness in�Eudes �he -�uture advances se�farth in �he Futur� Ad�ances pro�ision, fiogether with aEl
<br /> infierest fiherevn and a[f amounts tha� may be indire��ly secured l�y the Cross-Collateraliza�ivn prv�ision vf #his
<br /> Assignmen�.
<br />