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��15����4 <br /> ., <br /> ASS�GNNIENT ��F RENTS� <br /> Lvan Nv: ��'I�8��65 ��ontinued} Page 4 <br /> which Lender deems in Lender's sole discreti�n t❑ be sufficien� t� cure �khe default and thereafter con�inues and <br /> comp�e��s a�� r�asanahle and necessary s�eps su��icien�to produce cvmpliance as soon as reasonably pra��ical. <br /> R�GHTS AND REMEI]lE5 �N DEFAULT. LJpnn the�c�urrence�f any E�en�❑�Default and a�any time�hereafterr Lender <br /> may exercise any ane ❑r mare of�he�following rights and remedies, in addi�ion t❑ any ather rights ❑r remedies prv�ided ' <br /> by�aw: <br /> Accelerafe Indebtedness. Lender shall have �he �-ight at i�s optian to declare the entire lndelatedness immediately <br /> due and payable, including any prepayment penalty�hat Borrower would be required�o pay. <br /> Collec� Rents. Lender shall ha�e the right, vtirithou�t no�ice ta Barrower or Granto�-, �o take possessian o�F fihe <br /> Prvperty and colle�fi the Renfis, incfuding amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proGeeds, ❑�er and <br /> aba�e Lender's c�sts, against �he lndei�tedness. ln fur�herance ❑� this righ�, Lender shal� ha�e all the rights <br />� pro�ided for in �he Lender's Righ� to Recei�e and Callect R�n�s 5e�tion, abo�e. [� the Ren�s are co��ected by <br /> Lender,then Granfiar ir�-evocably des�gnafies Lender as Gran�vr's attorney-in-�ac�.to endvrse instrumen�s rece��ed in <br /> paymen�thereof in�he name of Gran�or and to negotiate the same and ca��ec�the proceeds. Paymen�s by tenants <br /> or other users t❑ Lender in response to Lender's demand shall satis�y the o�ligations -�or which�he paymenfis are <br /> made, whether or nv� any prvper grvunds for �he demand existed. Lender may exercise its righ�s under �his <br /> subparagraph ei�her in person, by agent, ❑r thr�ugh a re�ei�er. <br /> �ther Remedies. Lender shall ha�e a�� o�her righ�s and �-emedies pro�ided in �khis Assignment ❑r the Note or by <br /> Iaw. <br /> ElectE�n v�Remedies. Efe�fion by.Lender to pursue any remedy shall nvt exclude pursuit❑�any v�her rem�dy, and <br /> an el�cfiion ta mak�expenditures or to�kake actEon to pe��orm an ❑bligation ❑�Grantor und�r this Assignment, a�ter , <br /> Gran�or's failure tv perform, sha�� nn�affect Lender's righfi�o declare a default and exercise its remedies. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender institu�es any suit❑r actian t❑ enforce any of the terms of�his Assignmen�, <br /> Lender shall be en�i�led tv reca�e�- such sum as th� court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial and <br /> upon any appeal. VVhether �r no� any court activn 15 invvl�ed, and to �he extent nat prohibi�ed by law, all <br /> reasvnai�le expenses L�nder incurs that in Lender's ❑pinion are necessary a� any time ���' the pro�ection ❑� Ifi5 <br /> interest or�he enforcemen�of i�s rEgh�s shaEl hecvme a par�of the lndebtedness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> in�eres�at fihe Nate rate frvm fihe dafie af the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include, <br /> wi�hau� limitatian, howe�e�-subje��tn any l�mits under applicable [aw, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whe�her vr nvt fihere is a lawsui�, inc�uding afitarneys' fees and expenses far bankruptcy praceedings <br /> �including effor�s�o modify❑r Waca�e any au�oma-�ic stay or injunc�ion}, appea[s, and any anticipa�ed �os�judgment <br /> cvllection services, �he cost a�searching records, obtaining �itle reports {inc�uding �oreclosure reparts}, sur�eyvrs' <br /> � reports, and appraisa� fees, tit�e insurance, and fees for �he Truste�, ta �he extent permit�ed by applicable law. <br /> �ran�ar a[sv wili pay any court costs, in addition to al�afiher sums pro�ided by iaw. <br /> MlSCELLANE�US PR�ViSI�NS. The fallowing mis�ellanevus pro�isions a�-e a part���his Assignmen�: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Assignment, togefiher w�th any Related Documen�s, cons�itutes the entire understanding and <br /> ag�-eemen� of�he parties as to the matters set �orth in �his Assignment. No alteration vf or amendmen� ta th�s <br /> Assignment shaii 1�e e�fectiWe un[ess giWen in writing and si�ned 1ay the par�y or parties svught fio be charged vr <br /> bound by�he altera�ion❑r amendment. <br /> �aptian Headings. Capti�n headings in this Assignmenfi are fvr cvn�enience purp�ses ❑nfy and are n�t t❑ be used <br /> tn interprefi or define fihe provisivns vf this Assignment. <br /> Gvverning Law. Th�s Assignm�n� will be gaverned by federa� !aw appiicable tv Lender and, to the extent not <br /> preemp�ed hy federal�aw.�he laws vf�he 5�afe n�Nebraska wi�hout regard fo ifis con�jicts of�aw provisians. This <br /> Assignment has been a��epted by Lender in�he 5tate of Nebraska, � <br /> Choice uf Venue. 1f�here is a fawsuit, Grantor agrees upon Lender's request to suhmi�to the jurisdi�tion of the <br /> caurts of Hall County, 5�ate o�Nebraska. <br /> . Jvint and 5everal Liahility. All abligations of Borrower and Grantvr under this Assignmen� shal� be joint and <br /> se�eral, and all references ta Grantor shall mean each and eWery Grantor, and ali re�erences tv Bvr�ower shail mean <br /> ea�h and a�ery Barrov�e�-. This means that each Grantor signing below is respansihEe -�or all abligat�vns in �his <br /> Assignment. <br /> Merger. There sha�l be no merger v�the interes� or es�ate crea�ed �y this assignment with any o�her interest or <br /> estafie En�he Properfiy at any time h�ld by ar far�he benefi�of Lender in any capaci�y,�withaut�the written consent <br /> o�Lender. <br /> �nterpretativn. �'[} ln aE! cases where there is mo�-e than one Borrawer vr Grantor, then all words used in �his <br /> Ass�gnment in the singular shaEi be deemed ta ha�e been used in the plural where�he context and canstruc�ion sa <br /> require. t�} l�mvre than vne person signs thEs Assignment as "Grantvr," the obligations vf each �ranfivr are loint <br /> and seWeral. This means that if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one or mare o� the Gran�vrs. I� <br /> Bor�-ower and Grantar are no�the sam� person, Lende�r need not sue Borrower�irs�, and tha�6arr�wer need na�be <br /> joined in any lawsuifi. {3} The names giWen �o paragraphs ar sections in �his Assignmen� are far con�enience <br /> purp�ses ❑nly.They are nv�ta be used ta in�erp�et vr de�ine the pro�isivns❑f this Assi�nment. <br />