<br />�
<br />�
<br />' . �DEED DF TRUST
<br />� Loan �Nv: ���28Z��� {Continued} Page 3
<br /> Lender's �rivr written consent. As a condi�ion�o�he remo�al of any lmpro�ements, Lender may requi�-e Trustar tv
<br /> make arrangements sa�isfactory to Lender ta �eplace such �mpra�ements with Imprv�ements af a� least equal
<br />�
<br /> �af ue.
<br />� Lender's Right�❑ Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may en�er up�n the Real Praperty at all
<br />' r�asonabf� times �o a�fiend ta Lender's interests and to inspect the Real Praperfiy for purposes of Trustor's
<br /> cvmpliance with the terms and cvnditions of this ❑eed❑f Trust. �
<br /> Compliance with GovernmentaE Requiremen�s. Trus�or shall prvmpt[y comply with all 1aws, ordinances, and '
<br /> regula�ions, naw vr herea�Ffier in effe�t, o�F all go�e�nm�n�al au�horities applicalale to the use vr accupancy ❑�the
<br /> Property, including without )imitati�n, the Americans V1Ii�h ❑isabi�ities A�t. Trus�or may con�est in good �ai�h any
<br /> such law, o�dinance, or regulation and wi�hhold compliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appeals,
<br /> s❑ long as T�-ustvr has nvtifiied Lende�-in writing priar ta doing so and sv �ong as, in Lender's sole opinivn, Lender's
<br /> in�eres�s in �he Proper�y are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may requir� Trus�or.�❑ post adequate security or a sure�y
<br /> bond, reasonably satis�actory to Lender,tv prate�t Lender's interest.
<br /> �uty to Prvtec�. Trustvr agrees neither to alaandon or lea�e una�tended the P�-operty. T�ustvr shall d❑ all other
<br /> ac�s, in addi�ion�o those a�ts se�f�r�h abo�e in this section, which frvm the charac�er and use af the Property are
<br /> reasonah�y necessary ta pro�ect and pr�ser�e�he Property.
<br /> [�UE nN SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDEFi. L�nder may, a�Lender's op�ian, declare immedia�kely due and payable all sums .
<br /> secured by this aeed a�Trust upon th� sale or t�ansfi�r, without Lender's prior written consent, v�a�l ❑r any part❑�F�he
<br /> Real Prvper�y, or any Enteres� in the Real Prvperty. A "saEe ❑r transfer" means the con�eyance of Real Prope�ty or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the Real Property; whe�her legal, beneficial ❑r equi�table� whe�ther �oluntary or in�olun�ary;
<br /> whefiher 1ay outrigh� sale, deed, insfiallment sa�e can�ra�fi, land contracfi, cvntract �ar deed, leasehald interest with a
<br /> �erm greater�han three �3} years, lease-option can�kra�t, ❑r by safe, assignment, ❑r�rans�er of any bene-�icial interest in
<br /> vr fio any fand �rust holding �ifile tv the Rea� Property, or by any ather methvd of can�eyance vf an interes� in the Real
<br /> Proper�y. Howe�er, �his op�kion shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by federaE Eaw ar by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br />� TAXES AND LlENS. The following pro�isians rela�ing �❑ �he tax�s and liens on the Praperty are part ❑f�his ❑eed �f
<br />; Trust: , �
<br /> Paymen�. Trus�ar shall pay when due �and in all ��en�s prior to de�inquency} all taxes, spe�ial taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges tinc[uding wate�- and sewer}, �ines and impositions le�ied agains� or ❑n account o�the Praperty, and shas�
<br /> pay when due all claims for wvrk done ❑n or#�r ser��ces rendered or materiaf �urnished �o �he Praperty. Trustor
<br /> shall ma�n�tain the Property free��all liens ha�ing priority ❑�er❑�-equal t❑�khe in�eres�❑f Lender under this ❑eed o�
<br /> Trust, except �or the �ien ❑f taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise prv�ided in thEs ❑eed af
<br /> T�-ust.
<br /> Right tn Contes�. Trustor may wi�hhold payment fl�any tax, assessmenfi, or claim in connec�ion wi�h a good faith
<br /> disput� o�er the�b�igation to pay, s❑ [ong as Lender's interes�in the Property is not jeapar-dized. 1�a'lien arises or
<br /> is �ifed as a result vf nonpaymen�r Trus�or shall within fifteen �'I5} days after fihe fien arises vr, if a lien is �i�ed,
<br /> within fifteen �15} days a-f�er Trus�or has no�ice o��he �i�ing, secure �khe discharge of the �ien, ar i� reques�ted 1ay
<br /> Lender, depos�t with Lender cash or a su��icient corpvrate surety band❑r❑ther security satis�actory to Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient t❑ discharge the lien plus any casts and a�torneys' fees, or other charges�hat could accrue as a
<br /> result of a�v�ec�vsure❑r sale under�he �i�n. ln any�onfiest,Trustor sha[� defend i�self and Lender and shalf safiis�y
<br /> any ad�erse�udgment before�n��rcement against�he Property. Trustor sha�E name Lender as an additional ❑bligee
<br /> under any sure�ty bond fiurnished in the cvn�est prviceedings.
<br />. Evidence vf Payment. Trustor shall upvn demand furnish tv Lender satisfac�tvey evidence ❑f payment of the�axes �
<br />: ❑r assessments and sha�� au�hvrize the appropriate go�ernmental official t❑ deEi�er�❑ Lender a� any time a written
<br />; sta�emen�❑�the�axes and assessmen�s against�the Prvperty.
<br />; • Nvtice vf Construction. Trusfior shall no�ify Lender at least fifteen �'�5y days befor� any wvrk is cvmmenced, any
<br /> ser�ices a�re �fu�rnished, ar�any materials are supplied to the Property, i�any mechanFc's ���n, ma�eria�men's lien, ar
<br /> o�her �ien �ould he asserted vn accvun� v�F the wvrk, services, ❑r ma�erials. Trustar wi[i upvn request of L�nder
<br /> furnish t❑ Lender advance assuran�es satisfac�ory ta Lender that Trustor can and wiEE pay the c�st of such
<br /> imprvWements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE 1N5URANCE. The tv[fawing prv�isivns reiating to insuring,�he Property are a part❑fi this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Ma�ntenance nf �nsurance. Trustar shall procure and maintain pof icies ❑f fiire insurance with standard extended
<br /> cov�rage endarsements on a fair �aiue basis for �he full insura}�le �alue co�ering all Impro�ements on �he Rea!
<br /> P�aperfiy in an amaunt sufficient to a�oid app�icatian ❑# any cainsurance clause, and with a standard mar�gagee
<br /> c[ause in �ra�or v�Lender. Trusfior shall als❑ p�ocure and main�tain comprehensi�e general liability insurance in such
<br /> coverage amoun�s as Lender may �-equest with Trusfiee and Lender being named as addi�ionaf insureds in such
<br /> liabi�ity insurance �olicies. Addit�onal�y, Trustar shall ma�ntain such o�her insurance, including but not limited to
<br /> hazard, k�usiness in�erruption, and laailer insurance, as �.ender may reasonably require. Pvlic�es shaE� he written in
<br /> -�orm, amoun�s, coverages and basis reasona}�ly acceptabEe tv Lender and issued by a �ompany ❑r companies
<br /> �-easonably accep�able to Lender. Trustar, upvn reques�t of Lender, w�E� deli�er fia Lender frvm time to time �he
<br />