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��15����3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: 1 D��8�0�5 ��ont�nued} Page � <br /> this ❑eed ❑f Trust secures, in addi�ian to the amvun�s specified in �he Note, all future amoun�s Lender in its dis�re�ion <br /> may lvan to gorrower vr Trustor,�age�her wi�h al[ in�erest thereon. <br /> Trustor presen�ly assigns �a Lender 4also knvwn as genefiGiary in this Deed of Trus�} all ❑� Trustor`s right, ti�le, and <br /> interes� in and ta all present and �u�ure leases o'� �he Proper�ty and a�� Rents fram the Property. ln addifiivn, Trustor <br /> gran�s t❑ Lender a Unifarm Commercial �vde secur�ty interest in�he Persanal Property and Rents, <br /> THlS DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS ANa THE SECURlTY 1NTEREST 1N THE RENTS ANQ <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPERTY, IS GIVEN T� SECURE tA} PAY1VlENT �F THE 1NDEBTEDNESS ANI3 �B} PERF�Fi1VIANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLiGAT1flNS l]NDER THE N�TEr THE RELATED DaGUMENTS, AND TH15 DEED QF TRUST. THlS <br /> DEED DF TRUST IS G1VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FDLL�WING TERMS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AND VIIARRANT�ES. Trus�or warrants tha�: �a} �his ❑eed of Trus� is execu�ed at <br /> Borrawer's request and not a��h� request ❑� Lender; �h} Trus�vr has the full pawer, right, and au�hari�y�v enter in�o <br /> this Deed ❑�Trus� and to hypothe�ate the Property; �c} the pro�isions ❑�this Deed of Trusfi do not con�li�t with, ❑r <br /> resul�in a default under any agreement❑r othe�-ins�rument binding upon Trustor.and do not result in a �iolation o-�any <br /> law, regulation, court decree ❑r order app�i�able to Trustor; {d� Trustor has estab�ished adequate means of obfiaining <br /> from Borrower ❑n a cantinuing laasis informatEvn about Borrower's finan�ial condi�ion; and �e} Lender has made no <br /> representation fio Trusfior abvufi Borr�wer{inc(uding wi�hau�limitat�on�he credi�worthiness a�B�rrower}. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAiVERS.. Trus��r wai�es all rights ❑r defenses arising by reasvn ❑�any "ane a��ion" ar "anti-de�Eciency" <br /> law, or any other taw which may pre�ent Lender fram bring�ng any a��ian agains� Trus�ar, in�lud'€ng a c1aEm fo�- <br /> de�icien�y�o the extent Lender �s atherwise en�i�led t❑ a c�aim �Fvr de�iciency, �efore ar after Lender's cammencement <br /> ar c�mpl��ian af any�oreclvsure action, either judicially❑r by exercise o-�a power❑f sale. <br /> PAYNiENT AND PERFDRMANCE. Excep�as vtherwise pro�ided in�this ❑eed af Trust, Borrower and Trusfivr shai� pay to <br /> Lender all lndebfiedness se�ured by this ❑eed of Trus� as it becomes due, and Borrower and Trus�or shalf s�rictly <br /> perform a�E their respe��i�e ob�iga�ions under the Note,this ❑�ed of Trus�, and the Related ❑ocuments. <br /> PDSSESSI�N AND MAINTENANCE ❑F THE PR�PERTY. Borrawer and Trusfivr agree that gorrawer's and Trus�tor's <br /> possession and use nf the Praperty shall be go�erned �y the��Ilawing pro�isions: <br /> Pvssessivn and Use. Un�it �he ❑ccurrence ❑f an Evenfi of De�aul�, Trus�vr may �1} remain in possesston and <br /> control ❑f�he Praperty; �2� use, ❑perate�r manage�he Property; and �3} �o[lec�fihe Rents firom the�rope�ty. <br /> Duty tv Main�ain. Trust�r shall main�ain the Property tn tenantable conditivn and prvmpt[y perform all repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to preser�e its�alue. <br /> Compliance W�th Environmenta[ Laws. Trusfior represen�s and warrants ta Lender that: {1} During �he period o� <br /> Trusfiar's ownership❑f the Praperky,�here has been no use, genera�ivn, manu�ac�ure, storage,�reatmen�, dispvsal, <br /> release or�hreatened re�ease of any Ha�ardvus 5ubstance by any persan on, under, abvu� vr �rom the Proper�y; <br /> ��} Trusto�- has no knowledge o�, ❑r reason to belie�e �hat fihere has been, except as pre�iously disclosed fi❑ and <br /> acknowledged by Lend�r in wrifiing, {a� any breach ar �tola�ion of any En�ironmentaf Laws, �b� any use,. <br /> gene�ation, manufacture, s�orage� �rea�ment, disposal, release vr�hreatened r�lease ❑f any Ha�a�rdous Substance <br /> ❑n, under, abaut o�- from the Prr�perty �y any prior owners or occupanfis af �he Property, or �c} any actua� ❑r <br /> �hreatened I�tigation ❑r c[aims of any kind by any persan re[ating �ko such mat�ers; and �3� Except as preW�ous�y <br />� disclased fio and acl�nowledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} neither Trustor nvr any tenan�, can��actor, agent❑r vfiher <br /> . authorized user of the Praperty sha�! use, generate, manufa�ture, store, �reat, disp�se of vr re�ease any Hazardous <br /> Suk�s-tance on, under, ahout❑r fram the Proper�y; and �b} any su�h a�fiiWity shal[ he conducted in campliance with <br /> a�! appf i�able �ederal, state, and Ivcal Iaws, r�gula�ions and �rdinances, including wi�houfi limi�ativn aiE <br /> En�iranmental Laws. T�ustor autharizes Lender and its agen�s �a enter upan the Prvper�y fiv make su�h <br /> inspe�tians and �es�s, at Trustar's expenser as Lender may deem appropria�e �❑ de�ermine compliance ❑� the <br /> P�operty with this sec�ion o�the �eed of Trust. Any inspectivns �r tests made hy Lender shall be for Lend�r's <br /> pu�poses ❑nly and sha�l no�he construed�o cr�ate any responsib�li�y❑r liability ❑n�he par�v� Lender to Trustar ❑r <br /> �a any other person. The represen�a�ivns and warranties con�ained herein are based ❑n Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�es�igating �he Pr�perty for Ha�ardaus 5ubs�ances. Trus�or hereby �1} releases and waives any fu�ure claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or cr�ntribu�ion in the even�Trus�or becomes liable �for cleanup ar other cosfis under <br /> any such laws; and {2} agrees tv indemnify, de�end, and hald harmless Lend�r agains�any and all claims, lasses. <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly or indire�tly sustain or suffer resufting�rom <br /> a breach of this sec�ivn of fihe ❑eed ❑fi Trust ❑r as a c�nsequence of any use, genera�ion, manu�Fac�ure, s�vrage, <br /> disposal, rel�ase❑r�hrea�ened release❑ccurring priar to Trus�ar's❑wnership or interes�in the Property, whe�her❑r <br /> not �he same was vr shoufd haWe been known ta Trustor. The pro�isions of this section ❑f the Deed o�Trust, <br /> incfuding the obligatian t❑indemnify and d�fend,shall sur�i�e�he payment of the lndebtedness and�he sa�isfaction <br /> and recon�eyan�e o�r�he ��en of this ❑�ed af Trust and shall not 1ae affected by Lender's acquisition of any in�kerest <br /> �n the Prvperty, whe�her by foreclosure or otherwise. � <br /> Nuisance, 1Naste. Trustvr shall not cause, conduct ar permifi any nuisance nor cvmmit, permi�, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping af or was�e on or to the Prvperty or any po�tion ofi the Prvper�y. VIlithout limi�ing �he g�neralE�y v�fihe <br /> foregoing, Trus�or will no� remo�e, or grant to any o�her party�he right to rem��e, any timber, minerals ��ncluding <br /> oil and gas}, coal, c[ay,scoria,soil, graWel ar rack products withaufi Lender's privr wri��en consent. <br /> Remova� vf improvements. Trustor sha1� nvt demolish or rema�e any [mpro�em�nts frvm�he Real Property wi�hout <br />