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��15���1� <br /> Any app�icat�an af payments, insuranc�pr�ceeds, �r Misce��aneous Prnceeds��princ�pal du�under the Note <br /> shal� n�t�xtend or p�stp�ne the du�date, or change�he amount, of�he Perindic Payments. <br /> 3. F`unds for Escrow Items. B�rrower shall pay to Lender an�he day Per�odi� Payments are due under�h� <br /> Note, unt�l �he Note�s paid in fu�l, a sum tthe "Fun�.s"} �a pro�ide for payment of amounts due far: �a} �axes <br /> and assessmen�s and other i�ems which can atta�n prior��y over�his Securi�y �ns�rumen�as a��en or <br /> encumbrance on�he Property; �b}l�as�hold payments�r ground rents an the Property, if any; �c}prem�ums <br /> far any and a�� insurance�equ�red�y Lender under Sec��on 5; ar�d �d} Mar�gage Insuranc�premi.ums, if a.�y, <br /> or any sums payab�e by B�rrawer�o Lender�n Iieu of�he payment�f N�ortgage�nsuran�e prem�.ums in <br /> acc�rdance wi�h the pr���sions of Se��i�n I�. T'hese item�s are ca�led "�scr�v� �tems." A��rig�nation ar at <br /> an�t�me during�he�errn of the L,oan, Lender may require tha�C�mmun���Associat�fln Dues, Fe�s, and. <br /> Assessments, xf an�, �e escr��red hy Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shalx be an�scrovv <br /> �tem, Borrov�rer shall promptly furnish ta Lender a�l n�t�ces af amounts tfl��pa�d under th�s Sectivn. <br /> Borrawer sha��pa� Lender�he Funds f�r Es�rov�r ��ems un�ess Lender wai�es Barrower's ob�iga�i�n tv�a� <br /> the Funds for an�ar all Escrow �tems. Lender may wa��e B�rrovver's obiigat�on to pay to Lender Fu�ds far <br /> any or ai� �scrov�r ��ems at an��ime. An�such waiver may only�e�n wr�ting. �n the even�Qf such wa�ver, <br /> Barro�ver sha��pay d�rec�ly, vvhen and where paya�le, �he amaunts due for an�Escrow �tems fvr whicY� <br /> paymen�of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts <br /> e�idencing such paymen�v�ithin such t�me p�riod as Lend�r naay require. Borraw�r's obliga�ion�o make <br /> such payments an�.to pro�ide receipts sha�� f�r aI�purpases b�de�med t�be a�o�enant and agreemen� <br /> c�ntained �n�his Securit�Instrumen�, as�he phrase "c���nan�and agre�ment" is used in Sec��an 9. If <br /> Borrower is obiigated to pay Escrov�r �tems d�rect�y, pursuant ta a vvai��r, and Borrower fails to pay the <br /> a�mount due for an Escraw �fem, Lender may exercise�ts righ�s under Se�tion 9 and pa�r such amoun�and <br /> Borrower shall �hen be ob�iga�ed under Sectian 9�o repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may re�ake <br /> the waiver as �a any�r a�i Escrow I�ems at any t�m�by a noti�e g��r�n in accordance wi�h Section IS and, <br /> upon su�h re�oca�ian, B�rrow�r shaii pay ta Lender all Funds, and in suCh amounts, that ar�then requir�i <br /> under this Sec��on 3. <br /> Lender may, at an�time, ����ec�and ho�d Funds in an amount�a} suffic�ent�o perm�t Lender to apply the <br /> Funds at�h�time sp�c��ed under RESPA, ar�.d�b�na���exce�d�he ma��mum am�un�a�ender can require <br /> und�r R�SPA. Lend�r sha��es�imate�h�amount of Fu�ds due on the basis of current data and reasflnabl� <br /> estimat�s af expenditu��s of future Escraw �t�ms ar othe�-vvise in accordan�e v���h App�icable Law. <br /> The Funds shal� �b�he�d in an�ns�i�ut��n whose deposits are�nsured�y a federal agency, xnstrument�l�ty, or <br /> �n�i�y�including L,�nder, �f Lender is an institution whose deposits are so insur�� or in any�ederai Horne <br /> Loan Sank. Lender shall app��the Funds ta pa��he Escrow Items no later than t�e time speci�eci under <br /> RESPA. Lender�haii na�charg�Borrov�rer for ho�ding and app�ying�he Funds, annua�l�ana�yz�ng��e <br /> escrovW ac�ount, or�er�fying th�Escr�w Items, unless Lender pays Borrower in�erest�n the Funds and <br /> App�icable La�r perm�i�s I,�nder�o make such a charge. Un�ess an agreemen�is m�ade in wri�ing or <br /> Appl�cab�e La� requires interest to be pazd on th�Funds, Lender sha�i not be required �o pay Borrower any <br /> in�erest or�arn�ngs an the Fur�ds. Borr�wer and I.�nder can agree in v�rriting, however, that�nterest�hall be <br /> paid an��e Funds. Lender sha�� give��Borrourer, v�r��hout c�.arg�, an annual ac�oun�ing af�he�und�as <br /> required b� R�SPA. <br /> If there�s a surp�us of Funds h�ld in escrow, as defined und�r RESPA, L.�nd�r sha11 a�count to �orrower for <br /> the excess f���� i�a a���r����e vvi�h RFfiPa. Tf��Pr� i� � �h�rt��e�f Funds he�d in��cr����, ��de�ned und�r <br /> RESPA, Lender shal� notify Bvrro�v�r as required by RESPA, and Barrower sha1X pa��o L,�nder the amount <br /> ne�essary��make up�he s�.or�age in a�cordance w�th RESPA, but in n�mar��han �2 n�onthly pa�ments. �f <br /> �here�s a de�ciency of Funds held �n escrow, as de�ned under RESPA, I�:nder sha��natify Borrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ing�e Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UN��QRM INSTRUMENT Form 3028�1�7 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�)(130Z; <br /> Wotters Ktuwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 5 of i 7 <br />