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��15��151 <br /> A�I insurance p�l�c�es requ�red by Lend�r and ren�vWals�f such poli�ies�hal�b�subjec�to L�nder's ri�h�to <br /> disappro�e such p�licies, shai� include a standard mor�gage��ause, and sha1�nam�L�nd�r as mortgagee <br /> andlar as an additiona� �oss payee. Lender shall have the right to hoid the pa�icies and renewal certificates. �f <br /> Lender requires, Borro��r shail promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid pr�miums and renewal not�ces. <br /> �f Borrawer�b�axns any form of insurance coverage, not otherw�se required b� Lender, for damage�o, �r <br /> des�ruc�ion of, the Proper�y, such poiicy shall in��ude a s�andard mor�gage clause and shal� name Lender as <br /> mor�gage�andlar as an addi�iona� �ass payee. <br /> In the e�ent of loss, Borrower shall g��e prampt�zo�ice�o the insurance carrier and�.ender, Lender may <br /> make proaf of loss �f not�nade promp�ly b� Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> writing, an� �nsurance proc�eds, v�he�her or na��he underty�ng �nsurance vvas requir�d b�Lender, sha��be <br /> applied�o res�orat�an or repa�r of Yhe Proper�y, if��.e re�toratifln or repair�s ec�namicai�y feasi�Ie and <br /> I.,�nder's s�curit� �s no��essened. During such repair and res�ora�ion period, Lender shall ha�re�he r�ght t� <br /> hold such insuran�e pro��eds untii I.�ender has had an appor�unity to inspect such Proper�y���nsure the <br /> work has been completed to L�nder's sat�sfa�tion, pro�ided�ha�such �nspection shall be under�aken <br /> prompt�y. Lender may d�sburse pro��eds for�he repairs and restaration in a s�ngl�paynzent or in a series af <br /> progress pa�ments as the v�ark is comple���. Un�ess an agreement�s made i�wri�ing or Applica��e Law <br /> requires interest ta be pa�d on such �nsurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required�o pa�r Borro�rer an� <br /> interest or earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees for pub�ic ad�usters, or ather thxrd par�ies, r�tained by Borrovver <br /> shall not be pa�d�ut of�he insurance proceeds an�shall be the sole abl�gation�f Borrower. If the res�oration <br /> or repair is not econom�cal�y feas�b�e or L�nder's securit�w�u�d be lessened, the��surance pr��eeds shail be <br /> appl�ed to �he sums secured by�his S��urity�ns�rurx�en�, whether or nat then due, with th�e�cess, if any, <br /> paid�a Borro�ver. Such insurance prace�ds sha11 be app�ied �n the order pro�ided for in Se���on 2. <br /> �f Borrov�er a�andons th�Proper�y, Lender may fi�e, r�ego�ia�e and settle any a�ai�a�le�nsurance clai�n and <br /> related matters. �f Borrov�rer does not respond wi���n 3�days�ti a no�ice from Lender that th�insuran�e <br /> carrier has offered to se���e a claim, then Lender may neg�tiate and set�le�he c�a�m.. Th�3D-day period vv�11 <br /> �egin when the n��ice is given. In ei�her e�en�, ar�f L.ender acquires�he Proper�y under Se�t�on��or <br /> oth�rwise, Borrower hereby ass�gns�o Lender�a} Borrower's righ�s��an� insurance pr�ceeds in an am�unt <br /> not to exceed the amounts unpa�d under the No�e�r�his �ecur��y Instrumen�, and �b3 any o�her of <br /> Borrower's rights (other than�he right ta any refund of unearned premiu�rns pa�d by Borrawer}under a�l <br /> insurance pol��ies co�er�ng the Proper�y, insofar as such righ�s are ap��icable tifl�he coverage of the <br /> Proper�y. Lender may use�he insuran�e proceeds either t�repair or res�ore�he Proper��or t�pay amounts <br /> unpaid under�h�e No��or�his Security Instrument, wh��h�r or no��hen due. <br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrower sha11 occupy, establ�sh, and use the Proper�y as Barrower's princ�pa� residence <br /> �vithin 60 days after th�executi�n af this Se�urit� �nstrument and sha��cont�nue�o occupy�he Pr�per�� as <br /> Borrovver's pr�ncipal r�sidence for a�least one year after�he date�f occupancy, unless Lender o��.erwise <br /> agrees in writ�ng, v�hich consen� shall not be unreasona��y w��hheld, ar un�ess extenuating circums�ances <br /> ex�st wh�ch are beyond BorrovWer's��ntrol. <br /> 7. Preser►vatit�n, Maintenance and Prntectian af the I'r�perty; Inspect�ons. Borrower shal�n�t destroy, <br /> damage or impa�r the Pro��rt�, a�ia�v �he Propert}� to deter�orate or comnut v�aste on the Proper��. Whether <br /> or not Borrower is residing in th� Praperty, Borrower shall main�ain the Prflpe�.y �n order to pre�rent the <br /> Property from deteriarat�ng or decreasing in�raiue due�o its candi�ion, Unless it�s de�erm�ned pursuant to <br /> Sec��on 5 �hat repair or restorat�on is not economicali� feasib�e, Borrov�er shall promptly repa�r the Proper�y <br /> �f damaged�o avoid fur�her deteriaration or damage. If insuran�e ar��ndemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connec��on wi�h damage to, or�he tak�ng of, the Propert�, Borrower sha�� be responsi�b�e for repairing or <br /> re�tor�n��he Pro�erty only �f Lender has released proceeds for such purpases. L.�nder may disburse proceeds <br /> NE6RASKA-5ing�e Farnily-�ann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUM�NT �arrn 3�ZH 11�� <br /> VMP� VMP�fNE}{9 3023 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Page 7 vf 17 <br />