<br /> �atisfaCtion, provided that such inspection sha11 be undertaken prompt�y. Lender may pay far the repa�rs
<br /> and restora��on in a single disbursement�r in a s�ries of pr��ress paymen�s as the work�s comp�eted.
<br /> Un�ess an a�reemen� is made in wri�ing�r Applicabl� Law requ�res �n�eres�tfl be pa�d on such
<br /> Misce��aneous Proce�ds, Lender shall nat be required to pa� Borrflwer any interes�ar earn�ngs on such
<br /> Miscel�aneous Proceeds, �f the restora�ion or repair is not ec�nom�cal�y f�as�b�e or Lender's s�curi�y u�fluld
<br /> be�essened, �he M�s�ellar�eous Proceeds sha�l be app��ed to �he sums secur�d b�r�h�s Security �nstrument,
<br /> whe�her or nat then due, w�th�he excess, if any, pa�d�o Borr�wer. 5uch M�sce��an�aus Pro���d� sha�l be
<br /> app��ed in the order prov�ded far in S�c��on 2.
<br /> In the event�f a t�tal taking, destruc�ian, ar Ioss in vaiue of th�Praperty, �he M�s�ellan��us Proce�ds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�, whe�her or nQ�then due, u�zth the excess, �f any,
<br /> paid�o Borrower.
<br /> �n the event of a partial taking, destruc�ian, or��ss in value of the Proper�y �n which the fair market value of
<br /> the Proper�y imm�d�ately befare�he par�ial taking, destruction, �r��ss in value is equal tn or greater than the
<br /> amount�f the sums secured���his S�curity �ns�rument immed�a��l�r before the partial tak�ng, destructi�n, �r
<br /> loss in v�alue, un�ess Barrower and Lender otherwise agree �n wr�tzng, the suxns secured�y�h�s S�cur�ty
<br /> �nstrument shall be reduced b�r�he arnount of the Misce��aneflus Proc��ds mu�t�p�ied by the fo��owing
<br /> fractzon; �a}the ta�a� aamoun�of�he sums secured imxnediat�ly before the par�ial�aking, d�s�ruc�ion, �r loss
<br /> �n�alue di�ided by �b} �h�fair market value�f�he Praper�y imm�dzately bef�re th�partia� tak�ng,
<br /> d�s�ruction, or�oss�n�alue. Any balance shall be paid ta Borrawer.
<br /> In�he��ent af a partial taking, des�ruC�inn, nr�oss in�a�ue�f the Property �n wh�ch the fa�r marke��alue of
<br /> the Property �mmedzately�efore�he par��al taking, destruc���n, or loss zn va�ue�s less than the amount of the
<br /> sums secur�d immedza�e��r before th�par��a��ak�ng, des�ru��ion, or loss �n va�u�, unless Borr��ver and
<br /> Lender oth�rwise agre� in writ�ng, �he Misc���ane�us Proc�e�s �hall be applied to th�surns secur��i by this
<br /> S�curity In�trum�nt whether or not the sums ar�then due.
<br /> If th�Pr�perty�s abandoned by Borrower, or if, after natic�by Lender t�B�rrawer tha�the�ppas��g Par�y
<br /> �as defined�n�he next sen�ence} offers�o make an award ta se�tie a c�a��n for damages, Barrower fa��s�fl
<br /> resp�nd t� L�nder wzth�n 3�days after�he da�e�he na�ice �s gi�en, Lend�r�s authorized�a collec�and appxy
<br /> the Misc�llan�ous Proceeds either to restora��on ar repa�r of the Property or�o th�sum� secured b� th�s
<br /> Security Instrurnent, whe�her or not then du�. "�pposing Party" mear�s th�third party tha�a�ves Borr��v�r
<br /> Mis��llan�nus Pr�c��d�or�he par�y against whom Barrawer has a r�gh�of ac��nn�n r�gard�o N�zs����ane�us
<br /> PraC�eds.
<br /> Borrower shall be�n defau�t if any aCtion or pr�ceed�ng, whether c�v�� or crz�rn�na�, is begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> �udgment, c�ul�resu�t �n forfei�ur�of the Proper�y or other mater�al impa�rment of L�nder's in�er�st in the
<br /> Pr�p�rty�r rights under�h�s Security �nstrumen�. Borrow�r�an cure such a dtfault a�d, if ac�e�erat�on has
<br /> occurr�d, reinstate as pro�ided in Sec�i�n �9, by causing the acti�n ar proC��ding t�be disnussed w��h a
<br /> ruiing that, �n Lender's judgmen�, prec�udes farfei�ure af�h�Prnperty or oth�r mater�a� �mpa�rment of
<br /> Lend�r's znterest�n the Proper�y ar r�gh�s un�.er th�s S��ur��y �nstrument. Th�proceeds�f any awar�or
<br /> ��a�m far da�rnages that ar�a��ributab�e�o the�n�pa�rment of Lender's interest in the Proper�y ar�hereby
<br /> ass�gned and sha11 be paid to L�nd�r.
<br /> All Misc�llan��us Proce�ds that are nat appli�d��restaration�r r�pair of th�Pr�p�rt�sha���e applied in the
<br /> order prav�ded f�r�n Sect�an 2.
<br /> N��RASKA-5ingle Family-�anr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �arm 3428 11��
<br /> VMP� VMPfi4N�)��3D2�
<br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer Fir�ancial Ser�ices Page 1 q of�7
<br />