<br /> Transfer vf the Property nr a Benef��ial Int�re��in Borrower. �f a��or any par�of�he Proper�y or an�xn�eres�
<br /> �n �t �s sold or transferred ��r �f a beneficial int�rest in Borrower is sold ar transferred and Borro�er is not a
<br /> natural person� vvithout Le�lder's priar v�r�tt�n consen�, Lender may, at its flptian, requ�re immed�a�e paym.�n� in
<br /> full af a�� sums secured b� this Secur�ty Instrument. Ho�ever, �h�s apti�n shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise�s prohibited�y federa�law as af the date of�his Securifiy Ins�trumen�t.
<br /> �f Lender exercrses th�s op�ian, Lender sha�1 gi�e Barrower no��ce of acceleration. The na�ice sha�l provide a
<br /> period of no� less than�he min�.mum number of days �stab�xshed by Applicable Law from the date the no���e is
<br /> deli�ered or ma�led w��h�n v�h�ch Borrower mus� pay al� sums secured by this Security �nstrum.�nt. �f Sarrower
<br /> fails to pay these sums pr�or�o the exp�ration of�his period, L�nder may in�ok� any remed�es perm��ted by�h�s
<br /> Security�nstrument v�ithou�fur�her natice or demand on Borrow�r.
<br /> Borrower's Right �o Reins�ate. If Bflrrower meets cer�ain condi�ions, B�rrovver shall ha�e the righ� �o have
<br /> enforcemen� of�h�s Secur�ty �nstrument discon�inued a�any tim� pr�or�a the �arlier of: �a} 5 days ��r such o�her
<br /> peri�d as Applicable Law may specify for re�ns�atemen��befare sale�f the Property pursuant�a any povver�f sale
<br /> canta�ned �n this Secur��y Ins�rumen�; nr �b} �ntry �f a judgment enforcing fih�s Securi�y �nstrument. Th�se
<br /> condi�ians are �hat Borrow�r: �a} pays Lender all sums v�hich then v��uld be due und�r this Security Znstrumen�
<br /> and the�ontract as if no acre�era���n had occurred;��}cures any default of any other c�Wenants�r agreements;�c}
<br /> pays alI expenses incurr�d xta enforcing this Security rnstrumen�, inc�uding,bu�no�l�mited�o,reas�nable at�orneys'
<br /> fees to �he ex�ent p�rmitted by law; and�d��akes such ac�zan as Lender may reas�nab�y require to assure�hat the
<br /> ��en af�his Secur��y�nstrument, Lender's righ�s in�he Propert�y and Borrower's obl�ga�ion to pay the sums se�ured
<br /> �y th�s Security Instrumen� shall cflnt�nue unchanged. Upon reinsta�emen�by Barrovver, �his Securi�y �nstrument
<br /> and the ob�igat�ons se�ured h�reby shall remain fuily effect��e as if no ac�e�erat�an had occurred. Hawever, this
<br /> righ�to reinstate sha��no�a�pl�in the case of acceleratian ur�der�he section titled Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Benef�cial Interest in B�rrQwer.
<br /> Hazardou5 Substance�.Bc�rroWer shai�not cause�r permit�he pr�sence,use,disposa�, starage, or releas�of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or�n the Proper�y.Barrower shali not do,nor allov�anyone else�o do,anything affectxng
<br /> �he Prflperry tha� �s �n v�alation of any Env�ron.mental Law. The preced�ng tyva sen��nc�s shall not apply to �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage on the Property of sma��quan���ies of Hazardous Substances that are genera�ly recogn�zed
<br /> �o�e appropria�e�o normal res�dentia�uses and to ma�n�enance of�he Praperty.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly giv�L�nder writ�en no�ice of any rn�estigation,claim, demand, lawsu��or a�her ac�ion by
<br /> any go�ernmen�al or regula�ory agency or pri�ate party in�olving the Proper�y and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> En�iranrnen�a� Lavv of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower �earns, or �s no�ified by any
<br /> governmen�a�or reguiatory authori�y,�hat any removal or other rexnedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance affec��ng
<br /> th� Property �s necessary, B�rrower shall pramp��y �ake al� necessary remedia� actions i.n a��ordance �vith
<br /> Environmen�al LaW.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Su�s�ances" ar��hose substances def�ed as�oxic or hazardous subs�arzces
<br /> �y En�ironmental Lav� and th� follov�ing subs�ances: gasalrne, kerosene, other flammab�e or toxic petroleum
<br /> produc�s, �o�i� p�st�c�des and herb�c�des, �o�atiie sQl�ents, materials con�a�ning asbestos or formald�hyde, and
<br /> radiaactive ma�eria�s. As us�d in this paragraph, "Envi�-onmenta�La�v"means federa��av�s and�aws af th�s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska that relate ta heal�h,safety or environm�n�a�pro�ection.
<br /> A�cel�rat�on; Remed�es. LendQr shali gi�e noti�e to Borrower pr�or to a�celeration foll�wing Borrawer's
<br /> breach of any covenant flr agreemen��n th�s Security Ins�rument or the Contract under vvhich acc�Ieration
<br /> is perm�tted �but not prior to ac�e�eration under the sect�on t�tled Transfer of the Property�r a Beneficia�
<br /> InterQst in Borro�v�r, unl�ss Applicable Law pravides otherwise). The notice shall specify; �a} the defau��;
<br /> �b} �he action required to cure the defau��; ��) a date, n�t less than the m�nimurn numb�r of days
<br /> es�ab�ished by Appl�cahle Law from the date th�notice is gi�ven �o Borrower, Iay which the default must be
<br /> cured; and �d} that faz�ur� tv cure the default vn or befor� the date spe�zf�ed in the nat�ce may result �n
<br /> acce�era�fon of the sums secured by �his Se�urity InStrument and sale of the Property. To the extent
<br /> permitted by Iaw, the notice shali further �nfvrm Borrower of the right to reinstate after a��eteration and
<br /> the right to bring a court�ctian to assert�he non-exxstence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> acceleration and sale. If��e defau�� is not cured on or before the date speG�fied in the notxceg Lender at its
<br /> op�ion may requ�re �mme�d�ate payment in fu�l of aI� �ums secured by th�5 Security InStr�men� without
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sa�e and any other r�medies permrtted by Applicab�e Law.
<br /> To the extent perr�itted by �aw, Lender shall be enti��ed to caliect alI expenses incurred in pursuing �he
<br /> remed�es provid�d �n �hi5 �ect�on, in��uding, but not lim�ted to, reasonab�e attorneys' fees and costs of tit�e
<br /> �vid�nce.
<br /> If�he power vf sale is in�aked,Trust�e shall record a no�ice of defauit in ea�h c�un�y in wh��h any par�vf
<br /> the Proper�y rs Z�Gated an�shall mail cvpies af such not�ce in the mann�r prescribed by App�icable Law�o
<br /> Borrower and to the other person� pr�scribed by Applicabl� Law. After the time required by App�icab�e
<br /> Law, Tru�tee shal� gi�e public not�ce of sale ta the persons and in th� manner prescribed by Appl�cable
<br /> Law. Trustee,without de�and fln B�rrower,shaZ��e�l�he Praper�y at public auctrvn �a the highest brdder
<br /> at the t�me and place and u�nder the term5 desrgna�ed in the noti�e af sale in one or more parceI�and�n any
<br /> order Trustee determines� Trustee may po�fipane 5ale of a�l or any parcel of thQ Property by pub�ic
<br /> announcement at the time�nd piace of any previousIy scheduled sa�e,Lender or�t5 designee�nay purchase
<br /> �he Proper�y at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment�f the pr��e b�d, Trus�ee shall deliver ta the purchaser Trus�ee's deed con�ey�ng
<br /> the Property. The re��tals nn the Trus�ee'S deed sha�� bQ prima facie e�idence of the�ruth of the statement�
<br /> Q 2004-�014 Camp�iance Systems,Inc.4958-7466-2013L2.3.1.8�3
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Inst�ment DL2436 Page 4 af 5 www.compliancesystems.com
<br />