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��15��1�5 <br /> �nteres� fram �he da�e of disbursement at the same rate assessed on adva�ces under the �antract and shal� be <br /> payab�e,w��h�n�erest,up�n notice fr�m Lender�o Borrawer requesting payment. <br /> Insp�ct�on. Lender or z�s agent ma�make reasona��e entries upon and inspections of the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> g�ve Borrovver notice at the time of or priar to an inspec��on specifying reasonable�ause for the inspectian. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The�roceeds of any awa�d or claim for damages, direc�or consequen�ialy �n cnr�nec�ion w��h any <br /> candemnation or other taking�f any part of�he Property, ar for conveyance in �ieu af candemnation, are her��y <br /> ass�gned and sha��be paxd�o Lender. <br /> �n�he event of a to�a��aking of the Property, the proceeds shall be appiied to �he sums secured by this S�curzty <br /> Ins�rument, whe�her or n�� �hen due, �v��h any excess paid �o Borrower. In �he even� of a �ar�ial taking of the <br /> Prapert��h the fazr market value of�he Pr�per�y immediately befare�h� tak�ng zs �qua��o or grea��r�han <br /> �he amaun� of�he sums s�cured by�his Securi�y �nstrumen� �mmed�a�e�y befare the �aking, un�ess Barro�ver and <br /> Lender otherwise agre���.vvrxting,�he sums secured�y�his Se�urxty�ns�rumen�sha�l 1oe reduced by the a.mount of <br /> the proce�ds mu��ip�ied by the fo��ov�ing frac��on: �a}�he total amoun�of the sums secured immed�ate�y�efare the <br /> tak�ng, d�vxd�d by �b} the fair market vaXue af the Property immed�a���y befQre �he �aking. Any ba�ance sha�l be <br /> paxd t� Borrower. In the even� of a partial �aking of the Property in which the fa�s marke� �alue of the Pr�perry <br /> �mmed�a�e�y b�fore th� �ak�ng is l�ss �han the amoun� of the sums se�ured immedia�e�y befor� �he �aking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lend�r otherwise agree �n writing or unless App�x�ab�e Law o�herwzse�rovides, �he proceeds sha�� <br /> �e app��ed�o the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�wheth�r or not the sums ar��hen due. <br /> �f the Properry is a�andoned by Barrower, �r�f, after no�ic� �y Lender�o Barrow�r�ha��he condemnor offers ta <br /> make an award or set�le a cla�m fflr damages, Borr�wer fails to respand�o Lender withzn�he xnini�num number af <br /> days es�abl�shed by Ap�I�cable Law after the date�he natic��s gi�en,Lender is au�hor�zed��coll�ct and appiy�he <br /> proceeds, at its optx�n, either to res�orat�on �r repazr of the Proper�y or �o the sums secured �y this Security <br /> Instrument,v�he�her or nat then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower a�herwise agr�e in writing, any app�icati�n of proceeds to principal shal�no�extend <br /> or pastpone the due date of the�ayments due under�he Contract or chang��he amount of su�h payments. <br /> Borrvwer Not Re�eas�d; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wai�er. Ex�enszan of the txme far paymen� or <br /> mod�ficat�on of amor�zza��on of th� sums secured by this S�curit� �nstrument gran�ed by L�nder ta Borrawer �r <br /> any suc�essar in zn�eres� of B�rrower shall na� aperat� �o release the liabi�ity of the origix�al Borrawer or <br /> Borrovver's successors in in�eres�. Lender sha��not be requ�red t�c�mmence proceed�ngs agains�any successor in <br /> interest or refuse to extend�ime for payment or otherw�se m�dzfy amor�x.�atian�f�h�sums secured by�h�s Securzty <br /> �nstrumen� by reason of any demand made by the ar�gzna� B�rrower or Borrower's successars in interes�. Any <br /> farbeararice by Lender �n exercis�ng any righ�or remedy sha�X no�be a waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Success�rs and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se�eral Liab���ty; Accomm�da��an Signers. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreements of�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument shal�bind and benef��he successors and assigns af Lender and B�rrower, <br /> sub�ect �o the pro��s��ns of sec�ion �it��d Transfer of the Praperty or a Benef�ciai In�erest in Borrovv�r. <br /> Borrower's covenan�s and agreements shall b�j oint and severa�.Any persan who co-signs th�s Security�nstrument <br /> hut has n� personal liab����y under the �on�rac� �"Accommodation S�gner"�: �a} �s co-sxgning th�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rument only �a mor�gagey gran� and con�ey tha� Accommodation Signer's �n�erest zn the Property under the <br /> ��rms of �he Securzty Instru�ment; �b� is not persona��y obl�ga�ed t� pay �he sums secured by this S�cur��y <br /> Instrum�n�; and�c} agrees�hat L�nder and any�ther Barrovver may agree t� extend,modify, farbear ar make any <br /> accommoda��ons v�ith regard t��he�erms of�h�s Secur��y Instrumen�or the C�n�ract wi�h�u��ha�Accommflda��an <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> Laan Charges. �f�h� �oan secured 1�y �his 5ecuri�y �nstrumen� �s sub��c� �� a �av� wh�ch se�s maximum Ioan <br /> charges, and tha��aw is f nal�y in�erpreted so tha��he interest or other Ioan charges �ollec�ed or to be col�ec�ed in <br /> cannec��on w�th the �oan exceed the perm��ted lim�ts, th�n: �a3 any such �oan charge shal� be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessazy�o reduce�he �harge�o the perm�tted limits and��} any sums already �o�lec�ed fram Borrow�r <br /> whzch exceeded p�rmitted �imi�s w��l b� refunded to Sorrower. Lender may �hoose �o make �h�s refund by <br /> redu��.ng�he pr�ncipa� owed under�he Can�rac� nr by mak�ng a direc�payment to Borrov�er. If a refund reduces <br /> przncipa�,�he reductian w�ll be�rea�ed as a par�zal prepaym�nt under�he�ontract. <br /> Natices. Any notice to Borraw�r pro�id�d for in �h�s Security �ns�rumen� sha�� be giv�n by d��z�ering �t nr b� <br /> mailzng i�by f�rs�c�ass ma��unless App��cab�e Law requ�xes use of another methad. The notice sha�l be d�rec�ed�o <br /> �he Proper�y Addr�ss or any other address Borrov�er designates by na�ice �o Lend�r. Borrower agre�s �o pravide <br /> Lender wzth Borr�w�r's mos� curren�mai��ng address, as i�may change from��me-to-time. Any na��ce to Lender <br /> shal�be g�ven by first class ma���a Lender's address s�a�ed herein ar any�ther address L�nder d�signa��s by no���e <br /> ta Borrower. Any not�ce provrded for in th�s 5ecur��Instrumen�sha�l be deemed�o have been given�o Barr�w�r <br /> or Lender when gi�en as prov�ded zn this paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Se�erability.This Secur��y Ins�rumen�shall be g��erned by federa��avv and the�aws af the sta�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� that any provisxan or �lause �f thzs Security �nstrument or the C�ntract canflicts wi�h <br /> Applicabl� Law, such confl�c� sha�l no� affect other provisz�ns of�his Secur�ty �nstrument or the �ontract which <br /> can b�g�ven effec�w��hou��he confl�cting pro��sion. To�h�s end the pra�isians of�hzs Securxty Instrumen�and the <br /> �ontract are dec�ared�o be severable. <br /> Borrower's�op�.Borrower shall b�given one��py of�his Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> C�2d04�2014 CampIiance Systems,Inc.4958-7466-Z�I3L2.3.1.803 <br /> Cansumer Reat Estate-5e�ur€ty instrument I3L2036 Page 3 of 5 <br />
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