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��15���14 <br /> ��HEI3T.IL� 1 <br /> DESCRiPT��h� C]F REAL PRUPERTY: <br /> Fil� N�.: �����3�� �C����P���!� <br /> A trac�of land compr�sing a part of�he�Vest 1/� �f�he S�V 'f�of Section 5, Township 9 North,Range 9 W�st of�he <br /> 5th p.m., I�a�l Cflunty,�ebraska, and more par�iGular�y descri�bed as follows: �eginning at a point on the I�or�i Iine <br /> of said W�s�1f�af the SV� 'I�, said po�n�b�ing 15D.�feet East of�he N�arthv�es�cvrner❑f sa�d West'/�of�he SW 'I� , <br /> said paint also being�n th�Eas�r�gh�of way line of U.S. I-3ighwa�#�8 l,�hence runn�ng Sou�her��along said righ� <br /> af v�ray��ne a distanGe of 59�.�� feet, thence running Eas��rly along a l�ne parallel to the North Iine af said Wes� '�� <br /> of the SW '/�a d�stance vf 5�'7.I�f�e��o a po�n�on�he Wes�line af Bisvn Meadows, a Sul�division locat�d in a par� <br /> of�he said West I�of SW �I�, thence runnin�Nor�heas��rly a��ng the W�s�l�n�af said Bisan Meado�vs Subdiv�sion <br /> a distance vf G��.49 fee��o�he�Ivr�h line of said W�s�'I�vf�i�5W 'I�,�hence running V��st along�he North l�ne af <br /> said W�s���of the 5�V'1/�,a distance af 785.9�fe�t�o the p�in.t�f begir�.�ng. <br /> oocsi�3sa�og.� <br />