<br /> ��HIBIT A
<br /> ��
<br /> T'his ��hibit A is atta�hed ta an.d n�ade a part af that certa�n. IJ�� Financing Stat�m�.ent
<br /> naming �'I�ATR���. DEVELQPIVI�NT, LLG, as D e�tor �"D ebt�r"}, a.nd �ELLS FAR.G�
<br /> BANI�, NATIC�NAL AS S��IATI�N, as S�cured P arty["S e�ured P arty"�,
<br /> The fol�ov��ng i.s her�by incorp�rated �nt� sard U�C Finan�ing Statement as th�
<br /> des�r�pt�on�f the co��ateral subject th�r�t� [Gol�ective�y, the "�ol�ateral"):
<br /> A11 fixtures, ar�d gn�ds and equ�pment whic�. are �r are to becar.n.e f xtures, n�w or at any tir�e
<br /> hereafter, and pr�or to the ter.�n.inat�on h�re�f, owned or acquired by D e�tor, and af��ed or to b�
<br /> a.ff�.ed ta, and wheth�r or n�t severed and remov�d from, the real �raperty des�rib�d on
<br /> Schedu�e 1 attached hereta and �nc�rporated herein �y this ref�rence, ar�d a�l �mprovements,
<br /> rep�acenzents, accessians and add�ti�ns t�iereto and e�nbedded software �nclud�d t�.erein
<br /> [co��ect�vely, the "Fi�tures"), together with whatever is receivable or received when any of t�.e
<br /> �i�.tures �r proceeds there�f are so1d, ��ased, co��ecte�, exchanged or otherwise disposed flf,
<br /> whet�i�r su�h disp�sitian is voluntary ar ir�v�iuntary, inc�uding without ��mitat�an, [a} a��
<br /> a���unts, contract rights, ��iattel paper �wh�t�.er e�ectr�ni� or tan�i.ble), �nstruments, pramissory
<br /> n�tes, documents, genera� intang�l�l�s, paynz.�nt intangibl�s a�.d ot�.er r�ghts to payn-�.ent of every
<br /> kir�d naw or at any tirrle hereafter arising out of an� such sa1e, Iease, collectio�., ex�hange or
<br /> �ther d�spc�sitian n�any �f th� foregoing, �b) all rights to payn�ent, �nc�udin.g returned prerniur�.s,
<br /> with respect to any insuran�� relatir�g to any of t�e foregoing, and [c} a11 rights to payment wit�i
<br /> respect t� any ��aims or cause af act��n affect�ng �r r�lat�ng t� ar�.y �f the forego�ng. �`ar
<br /> avo��ance of doubt, the "Collateral" sha�� nat include any Exc�ud�d Property �as defined �n the
<br /> Third Amended and Restated Inter�redxtor A�reement �y and amc�ng S ecured Par�y, NNIC
<br /> �-R�LTP, IN�., a I�Tebraska corporati�n, and c�rtain ather parties, as arner�de�, restated,
<br /> supp�enzented, or�t�.erwise modzfied). .
<br />