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��15���11 <br /> required by RESPA, atid Barrower shall pay to Lend�r the amount necessary to make up the de�iciency in <br /> accordance with RESPA, but in no more tha�a 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in full�f all sums secured by this Security Instrument, L�nder sha�l prumptly refund tv <br /> Borr�wer auy Funds held by L�der. <br /> 4, Gha�ggs; Liens. Borrower shatl pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and imposirians attributable t� <br /> the Prvperty which can attain priority o�er th�s 5�curity Instrument, �easehold payme�nts or ground rents on <br /> th�Property, �f any, and�ommur�ity AssaGiation Dues, Fees, and Assessment�ss.if an.y. To th�exte�nt that <br /> these ite�ms are Escrow Ite�ms, Borrower sha1�pay the�m in th�mar�tie�p�'ov�ded�n 5ection 3. <br /> Borrvwer shall promptly discharge any�ien which has priarity over th�is 5ecu,rity Instrume�nt unless <br /> Borrower: (a}agrees in wriring to the gayme°nt�f the obligatiun s�cured by the lien fn a mannez'acceptable <br /> tv L�nder, but on�y so long as Borrower�s per�forming such agxeemen�; �b}cc�ntests the lie�n in gQod faith by, <br /> or def�n.ds agains��nforcement of the lie�n in, le�al prac�edings whi�h in Lender's apinian aperate#o preve�nt <br /> the enfvrcement of the lien while those proceedings ar�pe�nc�iing, but o�y until such proceedings are <br /> concluded; or���secures from the h�lder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Le�rider su�ardinating the <br /> lien tv this 5ecuri�y Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Pr�per�ty is subject to a li�a v�hich <br /> ran attain priority o�er this Security Instrument, Lender may�ive Barr�wer a n�tice identifying the lien. <br /> Within 1�da�rs vf the date on which that notice is give�, Borrawer sha11 satisfy the lie�n or take ane or more <br /> of the actiar�s set fortb abo�e in this Section 4. <br /> L,�nder may require BorroweT t�pay a an�t�me�harge f�r�re�l estate tax�erification andl�r reparting <br /> se�rvice used by Le��r in connecti�n with this L.oan. <br /> 5. Pnvperty I nsurance. Borrower shall ke�p the improvem�nts n�w exi stin�or hereai�er erected an the <br /> Prv insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term"extended coverage," and any�ther <br /> P�Y <br /> hazards includin�, but nat limited tv, earthquakes and f�vod.s, for which Len�r requires�nsurance. This <br /> insuranc�shall b�maintained in the amounts�including deductible Ieve�s}and far the periods that Lender <br /> r uir�s. What Lender requires pursuant to tbe preGedin�sentences can change during the te�m vf th�Loan. <br /> � <br /> The insurance�arri er provi ding the insurance shall�e Chose�n by Borrower su�j ect tfl Le�d�r's right tv <br /> disa ro�e&�rrowe�r's choice, which right shall nat be ex�rcised unrea�onably. Lender may require <br /> Pp <br /> Borrower to pay, in connectio�w7ith tihis Loan, elther: �a]a on�-time charge for flood zone deterrnination, <br /> cert��ica�ion aud tracking se�rvices; or�b}a one-time charge f�r flaod zone d�te�-minati�n and certi�cation <br /> services and subsequent ch�ges ea�ch tim�rema�pings or similar changes vccur which reasanably might <br /> a.ffect su�h determination or ce�rtification. Bonawer shall�l.s�he re�ponsible for the payment of any fees <br /> i osed b the Federal Emergency Managerne�nt Agenuy in conne�i�n with the revieow�f any fload z�ne <br /> � y <br /> determinati�n resulting firom an obj e�tivn by Borr�wer. <br /> If Barr�wer fails t�maintain any of the caverages described abo�e, Lender may obtain ir�su�'ance ca�erage, <br /> at L�nder's vption and Borrower's expe�nse. Le�nde2'is under no vbligation to purchase an►y particulaY'ty�e or <br /> amou�t vf coverage. Therefare, such coverage shall cover Le�ader, but might or mi�t nat protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equ�ity in the Property, or the cvnte�nts vf the Property, agai�nst any risk, hazaard or liability and <br /> mi t rovide eater or lesser coverage t�was previvusly in effect. Borrowe�r aGGknawled�es that the cost <br /> � P � <br /> of the insurance covera�e so obtained might significantly exceed th�cost of insurance that Borrower cou�d <br /> have�btained. Any amounts disburs�d by Lender uncler this 5ection 5 shall become additiona�debt of <br /> Borrawer secured�y this Security Ins�rument. These amounts sha��b�ar inte�est at the Note rate from th� <br /> date of disbursement and shall b�payab�e, wit1�such in�eres�, upon notice from L�nder to B�rruwer <br /> requ�stin�payme�t. <br /> 23��353487 D VBN� <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle F�miiy��annie MaelFredd'+e Mac UNiFORM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�2g 11�� <br /> VMP�� VMPP�ge S of 17 <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Financiaf 5arvices <br />