<br /> ��E�3 �F T�LJ�T
<br /> .
<br /> Loan N�: �7���9579 ��on`��nL�ed� Page 6
<br /> ac�ordance�rv��t�and fio the�u�l exten�pro�ided by applicabie law.
<br /> Successor Trus�ee. Lender, at Lender's option, may from rtime to time appoint a successor Trus�ee to any Trust�e
<br /> appoin�ed under this ❑eed a�Trust by an inst�ument executed and ackn�wIedged by Lender and recorded En �he
<br /> offi�e flf t�e recarder of Hail Coun�y, 5ta�e o� Nebraska. The ins�rument sha�I contain, in addition �o a�[ other
<br /> � mat�ers requ�red by state lav�, the names af the origina! Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, �he boc�k and page {or
<br /> camputer system reference) where this Deed o� Trust is re�orded, and the name and address a� �he suc�essor
<br /> trus�ee, and�he instrument shall be execu��d and acknovvledged by a�l�he benefi�iari�s und�r th�s Deed ��Trust or
<br /> their successors in in�eres�. The successor trustee; w�thout conveyance af�he Proper�y, shall succeed �o a1[ th�
<br /> ti�le, power, and duties conferred up�n the Tt�ustee in�his Deed vf Trust and by appiicab�e faw. This procedur��or
<br /> suhstitu�ion of Trustee shall g�vern�o�he��cclusion o�all vther provisions fvr substitution.
<br /> N�T�CES. Any notice required to be g�ven under this ❑eed of Trustr inc�uding wi-�hout limitation any notice of de�au�t
<br /> and any notice ❑f sa.le sha�� be gi�en in �vriting, and sha11 b� e��ective v�rhen ac�ually de�ivered, when ac�ua��y r�ce�ved
<br /> by�eIe�acs�mi�e �un�ess o�herwise required by la�v}, when deposi�ed v+�i�h a na�i�naliy recognized o�ernight cauri�r, ❑r, f-�
<br /> mai�ed, vlrhen �eposi�ed in the L1ni�ted 5tates ma�l, as firs��lassr �ertif�ed or registered mail pvstage prepaid. directed�o
<br /> �he addresses sho�rvn near�he beginning a�F�his D�ed o�Trusfi, A�[ copies o�nfl�ices of-�arec�osure�rom-�he ho�der o�
<br /> any �ien v�rhich has priority oVer this Deed of Trus� shall be sen� to Lender's address, as shown n�ar the beginning a�
<br /> this aeed o�T�us�. Any p�rson may change his or her address for notic�s under this Deed of Trust by gi�Fng forma�
<br /> wri��en no�ice �a the o�her person or pe�sons, speGi�yin� �hat the purpose vf �he no�ice is �o change �h� persan`s
<br /> add�ess. Far noti�e purpases,Trustor agrees to Cceep L�nder in�o�med at a�[times a�Trus�ar's current add�ess. Unless
<br /> otherwise pravided or required by lav~r, �f�here is mare than one Trustor, any no�ice g��en by Lende�-to any Trus-�or is
<br /> deemed�o be notie�gi�en to a�l Trus�ors. lt will �e Trust�r's responsibi'�ity�o�eI!the o�hers of th� notice�ram Lender.
<br /> N�15CELLANEC]US PR�V15�Ot1i5. The fol�ovving mis�e��aneaus pr'ovisions are a par�o�this Deed o�F Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. Vllhat is �rvri�ten in�h�s Deed of Trust and in the ReEafied Documents is Trustar's en�i�-e agreement
<br /> �nrith Lender concerning the matters co�ered by�his De�d ❑f Trust� To be ef-�ec�ive, any change or amendm�nt�o
<br /> � this Deed o�Trust mus� be in wr�ting and mus�be signed by lrvhoever wi[l be hound ar abIiga�ed by�he change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Cap#ivn Headings. Cap�ian h�adings in this Deed of T�-ust are �ar convenience purp�ses only and ar� not �o be
<br /> used�a in��rpret ar d��ine�he pr�vis�ons of this Deed of T�-ust.
<br /> Cll�erger. There sha�� be no merger of th� interest vr estate created by this Deed o�Trus�with any ather in�eres�or
<br /> � es�ate in�he Praper�y at any time he(d h�ar�o�-the bene���af Lender in any capacity; vv�thou�t the wr�tten consent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Gvvern�ng Law. This Deed of Trust wi�� �e gv�rerned by federa� Iain� applicab�e �a Lender and, tv �he ex�en� not
<br /> preempted by federal [awr the l�ws vf fhe S�ate of Nebraska rr►rithou�regard tv�ts conf�rcts of[aw prvvisions. This
<br /> ���d vf Tr�s�h�s been accep#ed 1by Lender in the S�a�e o-�Nebraska.
<br /> Chv�ce of V�nue. 3��here is a �awsui�, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's request ta submit to the jurisdiction of the
<br /> �our�ts o�Ha�[ Gounty, S�ate nf Nehras€�a.
<br /> Jvint and Severa[ Liability. A�I o�liga�ions o� Trus�or under this Deed of Trus� shal[ be �oint and se�eral, and al�
<br /> references t� Trustor shaiC mean each and e�ery Trusta�. ThEs me�ns that each Trus�or signing beloirv is
<br /> respansib�e for a[[�biigations in th�s De�d v�Trus�.
<br /> �la 1Naive�r by Lend�r, Trust�r understands Lender wi�� nvt gi�e up any ofi Lende€-'s righ�s under this Deed of T�rust
<br /> un�ess Lender d�es so in writ�ng. The fact that Lender defays or omits �o exercise any right vtirill n�� mean �ha�
<br /> Lender has given up tha� right. �f Lender do�s agr�e in �riting �o g�ve up one of Lender's rights, tha� �oes not
<br /> m�an Trust�r will no� ha�e tfl comply with the o�her pro�iisions a�this Deed af Trust. T�-ustor also understarids
<br /> thafi i� Lender does consenfi �a a request-, that daes na� mean that Trustor will nvt have fio get Lender's consen�
<br /> again if�he situa�ion happens aga�n. Trustor fiur�her under�tands�hat jus�because Lend�r consents to nne or mare
<br /> of Trus�or's requests, �hafi does no� mean Lsrnder wi�f be required to consent�o any nfi Tr-ustor`s future reques�s.
<br /> Trustor waives pr�sen�ment, demand��r payment, prates�, and natice o�dish�nar.
<br /> Se�rerab�[i�y. [� a cvur� �inds �ha� any provisian of this Deed �f Trust is n�t valid or shou[d not be en�orced, tha�
<br /> fac�by itself wi�l nat mean�ha��he rest of�his Deed af Trust�rvill no�be�aiid nr en�orc�d. Therefore, a cvur�wi�1
<br /> en�arce fihe r�st of the pro��sians of this �ee�o�Trust e�en i-F�pro�ision o�F�his Deed of Trust may be�ound to be
<br /> �nWalid ar unen�orc�abfe.
<br /> Suecessn�rs an�Assigns. 5ub�ect t� any �ir-nitations stated in �1�is aeed of Trusfi on trans�er of Trustor's �,n�erest,
<br /> this ❑eed a�r Trust shafl be hinding upvn and inu�-� to the hen�fi� o�the parties, their successvrs and ass�.gns. If
<br /> awnership a�the Proper--�y becames �ested an a perso� ather�han Tru.s�or, L�nder, w�thaut noti�e to Trustor, may
<br /> dea� wi�h Trus�or's successors with �eferenc��o�his De�d of Trus�and�he �ndebtedness hy�nray of forbearance or
<br /> ex�ension vtirith�ut re�easing Trust�r from the abligations a�F�his Deed o�Trust or�iability under�he�ndebtedness.
<br /> �'�me as of�he Essence. Time is of�he�ssence �n the performance o�this �eed of Trust.
<br /> �l�lai�e Jury, AIl par�ies ta th�s Deed o�Trust hereby vvaive-�he right�v any�ury firiai in any a�fiion, �roceeding, vr
<br /> �vuntea�cIairn�raugh�by any par�y against any v#he�par�#}�. ..
<br /> 11�ai�rer o# Homest�ad Exempt�on. Trustor hereby re[eases and waives alI ri�hts,and bene�rits of �he homestead
<br /> ex�mptian iaws o�the Sta�te of Nebraska as to a[[Indeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFIIV�T[aNS. Th�foi�ovving words shal�have the�o[fa�ing rneanings vvhen used in this [3eed a�Trus�: � �
<br /> Benef�ciary. The�ord "6enefic�ary'� means Equi�able�anlc, and its successars and ass�gns.
<br /> gorrc�wer. The wo�d °°Borrvwer" means Zachary T�hompson and Marcy R Thomps�n and includes a�f co-signers
<br /> and �o-malcers signing the Cred��Agreemen�t and al1 their successors and as�igns.
<br /> Credit Agr�emer�t. The w�rds "Credi� Agreemen�" mean the credit agreement da�ed December �3, �D�4, 'u►ri�h
<br /> cred�t limit of $�5,D��.���ram T�ustar to Lender,�ogether v+ri�h a�1 renewals of, e�€-�ens�ons o�� mQd�#�cations
<br /> of, refinaneings of, consolidations vf, and substitutions far�he prvmissory note or agreement. The maturi-�y date of
<br /> fihis Deed of Trus� is ❑ecember �3, ����. NDT�CE `f� `fRUSTDR: THE CREDIT AGREEIIlIENT' CDiVTA�11�S A
<br /> Deed o� Trus�. The words "Deed ofi Trust" rnean this Deed o�F Trus� among Trustar, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> inc�udes wi�hout lim��a�ion.a[[ assignment �nd securi�y in�e.rest p��visions re�a�ing t_o the P�rsonal Praper�y and
<br /> �ents.
<br /> Envirvn�enta! Laws. The words "Environmerita� Lavtirs"` mean any and all s�a�e, �Federa� an� �oca! sta�utes;
<br /> regula�ians and ordinances relat�ng �a the protection of human heal�h ar �the environment, i�cluding vsrithou�
<br /> 1im�tation the Cvm�rehsns��e En��r�nmenta� Response, C�mpensa�3on, and Liabili�y Act of 1�$�, as amended, �-2
<br /> CJ.S.C. 5ection 9601, et seq. {"GERCLA"�, t�he Superfund Ar�nendmen-ts an.d ReauthorizatEvn Act❑�F 7 986, �uh. L.
<br /> No. 99-4-99 4"SARA"},�he Hazardous Mater�als Transporta�ian Act,49 U.S.C.5ec��on �84'k, e�se�.,the Resource
<br /> Conser�ation and Re�c��ery►4ct, 42 11.S.C. Section 69��, et s�q., or ather applicab�e sfi:ate or feder:at �aws, r.u[es,
<br /> or�egulations�dop�ed pursuan�therefio.
<br />