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� ��14�5119 <br /> �DEE�3 �F TRL��T <br /> L��� Na: 5�����$7� �C��t��u��d� �age � <br /> Prvpertyr �he co��ectian ❑� such r�n�s, issues and prv�rits, anci the app�ica�ivn thereof sha�� not cure vr <br /> v�raiWe any de�ault or n��ice o�de�aul-� under this De�d of T�ust or i,n�alida�e any act d�ne in respanse to <br /> such defau�t or pursuant ta such natice o�de�a�[t; and,.n�twi�hstand'€ng�he continuanc�in passession of <br /> the Praper�y or the col[ection, rece�p� and app�ica�ion o� r�n�s, issues or pro-�i�s, Trus�ee vr Lender shaIl <br /> I�e enti�[ed �o ��eercise every.righ� prQ�rided fo�- in the-Gred�t Agt��ement.or the Re�ated Dacuments or by <br /> 1aw upan�he occu�rence vf any even�o�defaul�, incIud�ng the right�o exercise the power o�sa�e; <br /> {�} �a�mence an ac�ion to�orec�ose this ❑eed ❑€Trust as a martgag�, appoint a rece��er or specifical�y <br /> en�orce any�f the eo�enan�s hereof; and � <br /> 4c� DeIi�e�r to Trustee a �rit�ten declara�tian af default and demand-Far�sa�e and a writ�en no�ice af default <br /> and �lec�ion to cause Trustor`s interes�in fihe PraPer-ty to be so�d, which notice Trus�ee sha11 cause to �e <br /> du�jr filed��r re�ard in the appropria�e affices o��he Coun�y in which the Property is lpca�t�d; and <br /> �d� Wi�h resp�c�to ai� or any part of the Pe�-sanal Pr�perty, Lender sha[[ ha�e aI[the rights and r�medi�s. <br /> of a secured party under the Nebras�a Uniform Cammer�ial Code. � <br /> Foreclosure b�Po�ver_o�5afe, i�Lender e[ec�s�to foreelvse by e�€erc�se of the Pawer o�F Sale h��-ein contained, <br /> Lender_shaI[ notafy T�-us�ee and sha�l depvsi� with Trustee �his Deed of Trust and the Credit Agreemen� and <br /> such rece�pts and ev�dence��expenditures made and secur�d by this Deed ofi�frust as T�-ustee may requi�-e. <br /> �a� Up�n receEp�c af such no-��ce from Lender,Trustee shali cause to be rec�rded, put�[ished and deli�ered <br /> ta Trustor such [�o�ice of D��au[t and Notice of�a1e as then required hy iav�r and by this De�d of Tr�s�. <br /> Trustee sha��f wi�hout demand on Trustor, afker such �ime as may then �e requ;i�ed �y �aw and after <br /> recordation o�such Notice af De#au�t and after Noti�e of Sa[e having heen given as required hy lavv, sell <br /> the Proper�y at the time and place of sale f�xed �y i� in such No�ice of Sale, e�ther as a trvhvle, ❑r in <br /> separa�e lats or parcefs ❑r��tei-rms as Trustee shaff deem expedient,�and �n such order as Et may determi-ne, <br /> a� puh�ic au`c�ion�o the highest bidder for�ash 'rn [av�r-FuI money af the�[Jni�ed S�ates payable at the time <br /> of sa�e. .Trus�ee sha�� dei���r to.such purchaser or purchase�s �here��F i�s go�d and suf��c�en� deed or <br /> deeds conveying �he Praperty so s�Id, but withou� any,�ovenant or warranty, �xpr�ss or implied. The <br /> recr�a�s in such deed of an}� matters or -�acts shali be conclus-iWe p�oof o�the truth�ulness thereofi. Any <br /> �erson, inc[ud�ng w�thout limitation Trustor,Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b} As may be perm�tted by �aw, ai`ter deducting ai� casts, fees and expenses of T�-us-�ee and o� this <br /> Trust, including cos�s of e�idence af ti�ie in co�nect�on�rvith sa[e,Trust�e shaf� app�y the proc�eds of sa��. <br /> ta paymen� vf ��} a[I sums expended under the terms o�th€s Deed of Trust o�- under th� terms of�he <br /> �red�� Agreement no�then�repaid, including but not limited to accrued interest and late �harges, {ii} aIl <br /> o�her sums �he.n secured hereby, and �i�i}��he remainder, if any, to �he pers�n ar persons iegall� ent�tled <br /> ther�tv. <br /> �c} Trus�ee may in the mann��-prov�ded �y Cav� pastpone saC�af a[I or any por�ion❑f the Prop�r�y. <br /> l�err�edies,. Nvt �x�lusi�e. Trustee and L�nder, an� eac.h of fihem,�shaf�:be entit[ed �v enforce payment and <br /> per�ormanc� of any indeb�edness or obligatians secured by�his Deed of Tr-ust and t� ex�rc�se a[[ rights and pornrers <br /> under this Deed of Trustf und�r the Cred�� l�greement, unde,r any of the F�ela�ed Documen�ts, or unde� any a�her <br /> agreemen� or any laws n�vtir or he�eaf�er �n �orce; no�withstanding, some or all o� such ind�bt�dness and <br /> o�Iigat�ons secured hy this Deed a-�Trust may nvvur vr herea�er be a�herwise secured, whether by rno��gage, �eed <br /> o�trust, p�edge� IlEC3r ass€gnment or othervvise: �e�ther�he acGeptance vf thi� Deed of�fru_s� nvr tts enfiQ�-cerr�ent, <br /> �nrhe�her �� �our� ac�ion �r pur-suan-t$o �he power �� sale or Q�her powers con�ained En th�s Deed o�F Trus�, shal! <br /> pre�udice �r�ir� any manner a#feet Trustee's or Len�er;� right�ta r�a�i�e upon ❑r enfar�e anv other security n�w ar <br /> herea�er he�d by T�ustee ar Lealder, it being agree��ha�`�r�s�ee and Lenderr and each o�therr�, sha11 b� en��t��d to <br /> en#arce this Dee� o� Trus� anci any other secur-ity nvirv a�- here�f�er he[d by Lende� �r Trus�ee in such o�der and <br /> mann��- as �hey ar e�-ther flf them may in their abso�u�e disc�-etion de�ermine. No remedy conferred upon or <br /> reserWed �o T�us�e� or Lender, is intended �o b� exclusive o�F any o�h��- remedy in this peed o� �rus� �r dy iaw <br /> pravided vr permitted, but each sha[� be cumulativ� and sha[[ be in addition �o e�ery orthe� �-em�dy gi�en in thi:s <br /> Deed of Trust or naw o�r herea#�er exis�ing at [aw or in e�uity or by statute. Every por�ver or remedy gi�en by the - <br /> Credit Agreemen� or any vf �rhe Re[a�ed Daeuments to Trustee or Lender or t� jrvhich e€ther ofi them may be <br /> ❑ther�nrise en-�i�.[ed, may be exercised, concurrenfily or independently, '�rvm time �o time and as o-Ft�n as may be <br /> deemed e�ped��rit by Trustee or Lender; and ei�her of fihem may pursue incansistent remedies. Noth€ng in t��s <br /> D�ed o�F Trust sha[� be construed as prohibi�ing Le�der frorr� seeking a de�i�iency judgment against th� Trustor to <br /> �he ex�ent such act�on is p�rmitt�d by�a�. <br /> Etection �f F��m�dies. �II af Lender's righ-�s ar�d remedies vi��6� �e �umula-�i�e and rraa� be e�erc�se�i aEone o�- <br /> �og�ther, [� Lende� d�cides to spend mone�r �a��a p��orrrm any o�Tr�stor�s ohligations urae��r th�s �eed �f T�-us�, <br /> after Trustor`s faiiure t� do s�d tha� dec�sian b� �ender wil! na� af�ect L�nder's right�o dec��r� �rus�tor �n defau�� <br /> and to e�e�rcise Lend�r's �-emedies. <br /> Request�or Nv�rce. Trustor. on behalf af Trus�or and Lender, hereby reques�s�hat a copy�f any N�trce of❑efault <br /> and a copy o�any Not�ce of Sale under�his ❑eed of Trust f�e mai��d to them at the add�-esses set forth in the first <br /> para��-aph of this Deed of Trust.. <br /> At�orneys`,Fees� �xpenses. lf Lender ins`�itu�tes an� suit o�- a�tion to enfvrc� any �� the �e.rms of �h�s De�d of <br /> Trustr Lender sha�i b�en�it�ed to reco�er such sum as �he court may adlud�e reasonab(e as at�orneys' fees at t�ial <br /> an� upon any app�a[. Vllhether or n�fi any cour� ac�ivn is in�olved, and ta �he �xtent not prahihi�ed by �avv, all <br /> �easonab�e e�penses Lender 3ncurs fiha� in Lende�'s �pinion ar� necessary at any time.for the protec�ivn of i�s <br /> �nterest or the en�arcement of Ets rights shail �ec�rr�e a part a-�the �ndeb�edness p�aya��e an demand and sF��I[ beaa- <br /> int�rest_a� the �redit.Agr�ement rate from the dafie o� t�e expendi�u�e un�i� repaid: E�cp��ses �vuered �y this <br /> p�ragraph inciude, �nrithout �imi�ation, hov�rever subject�� ar�y �imits und�er ap�licab�� [�w, ��nder's attorneys° �ees <br /> and Lende€�`s �ega� �xpenses,. v�rhethea�;�r not �her� �s a �awsuEt� in.c�udi�g .attprneys" �ees and expens�� �o€- <br /> �ank�uptcy proceedings �inc[udin� efForts to madi�y or�acate any automatiG stay vr in�unction�, appea�s= and any <br /> anticipated post�udgment cv[Iec'�ion s�rWi��s, �he �os� o�F searching recordsr obtaining �itle reparts {including <br /> �oreclas�re repar�s}, surveyors' reports, and appraisa� f�es, t�tle Ensurance, and �ees �or the Truszee, ���he extent <br /> permi�ed by app[icable IavU. Trus�or also wi11 pay any court costs, in addi�ion to aC�o�her sums pro�ided #�y Iaw. <br /> Rights vf Trustee, Trustee sha�� ha�e aI[o�th�:righ�s and du�ies of Lende�-a�s set forth in th�s section: <br /> PD11�fEFiS AND QgLiGAT1�iVS �F TF�USTEE. The fv[[ov�cing pro�isivns ref.a�ing to the povirers and ob�iga�ivns of Trustee <br /> a�-e part o��his Deed vf Trus�: <br /> Pvwers of Truste�. ln addition ta aIE powers of Trustee arising as a matter of iaw,T�ustee s,hal� have�he power tv <br /> �aI�e�io�nring aeti�ns wi�h resp�c�to the Property upon the written �equest a� Lender and T�ustor: da� �ogn €n <br /> pr�parir�g and filing a map,o� plat o�F �he �eal Prc�psr�. inciudin�.the dedicat�on o�r streets �r �ther rigF��s to �h� <br /> �uhlie, �I�� jair� in �ranting any easem�n� or �rea�in� any restric�ion vn �i�e F��a� �'raperty;.,and �c� �oin �n anr� <br /> su�ardination o�-o�her aga-eement a��ec�ing�his �eed of T�ust a��h�in�teres�o�Lender�nder�h�s �eed o�F Trus�e <br /> T'�rus�e�. Trus�ee sha�� rneet all qua�i�ications rec��ireci �ar �rus�ee und�r a�apl�cable [a�v. �� addit�on to �he rights <br /> and r�med�es se�forth a�aove, with respec�ta a[[ or an� part of the Property� �he �rustee shall �ave ��e ri��� �o <br /> �a�-eclose by not�ce and saler and Lender �rtiiii€ have the �ight ta forec[ase by jud':cia1 fareGlasure, €n either case �n <br />