<br /> �]EE�] �F TRU�T
<br /> L�a� [Vo: ��`��5��7� ��o�t��u�d� Pag� �
<br /> c�ause in fa�or of Lend�r, �oge�her�vi�h such other hazard and liah��ity�nsurance as Lender may reasonably require.
<br /> Policies shaIl be v�rritken in �orm, amoun�s, coverages and P�asis reasonahly acceptable ta Lender and issued �y a .
<br /> compan� vr campanies reasona�[y accep�able to Lender. TrustQr, upon reques�t of Lend�r, wi[� defiver to Lender
<br /> �ram time to time�he poli�ies or�er�ificates of insurance in fo!�rn satis�actory to Lender, in�[uding s�ipu[atians fihat
<br /> c��erag�s vtirifl na� be can�e[�ed or diminished wi-�hou� a� least ten {�D} days priar writ�en no-tice to L�nder. Each
<br /> insurance p�li�y a�so �ha�� inc�ude an endo�-semen-� p�-oviding tha� �overag� in fa�or o� �ender�nri[� not he impaired
<br /> in any�nray by any act, omission or de�au[t of Trus�or ar any o�her person. Should the Rea� Pr�aper�y be [vcated in
<br /> an area d�signa�ed hy�he Admin�stratar of�he Fed��-a1 Emergency Management Agency as a special �[ood hazard
<br /> a�ear Tru��or agrees �o obtain and maintain Federai Flood lnsurance, if avai]abie, far the maximum amount of
<br /> Trustor's c�edit line and the �Full unpaid principal balance flf any prior]iens on the prvper�y secu�ring the loan, up to
<br /> the maximum poiicy limits s�t under�he Na�ional Fiaad Insurance Program, o:r as �fiherwise�-equ�red by Lender, and
<br /> �o mainta�n such insurance�or th�term of the loan.
<br /> �4pplica�ian of Pro�eeds� Trusfior sha[[ pr�mptl�.nat��y Lender o� any l�ss or damage�o the Pr�pert�. Lender ma�
<br /> make proo� of loss if Trustor fails to do so w��hin fifteen {'f 5} days of the casua�ty. Vllhefiher or not�Lender's
<br /> securi-ry �s impaired, Lender may, a� Lender's �1ect�on, recei�e and retain the proc�eds of any �nsurance and appfy
<br /> the proceeds tfl.�he reduGtion of the �ndebtedness, paymen� of any lien affecting �he P�-vpert�,.or the restoration
<br /> and repa�r of the Praperty. 1-� Lender e�e�ts �o appiy the praceeds to restaratipn and repaEr, Trustar shal[ repair or
<br /> replace �he damaged or destroyed �mprovernen�s in a mann�r sa�is-�a��ory to Lender. Lender shail, upon
<br /> satis�actory proo-� of such expendr�ture, pay a� reimburse Trustor -�rom the proceeds €o�r the reasonab�e cost of
<br /> repair or restoration i� Trustor is not in de�ault under this Deed o� Trusfi. Any proceeds which haW� no� heen
<br /> d�sbursed wi�hin �8� days a�f-�er- �h�ir receip� and which Lender has no� com:mit�ed to �he repair or restvrafiion of
<br /> th� Prop��-�y snall �e used first�o pay any amaun� o`rv�ng to Lender under�his Deed o�Trust, then to pay accrued
<br /> in�erest, and -�he remainder, €f any, s�al� be applied to the princ�pai balance of�he �ndeht�dnes:s. if L�nder hafds
<br /> any proceeds after payment in fu�l o� the Indeb�edness, such proceeds shall be paid to Trusto� as Trustor's
<br /> int�res�s may appear.
<br /> Gompliance wit�a Ex�sting lndeb�edness. During the per�od in wh�ch any Existing lndebfiedness described belovv is
<br /> €n ef�ect, compliance wf�h the �nsurance provisions contained in the ins��-ument ��idencing such Existing
<br /> lndebtedness sha[[ �vns�itut� camplia.nce with the �nsurance p�oWisians und��- th�s Deed of Trust, �o the extent
<br /> campliance with the �erms af�his ❑e��i ��Trust �ouid cvnstitute a duplica�Eon of insurance requirement, �f any
<br /> p�-oceeds from the insurance 1�ecom� payaia�e �n [ossr �h� provisions in this ❑eed a-�Trust�€or di��sion o�proceeds
<br /> shall appl�vn[y�o that por�ian flf the proceeds not payable ta�he holder of the Exisfing �ndeb�edness..
<br /> LENDER'S E�iPEND�T�RES. [f Trustor fails {A} �o keep the 1'rvperty free of a11 �ax�s, [iens, securi�y interests,
<br /> encumbrances, and other claims, 4B� tv_�r�vide any'required insurance an the P�op�rty, �C} �o make repairs to the
<br /> Property or to c�mply with any ab�igation to rnain�asn Exis�in� �ndebtedness in gvod standing as required.below, ,then
<br /> Lender may do so. ifi any a�tion or proceeding is commeneed that wouid materially affeCt Lender's interes�s in fihe
<br /> Proper-�y, �hen Lernder vn Trustar�s behal� may. but is not required to, take any aetion tha� Lender be�ieves to be
<br /> appropriate to pro��ct Lender�s inte�-ests. Ail expenses incu�red ar paid by Lender far such purpases wi11 then bear
<br /> interes� at �he rat� charged under the Credit Agreement fram the date incurred a�- paid by Lender to the date of
<br /> repa�ment �y Trus�Qr. A�� sueh expenses �ili become a par# of the [ndebtedness and, at Lender's option, v�ril[ {A} b�
<br /> payable on demand; �B} be added to �he balance o�the Credi�Agreement and be appor-�tioned among and be payab�e
<br /> �nrith any insta��ment payments to become due during either {7} the term af any appficabLe insur-ance policy; or ��} the.
<br /> remaining term v�th� �redit Agre�ment; or �C} b� treated as a balloon paymen�whieh v►ril�be cIue and payahle at�he
<br /> �red�t Agreemen�'s matur�fy. The �]eed of Trus�a�so wi[[ secure paymen�of these ar�ou�ts. �he�igh�s p�-o�ided for�n
<br /> �his �aragraph shall be in addEtion ta �ny other rights ar any remed�es to which Lender may be en�it[ed on a�count of
<br /> any defau[�. �ny such actio� by Lender shalf not be construed as �ur�ng the de�ault sa as �o bar Lender ��-om any
<br /> rem�dy that�t o�he�vtirise v�rould have had.
<br /> �11�AF�F�AN`fY� DEF�IVSE OF TITLE. The�Following provisians re[ating tQ awnership of�he Property are a part of�his �eed
<br /> o�Trus�:
<br /> Tit1e. T�ustar warran�s �hat; {a} Trustor hvlds good and mark�table ti�[e of record �o the Praper�y in �fee simple,
<br /> �ree and clear o-� a�� liens and encumhrances o�her than those set �or-�h in �he F�eal Property descr�ptian o�- in �he
<br /> Exis�ing Indel��edness s�etivn befoin� or in any�i-�Ie insurance poiicy, title repart, or final tit�e.a��nion issued in fava�
<br /> of, and accep�ed by, Lencfer in �onneetion v�rith �h�s D�ed o�Trus�, and {b} Trustor has the fuli right, pflwer, and
<br /> au�hor�ty�o ex�cute and deliWer�h�s De�d o�Trus�to Lender.
<br /> Defense �f T���e, Sub��ct to �he ex�ep��v� ir� �he paragrap� abv��, Trustor war-rants and will fore�er de�end the
<br /> �it[e�ka th� Proper�y_agains�the�aw�u� claims of alI pe�sons. �n the even� an� acta�n or proceed�ng is cammenced
<br /> �h�t questions Trustar`s tEt�e vr�he 3nterest o�-fruste�ar Ler�der under this Deed o�Trust,�rustor shal� defend the
<br /> act�Qn at TrustorTs e�cpense. Trus�ar may be th� nann�nai par-ty in suGh prac��dir�g, 6ut Lend�r shal[ be ent�tled to
<br /> par��c'rpate in the �rviceeding and to �e repres�n�ed�4n �he �r�ceeding by co�nseE o� L�nder's o�rvn choice, and
<br /> T�-us�or wii[ de�iver, or cause to be de[iWered, ta Lender such instruments as Lender may request�from�ime to�ime
<br /> �o perm�t such parti�ipatian,
<br /> Compl�an�e Vlfith Laws, Trustor �nrarrants that �h� Pa-operty and Trustor's use af �he Property comp[ies irvith al!
<br /> exis�ing applica�le laws,ord.inances, and regu�ations of governmentai autharities. .
<br /> Surviv� o�F PrvmYses. A[l promises, agreements, and s�atements Trus�or �as made in �his Deed of T�ust shal�
<br /> su�v��e the �xecution and dei��ery of this �eed of Trus�, shall be cantinuing in na�ure and shal[ remain in full �orc�
<br /> and effec�unt�l such�ime as Trustar`s Indebtedness is paid in�Fuii.
<br /> EX[STIN���aEBTF�]NESS, fhe fa[[orrtiiing pro�isions concernia�g Exis�ing Indebtedness are a part o€this Deed a�Tr�st:
<br /> Ex�sti�g Lie�. The lien of this Deed of �"rust securir�g �he lndeb�edn�ss may h� s�cor�dary anc� en�erior �a an
<br /> exist�ng lien. Trustor expressly �ovenants and agrees t� �a�, ar s�e to the pa�rnent of, the E�isting lr�debtedn�ss
<br /> and to prev�nt any de€aul�or�such �ndeb�edraess, any de�ault under�he instrurnents evidencing such �ndebtedness,
<br /> or any de�aul�under any security documents for such�ndeb��dness.
<br /> Na 1Vlodifica�t;vn. Trus��r shal� nvt enter in�o any ag�-eemen� wEth the halder of any mortgag�, deed af trust, c�r
<br /> athe� security agreement wh��h has pr�flrity o�er �his Deed af Trust by v►rhich �hat �greement is mociified,
<br /> amended, e3ctended, ar renev�ied v�ithaut the pr�or v�r�t�en consent afi Le.nder. Trustor shall ne�ther r��ues� nor
<br /> � accep�any future ad�ances under any such securi�y agreemen�without�he prior written consent o�L�nder.
<br /> C�i1�DE1�1�1VATIDN. The follovtir�ng pravisions r��ating to condernnatfon prviceedings are a part o��his Deed ofi T�ust:
<br /> Proceed�n�s. �� any proceeding in cond�mnatiar� is �iledF Trustor �hall promptly no�f�y Lender in virri��ng, and
<br /> Trustor sha�[ prornpt�y take such steps as may be n�cessary t� de�end �he a��ion and �1��ain th� a�a�da Trus�or
<br /> may he�he nornina� party in such proeeeding, bu�Lender shall 1�e en�it[ed to par"tiGipate in t�e�roc�eding anc��o �e
<br /> represented in the prviceeding bjr cvunse� of �ts ��nrn �hoi�e, �nd Trustor r�vi[[ deli�er flr caeas� �a �e de���ered �a
<br /> Lend�r suc� �nstruments and dacumen�atian �s r�ay be re�uested by Lende�- fror� �ime �o tirne �o perrn�t such
<br /> participatiane
<br /> �p��ica�ian vf Net Pro�eeds. I�a[[ vr any par-�of the Property �s condemned by eminen�domaira proc��dings ar�y
<br /> any praceeding or purchase in lieu of condemna�ion, Lender may at its e�ection require that all vr any gaor�ian of�he
<br /> net praceeds of the award be app[i�d to the fndebtedness or th� repair ❑r restoration of �he Proper�ty. The ne�
<br />