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��14�5119 <br /> [�E��3 �F TF�U�`f <br /> L��� No: �7��5��7� ����$��t��d� Page � <br /> re[ease o� �hrea�ened re[eas� af any Hazardous Subs�ance by any person �n, under, about or �rom �he Praperty; <br /> (�} Trus�or has na !<nowEedge of, �r reason to believe �hat there has be�n, except as pr�vious�y disclosed to and <br /> ac�nawledg�d b}i Lender in v�r'��ing, �a} any breach or viola�ion o� any En�ironmenta� La�nrs, {b} any use, <br /> generation, manu�ac�ure, s�orage, treatment, disposal, release or threatened re�ease v� any Hazardous Substan�e <br /> on, under, a�aut or from �he Pr�per�y by any priar owners or accupanfis o� �he Property, or ��} any ac�ual or <br /> threatened lifiiga�ion or c�aims �� any kind hy any persan r��a�ing to such matters; and �3� Excep� as pre�iausly <br /> disc�osed�a and acl�naw�edged by Lender in wri�ing, �a� neither Trust�r nvr any tenant, contr-aetor, agent or other <br /> authori�ed user of the Property shali use, gene�a�e, manufac�ture, s�ore, tr�at, dispose o�F or re�ease any Ha�ardaus <br /> Substanc� on, under, about�r from the Praperty; and �b} any such activity shall b� conducted in comp��ance vtrith <br /> al! applica��e �ederal, sta��, and [oca! law�, regu�ations and o�dinances, including without �imi-�a�i�n a�[ <br /> Environmenta� Lav�s. Trustor au�horizes Lender and its agents �a enter upon the Property to make such <br /> inspe�tions and tests, a� Trus�or's expense, as Lend�r may deem appropriat� �v de�ermine compI�ance ❑� th� <br /> Property with �his s�ctfon of �he Deed o� T�-ust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender sha�i be fo�- Lender's <br /> purposes anly and shalf not be cons�rued to c�eat� any respons�hility o�[iabiiity on the par�o�Lender to Trus-�or or <br /> to any other persfln. The represen�ations and warrant�es Gon�ained herein ar� based on Trustar's due dFligence in <br /> fnves�iga�ing �he Property f�r Hazardaus Substances, T�-ustor hereby t�} re�eases and wa�ves any-�u�ure c�aims <br /> against Len�er for indemnity or contribu�ion in �he e�rent Trustor becornes liab�� for cleanup or o�h�r costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��� agre�s�o indemnify, de�end, and hvld harml�ss Lender agains�any and a1I claims, �osses, <br /> If�bl���iES� damages, pena.I�i�s, and expenses v�rhich Len.d�r may d.irectly o.r zndir�ctIy susta�n or suffer resulting from <br /> a breach of th�s sectian of the �eed af Trus�.vr as a cansequence o� any use, genera�i�n, manufac�ure, storage, <br /> disposal, re�ease or threatened re[�ase o�curring prior ta Trus�o�'s o�nrne�ship or�n�eres�in the Property, whether ar <br /> no�t the same v�ras �r should ha�e be.en knvwn to Trus�or. The p�ovisions af this sec�ion af�he Deed a�Trust, <br /> in�luding the abiiga�ion to indemni�y and defend, sha�f survi�e the payment of the �ndebtedness and the sa�isfaction <br /> and recon�reyance of the �ien of this Deed o�F Trus� and shal[ not be aff�cted �y L�nder's acquisition ��any in�eres� <br /> in the Property, whe�her hy�oreclosure vr otherw�se. <br /> Nu�san�e, V1las�e. Trustor shall not cause, conduct or permit an� nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ri�pping a� or vvas�e fln or �o �he Property or any por�i�n a��tihe Proper�y. Vllithou� ��mi�ing fhe genera�ity o��he <br /> faregaing, Trus�ar�rvill not remo�e, ar grant to any�ther par�y�he right�o rem�v�, any t�mber, minerals ��nc�uding <br /> oil and gas}, coa�, clay, scoria, SDi�, grave�ar rvck prvducts withou�Lender=s prior�nrr�tten consent. <br /> Rema�al�f lmpravemenfis. Trusfior shall nvt demviish ar remove any Improv�men�s from the Real Prflpe�ty without <br /> Lender's �rior written �onsent. As a �flndi-�ion�o�he remo�al of any �mpro��ments, Lender may requ��re Trustor ta <br /> mal�e arrangements satisfac�ory �o Lender �o replace such lmpro�ements wi�h �mp�ovements a� at least equal <br /> value. ` <br /> Lender'� R�ght ta Enter. Lender and Lende�'s agents an� representati�es may en�er upon the ReaE Property at a�l <br /> reasonahle t�mes to at�end to Lender's interests and ta inspect the R�al Property for purposes of Trustar's <br /> compIiance vui�h the terms and conditions of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> �omp[ian�e with Cc�vernrraentai Requirements. Trus�or sha[1 promptfy comp�y �ririth a�� [aws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�ations, n�tiiir ar h�:reafter in ���Fect, o� al� go�ernm�n�al au�horities appticah�e to the use or accupancy �f�he <br /> Proper�y. Trus�or may��ntest in good faith any such law, ard�nance, or regu�a�ion and withhold comp[ianc�during <br /> any proceeding, �nelud�ng appropr-iate appeals. so long as Trus�or has notified Lender in wri-�ing priar to dv�ng so <br /> and sa 9ong �s, in Lender`s so�e opinion, Lender`s in�er�sts in the Pr�per�y are not jeopard�zed: l�ender may require <br /> Trustor ta pos�a�equate securi�y or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactary to Lender,t�p�-ote��L�nder's interes�. <br /> Du�y ta Prmtec�. Trustor agrees n�ither �o abandan o� lea�e unatt�ncled the Property. Trus�or shall do a�i other <br /> ac�s, i� �ddition t��has�acts s�t farth abave in�his section, whfch f�om�he�ha�ac�er and use of�he Property are <br /> reasonahly necessary ta protec�and preserWe the Property. <br /> DUE�N SALE�C�N5E11�T BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's opt��n; dec�are immedia�e[y due and payable all sums <br /> secured hy this De�d of Tru�t up�n the saZe or�ransfer, v�i�hou�Lender's pr�or v�rritten consen�, o�all or any part vf the <br /> Rea[ Proper�y, or any �nterest in the R�a[ P�-oper�y. A "s.ale or transfer" means the con�eyance of Real Property or any <br /> righ-�, t�t[e or in-�eres� in the Real Property; whether legal, bene�icial or equitable; �rhether vo�un-�ary vr- inva[unta�-y; <br /> whe�`her hy ou�right sale, de�d, insta��m�n� sa�e con�ract, iand can�ract, cantract �or deed, leaseho�d interes� wi�h a <br /> term greater than three �3} years, �ease-aptian contract, or b�r sale, assignm�n�, or trans€er a�any b�ne���ia1 infieres�in <br /> or�a any iand �rus� ho[ding t�tle t� th� Real Pro�er��r, �r by any other method o�con�eyance of an interes� �n �he Rea� <br /> Prape�v. �owever,, this aptian shall no-� �e exercised by Lender �� such e�ercise is prohibi-�ed by -�ederal law or by <br /> Nebraska �aw. <br /> TA}�ES AN� LIENS. The �ollo�rving pro�isions �e[ating �o the taxes and liens �n the Pro�er�y are �ar� of�his Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> � Payr�ent. Trus�ar shafl pay when due {and �n a�� events prior to delinquency} all taxes, specia�taxes, assessments, <br /> charges {�ncluding water and sevtiier}, fines and imposi�ions �evied againsfi or an account o�the Property, and shal! <br /> pay when du� a�l c�aims �vr v�rorl<done an or far serVices �endered or material �urnished �o the Prvperty. TrustQ� <br /> sha�i mainfiain the Property free of all liens haW�ng priarity o�er or equal to�he inte�est a�Lende�under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except �or the Fien o� �axes and assessmen�s not due, except #or the Existing lndebtedness refer�ed �o <br /> helow, and except as oth�rwise praWid�d �n this Deed of Trus�fi. <br /> Right to Gontest. Trustor may withh�ld payment o�any tax, assessment, or c�aim in cvnnection with a goad faith <br /> dispute o�er�he obligat�on to pay, so ��ng as Lender"s interest in�he P�-�per�y is not jeapard`i�ed. �f a lien arises or <br /> is fi�ed as a resu�fi o� nonpayment, Trus�or shall tinr�thii� fi-�een [15� days affier the �sen arises or, if a lien as filed� <br /> v�ri�hin �ifi��en �15} days after Trustor has no�i�e a�the fi[inga se�ure the discharge o�F the lien, o�- if requ�sted by <br /> Lender, deposit wi�h L�nder cash ar a su��icien��or�orate sure�y band or ather secu:ri�y satis�act�ry to L�nder in an <br /> amoun�suf�i�ien��o discharge�he [ien plus an�,�osts and attorneys° �ees, or other charges that cau�d accrue as a <br /> resu��a�a foreciosure or sale under fhe ��en. l�anW�ont�s�,Trustor sha�� de�end i�sel�F and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment be�ore�n�orcem�nt against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additiona� obiigee <br /> under any sure�y bond furnish�d in�he contes�procsedings. <br /> E�iden�e �f Paymen�. Trustor sha�� up�n demand furnish �a Lender satisfac�o�y evidence af paymerit o��he taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and sha[l au�hor��e�he appropriate gvWernmental official to deli�er�o Lender at any time a v►rri�ten <br /> statement of the taxes and assessments agains��he P�operty. <br /> hlo�i�e ��Cvnstru�taon. Trustor shall noti�y Lender at �eas�fifteen 4��� days befor� any worlc is �ommen�ed, any <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, or any nnaterials are supp�ied�to the F'�oper�y, i�any mechan'rc's lien, ma�erialmen`s i�.�n, or <br /> other ���r� could be asserted on account o�th� war�c, serWices, or materia�s. Trus�ar wi11 upon request of L�nder <br /> furnish to L�nder advanc� assurances satis�actory -�a Lender tha� Trus�or �an and wi�� pay� the �os� o� such <br /> i rr�pr-overx�e n�s. � <br /> PRaPEF�TY D�1�V1�4�E [NSU�ANCE. The��[loviring pro�isions re[a�ing �o insuring�he P�operty are a pa�t���his �]eed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> [Sliain�e�anc� of lnsuranc�. Trusfor sha[[ procure and maintain policies o� �ire insurance v�ri�th standard extended <br /> co�erage endarsements on a replacem�n� basis �or the fu[[ insurable va[ue covering afi lmp�-o�ements an �he Rea[ <br /> Property in an arnount sufficien� �o avoid applica�ion a� any cainsu�ance �lause, and with a s�andard mv�-tgagee <br />