<br /> full of a�1 sums se�ured by �h�s Security �ns�rument. However, this opti�n shall n�� �e exerc�s�d by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federal lavv as af the da�e of�his Se�u.rity�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender ex�rcises �his option, Lender shatl g��� Borrower no�ice of acceleration. The no��c� shall pro��de a
<br /> period of not Iess than �he m�nimum number of days es�abl�shed by Applicabie Lav� from �he date the noti�e �s
<br /> de�i�ered or mailed wi�hin v�h�ch B�rrower must pay a1I sums s��ure� by this Security instrumen�. If Borrower
<br /> fai�s �o pay �hes� sums prior�o the expira�ifln of�his per�od, L�nder may in�oke any remedies perm�t�ed by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument v�ithout fur�her not�ce flr dem.and on Borrovver.
<br /> Borrower�� Right t� Re�nsta�e. If Borrovv�r mee�s cer�ain �ond�tions, Borrawer shall have th� righ� to have
<br /> �nforcem�nt af�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� discontinued a�any time prior to the earlier of: �a} S days �or such o�her
<br /> per�od as App�icab�e Law may spe�ify for re�ns�a�enzent��efare sale of�he Proper�y p�rsuant�o any pawer af sale
<br /> can�a�ned �n �h�s Security Instrument; ar �b� entry of a judg�ment enforc�ng thYs Securi�y In�trumen�. Those
<br /> �andit�ons are �hat Borrov�er: �a} pays L�n�er al� sums wh�ch �hen v�oul� be due under�h�s Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the Con�rac�as if no acce�era���n had occurred;���cures any defau��of any o�her cfl�enan�s or agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays aIl e�penses incurred in enforc�n.g this Security�nstrumen�, including,but not Iim��ed�o,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees�o th� �xt�nt perm�t�ed by �av�; and�d}takes such ac�ian as Lender may reasonab�y require�� assure�ha�the
<br /> Iien of this Security Instru�men�,Lender's righ�s �n�he Prap�rry and Borravver's obl�ga�ion�o pay�he sums secur�d
<br /> by thxs 5ecuri�y Instrumen� shai� �ontinue unchang�d, Upon reins�a�emen�by Borrower, �his Security �ns�rumen�
<br /> and the obliga�ions s�cured hereb� shal� rema�n full� effective as if no acce�era��on had �ccurred. Haw�ver, �his
<br /> r�gh��a reinstate sha�I no�apply in�he case of accelera�ian under the section�i�led Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Benef�cial In�erest in BorrowQr.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances.Borr�wer shall no�cause ar perm���he presence,use, disposal, s�arage, or release of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Propez�ty.Borrower sha1l no�do,nor a�la�anyone else�o�o,anything affec��ra.g
<br /> the Property�hafi �s in �iala�ifln �f any Enviranmen�al Law. The preceding �wo sen�ences shall no� app�y �v the
<br /> presence,use,or starage on the Propert�flf sma11 quantities of�azardous Subs�ances that are general�y recogn�zed
<br /> to be appropriate t�nflrmal resid�n�ia�uses and�o maintenanc�of the Property.
<br /> Bflrrov��r sha��promp�Iy gi�e Lender wri�ten notic�af any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or a�her action by
<br /> any gov�rnmen�al �r regu�atory agency or pr�va�e party invol�ing the Proper�y and any Ha�ardous 5ubs�ance nr
<br /> Environmen�a� Law of whi�h Sorrower has actual knowledge. �f B�rrov�er learns, or �s n�tif ed by any
<br /> governmen�a�or r�gu�atory auth�rity,�ha�any remava�or o�her remediation of any Hazardous Substance aff�c��ng
<br /> the Proper�y is nec�ssary, Borro�ver shall promp�Iy �ake a11 ne�essary remedial ac�ions in a�cordance v�i�h
<br /> En�ironmental Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substan�es" are th�se su�bstances defined as�ox�� ar hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by En��ronmen�al LaW and �he fallow�ng substance�: gasoline, kerosene, a�her flammable or �oxic petra�eum
<br /> praduc�s, �oxic pesticxdes and herbi�id�s, v��a�ile sa�vents, materials conta�nrng asbes�os or formal�.ehyde, and
<br /> rad�oacti�e ma�erials. As used zn th�s paragraph, "Enviranmen�al Lavv"means federa�1av�s and�aws of�he state of
<br /> Nebraska that rela�e�o heaith,safety or env�ranmen�al pro�ect�on.
<br /> Acce�eration; Remed�es. Lender shal� gi�e noti�e to B�rrower pr�or to a�celera�ion fol�owing Borrovver�s
<br /> breach of any�o�enant or agreement in th�s Securit�Instrument or the Con�ract under v+vhich ac�e�eration
<br /> is permit�ed �hut not priar to ac�eleration under the section t�tled Tran�fer�f the Property�r a Benef�cial
<br /> In�ere5t in Borrower, unless Applicab�e Law provides otherwise). The notice sha�� specify: �a} �he defaul�;
<br /> �b3 the act�vn required to cure the defau�t; (c� a date, no� le�s than the minimum number af days
<br /> e5�ab�ished by Appl�cabie Law from the date�h�not�ce is gi�en tv Borrower, by which the default mu5t be
<br /> cured; and �d} that failure to cure �he defaul� �n or b�fore the date spe�i�ed �n the not�ce may result f n
<br /> acceleration of the 5um5 secured by this Secur�ty InStrument and sale of the Property. To the exten�
<br /> permitted by �aw, the notice 5haI1 further infarm Borrower of the right to reinstate af�er acce�eration and
<br /> the rYght to bring a�our�action to assert the nan-existence of a defaul�or any other defense of Borr�wer tv
<br /> a��e�eration and sa��. If the d�fault is not �urQd on or b�fore �he date spe�i�ed in the notic�, Lender at its
<br /> option may require imm�dia�e payment in full of aIl sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument vv�thvut
<br /> further demand and may invake thQ pawer vf sale and any other remedfes permi�ted by App�icab�e Law.
<br /> To the ex�ent perm�tted by law, Len��r shal� be entitle�i �o callec� aI� expenses incurred ir� pur5uing the
<br /> remed��5 prov�ded in this Section,including, bu� not Iirn�ted ta, reasonable att�rney�' fees and costs of��tle
<br /> e�idenc�.
<br /> If the power af sa�e is in�nked,Trustee sha�� recard a no�ic�of default in each county in whi�h any part of
<br /> the Property is �o�ated and sha��mail copies�f�uch noti�e in the manner pre5cr�bed by Applicabie Law to
<br /> Borrower and to the �ther per5vn5 prescribed by Applicab�� Law. Af�er �he �im� required b� Applica�Ie
<br /> Law, Trus�ee 5ha1� g�ve pu�Iic notic� of sale t� �he persons and in the manner pre��ribed �y Applicable
<br /> Law. Trustee, vvxthou�demand on Bvrrovver, shall sell�he Property at public au�t�an �o the h�ghest bidder
<br /> at the time and p�a�e and under the terms desig�a�ed in the no�ice of 5ale in one ar more parce�s and�n any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Truste� may postpone sale of all or any parcei of the Property by pub��c
<br /> annaun��m�nt at the time and pla�e of any pre��ously scheduied sale.L�nder or�ts designe�may purchase
<br /> the Property at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trus�ee �ha�l de�iver to the pur�haser Trustee's d�ed can�ey�ng
<br /> �he Property. The rec��als �n �he TruStee's deed shail be prima fa�ie e�idence af�he truth af�he statemen�s
<br /> made there�n, Trustee shall apply the praceeds flf the sale in �he follow�ng �rder: �a3 to a�� costs an�
<br /> expenSes of exercising �he power of sa�e, and the sa�e, �nclud�ng the payment of�he Trustee's fees actually
<br /> C�20a4-2414 Compliance Systems,InG.4958-729A-2013L2.3.1.8D3
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security ins�rument DL2035 Page 4 of 5 www.cvmplianc�systems.com
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