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��14�51�1 <br /> Inspec��on. Lender �r ��s agent may make reasanab�e en�r�es upon and �nspec��ons of the Prapez�ty. Lender sha�� <br /> gx�e Borrower no��ce at the time of�r pr�or�o an�nspec���n spec�fying reasonab�e cause for�h�inspec��on. <br /> Candemnatxon. The proceeds of any av�ard or cla�m far daz�ages, d�rec�or consequen�ial, �n connec�ion wi�h an� <br /> condemna���n or�ther�aking�f any par� of the Proper�y, or for�an��yance in �ieu af condemnati�n, are hereby <br /> assxgned and sha11 be paid to L�nder. <br /> �n �he even� of a�o�al taking of�he Property, �he proc�eds sha�X be applied to �he sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> Instrument, whe�h�r or na� then due, wi�h any excess pa�d to Borrower. In �he event of a par��al tak�ng af�he <br /> Praper�y in v�hich�he fair marke��a�ue of the Pra�erty immedza���y before �he �aking is equa��o vr grea�er than <br /> th� amoun� af�he sums secured by th�s Security Instrumen� immedia�eXy b�f�re the taking, un�ess BQrro�er and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree�n�rx��ng,the sums s�cur�d by th�s Securifiy�nstrument sha��be reduced by the amount of <br /> �he proceeds m.u���plied by�he follow�ng fractian: �a}�he�o�al amoun�of�he sums secur�d�mrnediate�y�efore the <br /> taking, d���ded by �b} �he fair market value of the Pro��rty immediately before �he �aking. Any ba�ance shall �e <br /> �aid�o Bflrrovver. In the ��en� of a par�ial �ak�ng of the Praper�y �n v�h�ch the fair m.arke� �a�ue of the Proper�y <br /> immedia�e�y before xhe taking xs �ess than the amoun� �f the sums secur�d �mmediately bef�r� �he tak�ng, L1.�1�.�55 <br /> Borr�wer and Lender o�herwxse agree in wrx�ing or uniess Applicab�e Law ath�rwise pro��des, the proceeds sha11 <br /> be applied ta�he sums secur�d�y th�s Security�nstrument whether or no�the sums are then due, <br /> �f the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice �by Lender�� Borrawer tha��he Gandemnor offers�o <br /> make an avvard or set�le a c�a�m for damages, B�rrawer faz�s to respvnd to Lender within�he minimum number af <br /> days�s�ablished�y Applicable Law after th�date�he notice is gi�en,L�nder�s authorized to cal�ect and app���he <br /> proceeds, a� r�s option, e�ther ta restora�ian or repair of the Property �r �o �he sums secured by this 5ecurxty <br /> �ns�rument,whe�her or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower atherwxse agr�e �n wrxt�ng, any app�ica��on�f pr�ceeds to pr�ncipal sha�l no�ex�end <br /> or pastp�ne the due da�e of the paymen�s due under�he�ontract or�hange the amount of such paymen�s. <br /> B�rr�wer Nat Re�eased; Farbearance By Lender N�t a Wa�ver. Ex�ensxon �f the �zme for payment ar <br /> madzfication of amor�izat�an of�he sums secured by this Securzty Instrumen� granted by Lender�o B�rrflwer or <br /> any suc�essor in �nt�res� of Borrower shall not apera�e �o release tihe liab���ty of �h� original Borrower or <br /> Borrower's successors in xn�eres�. Lender sha�I no�be requxred to cammence proc.eedings aga�ns�any successar in <br /> �n�er�st or refus���ex�end�ime f�r payment ar oth�rvv�se modzfy am�r�iza��on of the sums secured by�his Se�urity <br /> �nstrument by reason of any demand made by �he ariginal Borro�er �r Borrov�ver's success�rs in interes�. Any <br /> f�rbearan�e hy Lender �n exercis�ng any rzght or remedy shall n�t he a wai�er of ar prec�ude �he exercise �f any <br /> r�gh�or r�m�d�. <br /> Successors and Assigns Baund; Jo�nt and Several L�ability; Ac�ammodation S�gners. The �ovenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of thzs Secur�ty ��strument sha��b�nd and b�nefit the successors and assigns �f Lend�r and Borrower, <br /> subjec� �a �he prav�sions of sectian ����ed Transfer af the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Sflrrower. <br /> Borrov�er's ca�enan�s and agreemen�s shall�e j oint and severa�.Any person who co-s�gns�his Secur�ty�ns�rument <br /> bu� has na personal iiabi���y under �he C�ntract �"Accammoda�ion S�gner"�: �a} xs co-s�gning �h�s Securz�y <br /> �ns�rument �nly to mor�gage, grant and con�ey �hat A�commada�xan 5 igner's �nteres� �n the Pra�erry und�r �he <br /> ��rms of �h� Securxty Irzstrumen�; �b) is na� pers�na��y �b��ga�ed ta pa� �he sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> �nstrument; and�c� agrees that Lender and any other B�rrov�er may agree��ex�end, modify, forbear ar make any <br /> a�commodatzons with r�gard�o�he terms�f this Security�nstrumen�or�he Contract wi�hout�hat Accomumodation <br /> Signer's�onsent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f th� �oan secured by �hrs Security �ns�rn.en� is sub�ect to a lav� which sets maximum �oan <br /> chaxges, and tha��aw is fznally �n.t�rpre�ed so�ha�the interes�ar other loan�harg�s collected ar ta be co��e��ed�n <br /> connec���n w��h the �oan �xceed �he p�rm�t�ed ��mi��, �hen: �a} any such I�an charg� shall be reduc�d �y �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce the charge�o�he permitted Iimits and�b} any sum� a�ready cal�ec�ed from Borrower <br /> wh�ch exce�ded �ermxtted l�mi�s wx�l be refunded �o Borrower. Lender may choose �o make this refund by <br /> redu��ng�he princ�pal owed under�h� �ontrac� ar b� makzng a direc�payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�n�ipa�,�he reduc��on v�il1 be treated as a par�ial prepayment und�r�he Can�rac�. <br /> N�t�ces. Any natice �� Borrower pro��ded for �n this Securxty Instrument shall be g�ven by del�vering xt or b� <br /> ma��zng i�by first ciass mail un�ess Applicab��Law r�quir�s use af anather method.The no�ice shall l�e d�rec�ed�o <br /> �he ProperCy Address or any other address Barrow�r designa�es �y no�ice t� Lender. Sarrovver agrees to pravide <br /> Lender wx�h Borrower's most curr�nt mailing address, as it may change from tim�-�o-t�me. Any natxce to Lender <br /> sha�l be given by f�rst class mail to Lender`s address s�a�ed herein ar any n�her address Lender des�gnates by no�zce <br /> to Borrower.Any nat��e pravxded for in th�s Secur��y Ins�rurnen�shall be deemed to hav�been given�o B�rrawer <br /> or Lender when g�ven as prov�ded in this paragraph. <br /> G�verning Law; Se�erabx��ty.Thzs Secur��y�nstrumen�sha��be governed by federallavc�and�he laws of�he s�at� <br /> af Nebraska. �n �he e�ent that ar�y prflvisian or c�ause �f�h�s Secur�ty Instrume�t ar �he �on�rac� conf�ic�s wi�h <br /> Applicab�e Law, such Gonflic� shall no� affe���ther praviszons of this Secur�ty Ins�rument or�he Car�tract wh�ch <br /> can be g�ven effec�withou��he conflictzng prov�sion. Ta�h�s end the prav�sions of�his Securxty Ins�rumen�and the <br /> �ontrac�are declared�o be severab�e. <br /> Bvrrower's�opy.Borrower shal�be gi��n one copy of this Securi�y Ir�strumen�. <br /> Transfer of�he Praperty ar a Benef�c�aI Interest in Barrov�er. �f a1�or any par�of�he Property or any�n�eres� <br /> in i� zs sold ar transferred �ar �f a beneficial interes� in Borr�wer is soid or transferred and Borrovver is not a <br /> natural person} withau� Lender's priar written consen�, L�nder ma�, a� i�s option, require �mmed�at� payment in <br /> Q 2a�4-2fl14 Compliar�ce Systems,Inc.495$-729A-2�13L2.3.I.843 <br /> C�nsumer Rea1 Estate-5ecurity Instn�ment DL�D36 Page 3 of 5 <br />