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.. <br /> � � 2000002s3 <br /> the Conservancy and Grantor shall each appoint an appraiser to appraise the value of the <br /> Property. <br /> If these appraisers do not arrive at the same value of the Property and if the <br /> appraised values do not differ by more than ten percent (10%) of the lower appraisal, the <br /> two appraised values shall be added together and their total divided by two. The resulting <br /> quotient shall be the fair market value. <br /> If the two appraisals differ by more than ten percent (10%) of the lower appraisal, <br /> a third appraisal sha11 be done by another mutually agreed upon appraiser and the average <br /> of the three appraisals shall be the appraised value. However, if the low appraisal and/or <br /> the high appraisal is/are more than fifteen percent (15%) lower and/or higher than the <br /> middle appraisal, the low appraisal and/or the high appraisal shall be disregarded. If only <br /> one appraisal is disregarded, the remaining two appraisals shall be added together and <br /> their total shall be divided by two; the resulting quorient shall be the fair market value. If <br /> both the low appraisal and the high appraisal are disregarded, the middle appraisal shall <br /> be the fair market value. <br /> 8. CLOSING DATE. Closing will be within thirty (30) days after the date <br /> upon which the fair market value of the Property is established as set forth above or as <br /> soon thereafter as the conditions for closing set out in this agreement have been met. <br /> Closing may be held in escrow through an agent designated by the Conservancy or as <br /> otherwise agreed to by the parties. <br /> 9. EVIDENCE OF TITLE. Upon exercise of this right of first refusal, the <br /> Conservancy will obtain a preliminary title insurance commitment on the Property. The <br /> commitment shall be delivered to the Conservancy at least 15 days before closing and <br /> shall evidence the Grantor's ability to deliver title at closing as set forth below. The cost <br /> of the title insurance commitment and the final policy to be issued at closing shall be the <br /> responsibility of the Grantor. <br /> 10. TITLE. At closing, Grantor wi11 �onvey good, insurable and marketable <br /> title to the Property together with all rights, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging <br /> to the Property (including insurable legal access, all mineral rights, all water rights and <br /> all government farm program crop bases and contract acres), to the Conservancy in fee <br /> simple, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, restrictions, rights or exceptions except <br /> those of record which are acceptable to the Conservancy. <br /> 11. TITLE DEFECTS. If for any reason Grantor cannot deliver title at closing <br /> as required by this agreement, the Conservancy may elect to: a) accept the Property with <br /> title as it is, b) refuse to accept the Property in which case the consideration paid for this <br /> agreement shall be refunded, or c) require Grantor to diligently pursue all reasonable <br /> - 11 - <br />