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��14�S�1S <br /> An�applicatz�n of payments, ix�.suran.ce proceeds, or Masce��aneous Proc�eds�o princzpal due und�r the NQte <br /> sha�.�.r�ot extend�r postpane�h�due dat�, or change th�amoux�t, of the Per�adic Pay�nents. <br /> 3. ��xnds fo�]Escr��Ite�s. Borrower shall pay��Lender�n-�he day Per�iad.ic Payments are due under the <br /> Note, un���ie Not�is paxd�fu�l; a sum�the"Fux�ds{'}�o�r�vlde f�r paymen�af a�mou�xts du.e for: �a�taxes <br /> an.d assessmen�s and ather item�� car�attai.n priority over�his Security�t as a��.en or <br /> encu�rribran�e on�he Property; �b� leasehold payments flr ground rents an the Property, �.f ar�y; �c�prern�u,ms <br /> for any and a11.insu�r-ance requ�r�d by Lender under Sectifl�5; and�d}Mortgage Insurance prem�ums, �f any, <br /> ar arzy sums payable by Borrawer t�Lender�r��i�u af the payme��of Mortgage Insu�ance prem�u�ns�n <br /> acc�rdar�ce ur�th�ie provisxons of Se�t�.fln ��. These xtems are ca,��ed"EscrQw Iterns.'T A�origina�an or at <br /> any time during the terni of the Loan, Lender may require that Commurv.ty Associa�on Dues, �Eees, and <br /> As�essmen�s, xf any, be escrovwed by Borrower, and�uch dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow <br /> Item. B�rrow�r shal.I pramptly furnzsh ta Lender a1�noti.ces of amounts to be paz�.under th�s Sectio�. <br /> Borrower sha��pay Lender the Funds for Escrow I�ems un�ess Lender wa.�ves Borrflwer's ab��gat�on�a pay <br /> �h.e Fux�.ds far any ar a�l Escrow Items. Lender may waive�3�rrower's ob�.�gat�on�o pay�o Lender Funds for <br /> any or a�l Escra�v Items at a.ny time. Any such wa�ver may only be in.writin�. In�he event of such waive�-, <br /> Borr�wer sha1l pay e�rect�y, urhe�and where payab�e, the amounts due for an�Escrow Item.s for w�.ich <br /> paymen�af Funds has been wa�ved by Lender and, if Lender requi�-es, sha11 furn�sh�o Lender r�ce�pts <br /> evzdencxr�g such pay�rment vvithzn such-�ime per�.ad as Lender ma:y require. Barrovsrer's�b7igatior�ta make <br /> su�h payments and�o pr��v�ide receipts sha1l for a��purp�s�s be deemed to be a covenant and.agreemer�t <br /> conta�.n.ed�.n�s Security Instrument, as�he phrase"cove�ant and agreement'T is used x:n Sec�on 9. If <br /> Borravver is obligated to pay Escraw Items direc��y, pursuant to a wa:xver, and Borrower fai�Is to pay the <br /> a�mount due for an Escrow I��m, Lender may exercise i�s rights und�r Sectian 9 and pay such amour�t a.n.d <br /> B�rrow�r sha11-�.hen be ob��gated u�.der Sectio�:9 to repay to Lender any such amau�at. Lender may revoke <br /> the waiver as�o a�y ar aII Escrn�r I�ems at�y�me by a notice given�n accordance with Sect�on 15 and, <br /> upa�.such revaca�zon, B�rr�wer sha1�.pay t�Lend�r a11.Fur�ds, �1C�.171 5l].GIl��1�I1�S, �hat are�e�required <br /> under�s Sec�ian 3. <br /> Lender ma..y, at any time; co��ect and ho�.d Fu�a.ds iri an arriount�a� suffie�e�t�o permit Lender to apply�e <br /> Funds at�he spe�xf�ed under RESPA, and�b)not�o e�ceed the maximum anmount a I.ender can require <br /> u�.�.er RESPA. Lender shall�stimate the a.m�unt af Fu�ds due on�he bas�.s of current d:a:ta a:nd reasor�ab�e <br /> e�t�ma�es of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise zn accardance App�.�cable Law. <br /> The Funds shall be held�.n an irlsti.tution whose depa�szts are�nsured by a federa�.agency, ins�rume�.�a��ty, or <br /> entzty��nc�.ud�r�g Lender, zf Lenc�er is an i-ns�itution whose depos�ts are so�n�sured]o�zn any F edera�I-�ame <br /> Loan Bank. L.ender sha��apply�.e Fu�ds to pay the Escrow Items�.o Iater thar�the t�me sp�c��ed unc�er <br /> l�ESPA. Lender sha��nat charg��3arrowe�for ha�ding and app� th�]�unds, annually a�.alyz�ng�he <br /> escrour a�count, or verifying-�h:e Escrow It��.s, un��ss I�e�.�.er pays Borrower interest on the Fund:s and <br /> Applica�b�.e Law permits Lender�o make suc�i a charge. Un�ess an agreement is mad.e�.r�.�itin�a� <br /> 1�pp�.�.cab��Lavw requires interest�o be pa�d on�he Funds, Iaender shall not be required�a pay�3�rrower any <br /> interest or ea,rnin�s o�fih.e F�ds. Borrower and Lender ca�n agr�e i�wri���ng, however, �hat i-�teres��hall be <br /> paid on�he Funds. Le�.der sha�.�.give tQ Barrower, �urz�hout charge, an annual acc�untix�g�f�he Funds a� <br /> � by RESPA_ <br /> If there�s a surplus of Fux�ds held i�escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall.accaunt to Borrvwer for <br /> the��ces�fu�:ds in accordance with RESPA. If there�s a sh�xrtage of Funds he�d�r�e�crour, as defined x�.der <br /> RESPA, Lend�r shall notify Barra�rer as rec�uired by R�SPA, ar�d�3orrow�r shal�pay�o L.ender�he amouaz� <br /> necessary t�rriake u�the�hortage in accord.a�ee with RESPA, but�n no more�han �2 x�on�hly payments. If <br /> there is a def�c�ency of Funds he�d�n escrow, as c�e�.eci u�der RESPA, Lender shal.X na�fy�3nrr�vver as <br /> 24�07657 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�ami[y-�annie Ni aelFredd�e M ac tJNlFQRNf INSTRUM ENT Farm 3�28 i ID� <br /> VM P� VM P6{NE}[�3a�} <br /> Vtila€ters K�uw er Financial 5er�ices Page 5 vf�7 <br />