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��14�79�9 <br /> ma#er�ally fa�se or inaccura�e �nformation or s�atem�nts�� Lend�� [or fa��ed�o provide L�rider w�t�a any materia� <br /> informatian� in canneG�xon wxth the �oan e��denced b� the Note, inc�uding, but not Iirn��ed to, representations <br /> concern�.g; Barrav�er's occupanc� of the Property as �. pr�ncipa� res�dence. If�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rume�� xs on a <br /> I�aseho�d, Borrovver sha1�con�p�y v���h�he pro��s��ns o��he�ease. If Borrow�r acquires fee t��Ie�a�he Praperty, �he <br /> �easeho�d and fee�itle sha�I n��be merged un�ess Lender agrees�a�he merber in wr���ng. <br /> �. 6. �vnd�mnat�vn. The proceeds of ax�y av�ard.or cla�m for damages, dir���or c�nsequent�a�, in connect�ari <br /> vWith any condemna��on or n�her tak�ng of ar�y par�of the Praperty, or for con�reyance 7n p�ace of condemna�Yon, arg <br /> hereby ass�gned and sha��be paid�o Lender to�he e�te�t of�he�u��amount af the indebtedness that rema�ns unpa�d <br /> un�er the Nate and�h�s Security Ins�rument. Lender sha�l app�y such proceeds to�he reduc�ion af�he�.n�eb�edness <br /> under �he No�e and �his Secur�t� Znstrument, f�rs� ta any del�nquen� amoun�s app��ed in �he order pro�xded in <br /> paragraph 3, and then tv prepayment of prir�cipal. �n� app�icat��n of the praceeds to#he pr�.neipa�sha�l no�extend <br /> or postpane the due da�e of�he 1non�hly paymen�s, vah�ch are��ferred��in paragraph�, ar change th�amoun�of such <br /> payments. Any excess proceeds��er an amoun�requ�red�o pay�.1�ou�stand�ng indebtedness under�he Na�e and�his <br /> Secur�ty Ir�strum�n�sha��be pa�d to the en��t� �egal�� enti��ed there�o. <br /> '7. �ha�rg�s �� ���ro�er �r�� Protec��a� �f ]L��d��°� �g�.t� �m ��� ��vp��. Borr�vc�er sha�� pay a�l <br /> governmenta�or mun�c�pa�charges, fines and�mpos��ions tha�are no��.nc�uded in paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay <br /> �hese�b�iga��o�s on tim�d�re�tly to�he ent��ty �rvhic��s owed the payment. If�ai�ure to pay vvou�d adverse�y affec� <br /> Lender's Y�terest �n the Property, upon �Len�er's request Bo�rower sha�� prompt�y furn�sh ta Lender receipts <br /> evidenc�na these paymen�s. <br /> t If Sarrower faiis to ma�e�hese pa�ments or#�h.e payments requ�red by paragraph 2, or fa�ls to perfarm any o�her <br /> covenants and agre�ments c�n�aix�ed�n�hi.s Secu���y Instrumen�, or there is a�ega�proceeding that ma�sianificant�y <br /> affect Lender's ri�h�s in�he Property�such as a proceedir�a i�ban�ruptcy, for cond�mna�z�n or to e�for�e�aws or <br /> regulat�ons}, then Lender may da ar�d pay�ha�e�rer�s nec�s�ar�ta prote���h�va�ue af the Pr�perty a.nd Lender's <br /> r�gh�s in�he Property, �ncXuding payment of�axes, ha�ard�5urance and c��her i�e�ns rnen��o�ed in para�ra�h 2. <br /> Any arnounts disbursed by Lender under ���s �aragraph s�.a�� �ecame an aa�d���onal deb� of�orro�rer and be <br /> secured by this 5ecur���nstrument. �'hese amounts sha��bear in���r�st from th�date of��sbursemen�at�he Nn�e rate; <br /> and at�he op��an of Lend�r sha�I be�mmed�ate�y due and payab�e. �� <br /> � � Borra�er shall pr�r�p��y dYscharge any ��en wh�ch has priority o�er�his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�un�ess Borrov�rer: <br /> �a�agr�es�n wri�ing���e paymen�of�he ob�iga�ion sec�.red�y�he���n in a ma.nner acceptah�e to Lender;��}contests <br /> in��od faYth �he I�en by, or def�nds aga�.ns� enfarcement of�he �zer��n, le�a� proceedings �vhich in the Lender';s <br /> opinian v�erate �o pre�en� the enforcemen� of t�ie lien; �r �c} secures frnm the holder of�he ��en an agreeme�t <br /> sa��sfactory�o Lender�ing the��en ta th�s �ecuri�y�ns#�ument. If Le�.der�e�ermu�.es that any par�of the � <br /> Property is sub��ct�o a�zen vvhich ma�attai.r�.p�ior�ty aver th�s S�cu.rity Ins�rumen�, Ler�der ma�give Barrower a <br /> notice ident�f�ing�he��en. Borrav�rer shal� satisfy�he�ien Qr�ake one or more of the act�ons set far�h a�o�e v�xthui <br /> I� days flf�he g�v�ng of no�ice. �' <br /> � �. F�e�� Lender may col�ect fees and�har�es a.u�horized by the Secre�ary. : <br /> 9. �r�und�for�c��x���t��� �f��bt. <br /> �. [�) I)ef�.ult. L�nder may, excep�as�xm��ed by regu�at�ons issued by�he Secretaxy��he case of payment <br /> , defau��s, requ�re�mmediate payment�n fu�1 of aIl surns secured by this S�curity Instrument�f: <br /> � �i� Borrav�er defau��s by fa�� �o pay in fu�I any manth�y payment �equ�red �y thzs Secur�ty <br /> Instrun��nt prior�a or on the due date of�he rie��maxz�h��pa�men�, ar : � <br /> � �iY� Barrower defau��s b� fai�ing, for a per�od af thir�y days, t� perform an� �ther ob�iga�ions <br /> �.. Con�ained�n�his Secur�t�Instrume�.�. . <br /> : ��b� 5���'4�V�t������r�d��.A.ppr�va�. Lender sha�l, �f perm��ted by app��cab�e lav��inc�uding sec�ion 34I�d} <br /> , <br /> af the GarnMS�. Germa�n De��sz�or� Yns�itu�ions A�t of �9$�, �2 U.S.C. 17����3�d}} and w�th�h� prior <br /> � approval of�he Secre�a�y, requ�re xmmedia�e paym�nt�n ful�of a�l sums secured���his Security�a5trumen�if: <br /> , <br /> � �i} A�1 or par��f�he Property, or a,�enef�cXal�nterest in a trus�owning a��or par�of�he Property, i.s <br /> � so�d or ��h�rwise transferred�other�han by dev�se ar descent�, and : <br /> FH�NEBRASKA DEED�F TRUST - MERS ������,�� <br /> NE��TZ.FHA �71�3t 12 Page � a� 9 <br /> t <br /> � <br />