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� ��14�79�9 <br /> , . � <br /> from��m��o��me�"RESPA"�,excep��hat�he cushion or reser�re permit�ed��RESPA for unantic�pated d�sbursements <br /> or�d�s�ursements before the�orrower's paymen�s axe a�a��ab�e in the account may n�t be based on amounts due for <br /> �he mortgage insurance premxum. � <br /> � 7f the amaunts he�d by Lender for Escrow l��ems e�ceed�he amo�unts perm��ted ta be held by RESPA,Lender sha�� <br /> aceount�o Borrower for�he e�cess funds as requ�red by��P.�.. Zf�he amounts of funds held b�Lender a�any�im� <br /> are no�suff c�ent to pay�he Escrow Items�hen due, Lende�ma�no��fy the Borrflv�er and requ.�re Borr��rer to ma�e <br /> up.�he shor�age as perm�t�ed��RE SPA. � <br /> The Escr�w Funds are p��dged as add�t�ona� securi� for �.�I s�ms secured by this Secur�t� Ins�rumen�. If <br /> Borrovv�r tenders�a Lender�he full paymen.t of al�suc�sums, Borrov�ver's accoun�sha��be cr�ed��ed v�i�h the balance <br /> rema�n�ng far alI instailment z�ems�a}, �b�, anc��c�and any rnor�gage insurance premxum ins�al�ment tha�Lender has <br /> n�� becom� oblxgated to pa� to the Secretaxy, anc� L�nder sha�I �ram���y refun� any ex�ess funds �a B�r.r�wer:. <br /> Immedia�ely pr�or to a forec�osure sa�e of the Property or i�s ac�u�si�zon by Lender, Borrower's accoun� sha�� be <br /> credi�ed v�xth any balance remain�ng far al� �nsta�Imer��s for�tems�a}, [b}, and�c�. <br /> 3. ��pp��c�.��on �f�a�xx��n�s. A��paymen�s under para�r�.phs�and� sha��be app��ed by Lender as fa���,ws: <br /> F�RS�', to th�mar�gage insurance prem�u�n to�e paid by Lenr�er���he Secre�ar�or to ���e rnanthly charge by <br /> the Secretar��ns�ead of�he month�� mor��age insurance premi�m; �. <br /> SE��NI�,�o any�axe�, special assessments,le�.sehold�aym�n�s or ground ren�s,and fire, fload and other ha�ard <br /> �nsurance premiums, as requ�red; � <br /> THIRD, to Yn��res�due under the Note; � <br /> , F�URTH, �o amortizat�on of�he princ�p�.l of the Nate; and � <br /> �: F�FTH, �o lat�charaes due under�h.e Na��. � <br /> 4. F��e, F���d a�d �th��r �Ia�a�� Ir�sur�n��. Borrvvver sha�� �sure a�� �mpra�em.e�ts on the Prflperty; <br /> vsrhether�ow�n ex�stence or subsequent�y e�ec�ed., agains�an�r hazards, casual��es, and cont�ngencies, ine�ud�rig fire, <br /> for�hich Lender requ�es �nsurance. This insu�-ance sha�� be main�ained in the am�un�s and f�r �e per��ds that <br /> Lender requires. Barrov�er �hal� a�s4 i�.sure a�� un�r��em.en�s an the Propert�, �vhe�h�r now in ex�s�ence o� <br /> sul�sequently erec�ed,against lass by floods to the e��en�required by�he Secre�ary. A���nsurance sha11 be carr�ed v��th <br /> compan�es approved by�,ender. The�nsurance palicies and a��r�ne�va�s sha�l be held by Lender and sha1�inc�ude <br /> lass payab�e clauses�n ia�ar af, and in a farm ac�ep�ab�e ta, �e�a�er. <br /> �� �n�he event of loss, B�rro�rver shall bi�e Lend��imn�ea�a�e r��tice by ma�l. Lender may mak�proQf af loss xf n�t <br /> ; <br /> inade promp���by Borro�er. Each ins�rar�ce cox�pany conc�rned is�er�by authorized and d�r�cted to mal�e paym�n� <br /> for su�h �ass dire���� �o Lenc�er, �ns�ead of�o �orrow�r a�d ico Le�c�er�aintly. A�� or an� par� of the �nsur�.n�e <br /> proceeds may be a�p�Yed by Lender, at i�s opt�an, eithe��a����he reduc��on of�he indeb�cecin�ss under�he No�e and <br /> th�s Securit�I�s�rument, firs��a any de�inquen�a�m�un�s appliec�in t�i�order�n pa.�agraph 3, and then ta prepay�neri� <br /> of pr�nc�pa�, or �b� �o �he res�ora�ion or rep�ir af��ie da�naged P�-opert�. .�iy app���atYon of the proceeds to the <br /> principa�sha�l no�ex�end or pvstpone the due daie of�h.��r�.onth�y paymen�s vvhich are referred ta in paragraph?, o� <br /> �han�e�h�amaun�of such payments. .�a.y excess insuranc�pr�ceeds over an amount r�quired to pa�a�l�utstanding <br /> �ndebt�dness under the Natie and�his Secur�t��nstrunr�en�sha��be pa��to the enti�y Iega��y enti��ed thereta. <br /> �n the e�ent of foreclasure of�his Securi�y �strumen�ar o��ier�ansfer af t�t�e�o the Property that ex��ngu�shes�h.� ' <br /> indebtedness, a��righ�, title and interest�f]3orrov�e��n and�o insurance pol�cies in force sha��pass�o th�purchaser. � <br /> 5. ���u���nc�,Pres���t�vn, ���n�e��n������rvt������o�'t��Pr�perty;��r���v�r's L�an A�p����txan� <br /> Le�seh��c��. Sorrower sha��accupy, es�ablish, and us�the Proper� as Barrov�er's princ�pa�residenc�vvith�n s���i <br /> days after the execu�io�of�h�s Secur�ty Instr�.ua�.e�� �ar v�i�h�.n s��ty days of a Ia�er sa�e or transfer of�he Proper�y} <br /> an�shall c�n��nue to oc�upy the �'roper�.y as Borra�ver's pr�n��pa�res�dence�vr at Ieast�ne year af�er the date o£ <br /> occupancy, un�ess Lender determi.nes that requ�are�e�t v����cause undue hardsh�p far]Barrov�rer,�r unless ex�enuating <br /> c�rcumstanc�s exis� whrch axe beyond B�rrawer's contral. Borrower shaX� na�ify �Lender of an� e��enuating <br /> circums�ar�Ges. Barrower sha�l no�commi�was�e�r d�s�roy, damage ar substant�ax�y change�he Praperty ar aX�ow <br /> �he Properfiy�o de�eriora�e, reasonab�e v�rear and�ear e�cepted. Lender may inspec�th�Pr�pert��f�he Pr�perty is <br /> �vacant or abandoned or�he�flan Ys in defau��. L�nder may take reas�nab�e ac��on�o protec�:an�preser�e such�acant � <br /> or�abandoned Praperty. Barrower sha�� a�sa be �r� c�e�au�� ��t��rr��er, during th� �aan app�ica�ion proc�ss, ga�e <br /> FHA NE�3RASKA DEED�F TRUST - I�iERS ��,������ <br /> NED�TZ.FHA 471D3��2 Page 3 0� 9 www.docmag��.�am <br />