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<br /> . ^ 200000140 99 111533
<br /> 11, �venf�o[llefault.� 'I7�e following al�all coi�stiwtc an Lvcut of llefault under tlda Ueed of Trust:
<br /> • (a) Pailurc to pay any Installment of principal or interest of any other swn secured hereby wlien due;
<br /> � (b) A breach of or default unJer any provfslon contaiued in the Nola, tl�is Ueed of Trust, any of tlia Loan lustruments, or
<br /> �any other lfen or encumbrancc upon We Property; :
<br /> (c) A writ of execution or attachment or any si�nilar process shall be entered against Trustor which sl�all become a lien on
<br /> ihe Property or any portlon Wereof or lnlerest Q�ereiir, ,
<br /> (d) Tl�ere el�all be filed by or agalnst Truslor or porrower an acdon under any prosent or fututc federal, statc or oUur
<br /> ' statute, law or regulation telating to bankruptcy, Insoivency or oWer relief for debtors; or there sl�all be appointeJ any trustee,
<br /> •receiver or liquidator of Trustor or porrower or of all or any part of ilie Property, or tha rents� issues or proCts Wereof, or
<br /> Trustor or Borrower shall make any general assigmnent for We bene6t of creditora;
<br /> (e) The sale, transfer, lease, assignment, couveyance or furtl�er encumbrance oF ail or any part of or any interest in U�e
<br /> Property, eitl�er voluntarily or Involuntarily, without tl�e express written consent of Lender; provided that Trustor sha(I be
<br /> permitted to execute a lease of tl�e Property that does iiot contain an option to purcliase and tl�e tetm of wl�tch does not ezceed
<br /> one year; �• � � � � � • • .
<br /> (� AbanJonment�of We Property; or � ' �
<br /> ' (g) ]f Trustor is not an lndividual, tl�e Issuance, sale, transfer, assignment, conveyance or encumbrance of more than (if a
<br /> corporation) a total of Ni� percent of Its issued ai�d outstanding etock, or (lf a partnership) a total of NiA percent
<br /> of partnership interesls, or(if a IimiteJ Uability compnny) s totaf of��A percent of tl�e limited lIability cotnpany iuterests
<br /> or voting rights duting tLe period this Deed of'I'rust ren►ains a lien on tl�e Property.
<br /> (h) If the obligatfon secured hcreby is guatanteeJ in wliole or in part by the Pannera liome Administratlon, borrower furtJ�er
<br /> agreea Ihat the loan(s) secured by this instrument will bc in default should any loan proceeds bo used for a purpose Qiat will
<br /> contribute lo excessive eroaion of higlily eroJible land or to lhe converslon of wetland to produce or to make possible tlie
<br /> productlon of an agrlcultural commodlty, as furtl�er explafned in 7 CPR I'art 1940, Subpart Q, �ahiblt M.
<br /> 12.Remedies= Accelerallon Upon Uefault. In tl�c event of nny L�vent of Default Lender may, witl�out nodco except as requlred :
<br /> by law, declare all indebtedness securod hereby to be duo nnd ��nyable and the eame ehall�thereupon become duo ai�J payablc
<br /> without any presenhncnt, dctnend, protcet or notice of eny klud. 7'I►ercafler Lender may; � :
<br /> (a) UemanJ that'I'ruatee cxerclac lhe I'OWL�R On 5ALt3 grei�tcd hereli�, enJ Truetee el�all therealler cause Truator'e (ntereat
<br /> In�he Properry to bc eolcl and tho proceeda to be dislributed, all lu tho �nanncr provlded in tl�o Nebraeka Truat Deede Act;
<br /> (b) L+xercise any and all rights ptovided fnr lu nny of tlio Loun Inelrumeats or by Isw upon occurrence of any IIvent of
<br /> Uefault; and
<br /> (c) Commence an actinn lo foreclose thle Uced of 7'ruat ns a mortgago, Appolnt a recelver, or epecl[ically enforce any of tl�o
<br /> covenanls hercof. •
<br /> No remedy herein conCerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender ls lntended to be exclusive of any otl►er remedy herein, ln the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law provided or permilted, but eaci� sliall be cumulative, shall be !n addldon to every oQier remedy given
<br /> hereunder, in d�e Loan lnstruments or now or l�ereaffer existin�g et law or in equity or by statute, and may be ezercised concurrently
<br /> independently or successively. ", ;
<br /> 13.'IYustee. The Trustee may resign at any time.witf�out cause, and Lender may at any tima and without cause appoint a
<br /> successor or substitute Trustee. Trustee shall not-bc kable te any party, lncluding without Ilmitadon Lender� Borrower, Trusror or
<br /> any purchaser of the Property, for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or willful misconduct, and shall not ba required to take
<br /> any action in connection with the enforcement of this Deed af Trust unless indemnified, in wriNng� for all costs, comperisation or
<br /> eapenses which may be associated therewitit. In addition, Trustee may become a purcl�aser at any sale of the Property (judicial or
<br /> under the power of sale granted herein); postpone tl�e sale of all or any portion of the Property, as provided by taw; or sell the
<br /> _ Property as a whole;or in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretion.
<br /> 14.Fees and Expenses. In the event Trustee sells tha Property by eaercise of power of salc, Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds first to payment of all costs and eapenses of exercising power of sale, including all Trustee's fees, and I,ender's
<br /> and Trustee'a attorney's fees, actually incurred to eatent permitteJ by appiicable law. In tl�c event Dorrower or Trustor eaercises
<br /> any right provided by law ro cure an �vent of Default, Lender shall be entided to recover from Trustor all costs and eapenses
<br /> actually incurred as a result of Trustor's default, including without limitation all Trustee's and attorney's fees, to tl�e eztent
<br /> permiued by applicable law. :
<br /> 15.Fnture Advances. Upon request of Dorrower, Lender may, at its option, make additional and future advances and
<br /> readvances to Borrower. Such advances and readvances, witl� interest tliereon, sl�all be secured by this Deed of Trust. At no time
<br /> shall the principal amount of the indebtedness secureJ by tl�is Deed of Trust, not including sums advanced to rotect the security of
<br /> d�is Deed of Trust, eaceed U�e aggregete of tl�e original principal amounts stated herein, or � 725,00�00 � :
<br /> whicliever is greater. , :
<br /> • 16.Misc�laneous Provis(ons.
<br /> (a) Borrower Not Released. Exlension of the time tor payment or modification of amordzadon af tl�e sums secured by this
<br /> Deed of Trust granteJ Uy I.cnder to any auccessor in lotetest of I3orrower shall not operate to release, ln any manner, the '
<br /> Hability�of U�o orlginal Dorrower and T3orrower's successora ln luterest. Leuder eliall not be required to commence proceedings
<br /> against such successor or refuse to ealend time for pay�nent or othecwlsd tnodlfy amorllzation of tl�e sums secured by tl�fs UeeJ
<br /> o[Trust by rcason of any demands made by the orlginal 13orrower ai�d I3orrower's successora in intereat.
<br /> (U) Lender's Powera. WltLout affecting the liability of any olher person IiaUle for the payment of eny obligation herein
<br /> mentioned, and will�out affecting the Ilen or ciiarge of this Deed of Trust upon any pordon of tho Property not d�en or
<br /> tl�erotofore roleased as securlty for tlie full amount of all unpafJ oUligations, Lender may, from tlme to time and without notice
<br /> (i) release any person so liable, (ii) extend tl�e maturity or alter any of the terma of any such obligedons, (iil) grant other
<br /> indulgences, (lv) release or reconvey, or eause to be released or reconveyed at ay time at Lender's optlon any parcel, portion or
<br /> all of the Property, (v) take or release any other or addltional securlty for any obligation herein mentfoned, or (vi) make
<br /> compositions or otl�er arrangements wiW debtors in relation tliereto.
<br /> (c) Forbearance by Lender Not a Waive'r. Any forbearance by Le��der in�exerclsing any rigl�t or remedy hereunder, or
<br /> othcrwise afforded by applicable law, shalt not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. The
<br /> procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or otl►er liens or charges by L.ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to
<br /> accelerate U�e maturity of the indebtedness secured by tl�is Deed of Trust.
<br /> (d) Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severai Liabillty; Capttons. Tlie covenants and agreements l�erein contained
<br /> shall bind, and the rights hereunder ahall inure to, il�e respective successors and asslgns of Lender and Trustor. All covenants
<br /> and agreements of Tr�sror shall be joint and several. The captions and l�ea�iinga of tlie paragrephs of ll�is Deed of Trust are for
<br /> convenience only and are not ro be used to interpret'br de(lne the provisions tiereof.
<br /> (e) Request for Notices. The parties hereby request that a copy of any nodce of default hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> of salc hereunder be mailed to each party ro tl�is Deed of Trust at the address set fortl� above in tl�e manner prescrlbed by :
<br /> � applicable law. L�xcept for any other noHce reyulred under applicabla law to ba given in another manncr, any notice provided
<br /> . for ln this Ueed of Trust shail be given Uy mailing such notice by cerdtied mail addressed to tl�e oU�er parties, at tl�e address set
<br /> forUi above. My notice provided for in this Deed of'1'rust shall be effecdve upon mailing in tl�e manner designated herein. If
<br /> Trustor is more than one person, noNce sent to tl�e adJress set forth aUove ehall be notice to all auch pereons. •
<br /> (Q InspecHon. Lender may make or ceuse to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br /> that Lender ahall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause'tl�erefor telated to Lender'a
<br /> Interest In tl�e Property, , . :
<br /> (g) Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured Uy this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property and ehali surrender this Deed of Trust and all noles evidencing Indebteclnesa secured hy thia Deed of Truet to Truetec.
<br /> Trustee shell reconvey thc Property wlthout wnrranry nnd wiliiout charga to Ihe person or porsona legally endtled thereto,
<br /> 7'rustor ahall pay,all cost�of recorda�loq, If any,
<br /> t; , �li,l�`. � { � t�� • , . '
<br /> .._...._.... . . ._ __ _. �_
<br />