���� � 11533
<br /> � 200000140 � � �'
<br /> Tbte Deed of Trust sl�all eecure (a) the payment uf tha prlucipnl eum aud Interest evldauced by a promissory note(s) or cceJlt
<br /> agreemenl(s)as follows: � .
<br /> Original
<br /> Date of � Principal Maturity
<br /> Note(e) Maker(s) of Note(s) Amount(s) Date(s),
<br /> 11-1-99 Duane Rieflin and Vada Rieflin $723,257.34 12-31-2019
<br /> and any and all moditications, extensions and renewals tl�ereof or tiiereto and any and.all futura advancea and readvances to '
<br /> Dorrower(or any of tl�em lf more U�an one)hereunder pursua�it to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(liereln called
<br /> "Note"� wlietlier one or more); (U) tl�a pnytneut of otl�er sums aJvanced by Lender to protect We security of Qte Note; (c) the
<br /> performance of all covenanls anJ agreements of Ttustor aet for11�herei��; a�iJ (d) all present and futura inJebtedness and obligatlo��s
<br /> of Dotrower (or eny of them if more ll�an o��e) to Lender wl�ether direct, luJlrect, absolute or condngent and wl�eUier arising by
<br /> note� guaranty� overJratt or oQierwise, Tl�e Notc, tlils Deed of Trust and auy anJ all oU�er documcnts d�at secure tlie Note or
<br /> oqurwise executed in connectlon tlierewUl�, lucluJing witl►out liuiltatiun guaranlees, securlty agreetnents w�d assigntnents of leases
<br /> and ren�s, shall be referred to hereln as d�e "Loau L�strumenta".
<br /> Truslor covenants and agreea wlll�Lender as followa;
<br /> 1. Payment of Indebledness. All indebteJnesa secureJ l�ereby ehall be paid wlien due. � • �
<br /> 2. Tllle. 7'rustor is Uie owner of Uio Property, l�es tlie riglit anJ autl�orlty to convey ll�e Property, and warra��ts tliat q�e Ilen
<br /> created lureby is a firat anJ prior llen on tl►a Properly, except for liens and encumbrances'eet forth by Trustor ln writing and ,
<br /> delivered to LenJer befora execulion of thfe Ueed of'I'ruat, auJ U�e executiou aud Jellvery of Ilila Deed of Trust does not violate a��y
<br /> contract or otl�er oUligatlon to wLich Truaror is subJect, ' •
<br /> � 3. Taxee, Aslee�menta. To pay befnre Jeliuquency all taxea, epecial asseaemeuts an�all oU�er charges agsinst We Property now
<br /> or lurea(ler levled. � ' �
<br /> 4. lneutance. To kcep tlie Yroperty lueured agaitiet damage by tire, Lazarda lnoludeJ wltl�ln tlie ter►n "exten�ed coverago"�
<br /> and auch otlier hazard� a� LenJer may teyuire, ht amounts and witi� companies�seceptable to Lender, natning L.enJer es an �
<br /> aJJldonal named lusured, wilh loaa peyable to tlie Lei�der, !n case of loas ui�der euch policice,'llro L.endoc I� sutl►otlzed to a�ust,
<br /> collect and compromise, all elelm� lliereunder anJ shall liava tlio optlon of applying all or pert of tl�o'lusucaueo proceede (i) to any
<br /> InJeb�ednee� eecureJ heroby aod in eucl� order ae L.euder mny deterwino, (U) lo ll�e'Truetor to�be usod for U►e repalr or restoratlon
<br /> o[tlic 1'roperty or (lil) for any oll�er purpose or oUJect aaUsfactory tu Leuder wltl►out af[ectlug tl�e llen of Oile beed of Truet foc tl�o
<br /> full amount e�cured hereby before auch payment ever took plsce. Any applicatlou of proceeds lo lndebtedneas sl�all not extend or
<br /> poslpone tl�c due Jate of any payments uuder tha Note, or cura any default thereunder or I�ereunder. ; �`;. ., ''�', • . '
<br /> 5. Gacro�►. Upon written demand by Lender, Trustor shell pay to Lender, ln auch manner as LenJer may desig��ete, sufficient
<br /> sums to enable l.endec to pay as tl�ey become due oue or tnore of tl�e following; (i) all taaes,,assessments and otlier charges against ', ,
<br /> U�e Property, (it) tl�e premiums on A�e properly lnsurance tequfred i�ereunder, and (ili) tlie premtums.on any mortgage lnsurance
<br /> . required by I.ender. •
<br /> 6. Maintenance, Repairs and Compllance �vitl� Luws. Trustor sliall keep Q�e Property in good condltlon�and repair; sl�all
<br /> prompily repair, or replace any imProvement wlilcli rnay be datnaged or destroyed; ahall not commit or permit any,waste or
<br /> . deterioration of q�e Prvperty; sl�all not remove, demoUsl� or substantially alter any of tlie lmprovements on tlia Property; shall not
<br /> commit, suffer or permit any act to be done in or upon tl�e Property l�t vlolatioi�of any law, ordinance, or tegulation; and al�all pay.,
<br /> � and promptly discl�acge at Trustor's cost and eapense all liens, e��cumbra�ices a��d cliarges levled, lmposed or assessed against Uie
<br /> Propecty or any part tl�eroof. .
<br /> 7. Eminent Domaln. L.ender is hereby assigned all cotnpensation, awacds, damages and otl�er payments or relief(t�ereinaRer _
<br /> "Proceeds") ln connection wittt condernnatlon or otl�er taking of tl�e Property or part tl�ereof, or for conveyance ln lleu of
<br /> condemnalion. Lender shall be entideJ�at its optio�� to commence, appear in and prosecute'ln lts own name any acUon or
<br /> proceedings, and shail also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement ln connection w1Ui sucl� taking or damage. In the
<br /> event any portion of the Property js so taken or damaged, Lender sl►all l�ave U►e option, in its sble and absolute discretion, to epply ,
<br /> all such Proceeds, atter deducting tl�erefrom all costs and expenses Incurred by lt in connection wiQi�sucli Proceeds, upon any
<br />. indebtedness secured hereby and in such ordet as Lender may determine, or to apply all sucli Ptoceeds, after euch deductions, to die
<br /> resloration of the Prvperty upon eucit conditions ae Lender may determine. Any applicatlon of Proceeds to lndebtedneas ai�all not
<br /> extend or pos�pone U�e due date of any payments under tl�e Note,or cure any default Qiereunder or hereunder. Any unapplied funcls �
<br /> ahali be paid to Truator. � '
<br /> 8. Performance Uy I.ender. Upon tl�e occurrence of a�i L�vent of Default liereunder, or lf any act,is,taken or legal proceeding
<br /> commenceJ wldch meterlally affecte Lender's intereat in tha Properry, Le��der may in lta own discredon; but wld�out abligadon to
<br /> do eo, and w1U�out nolice to or demand upou 7'tuator and witl�out relesslug 1'rualor from any obligatlou do any act wblcl�'Cruetor
<br /> ha� agreeJ but fails to do and tnay also do any ollier act lt dee»�s necessary lo�protect ll�o secur�ty 1►ereof. Truator st�all, .
<br /> immeJlately upon demand tlierefor by l.ender, pay to Lender all cosls anJ expenses incurted anJ aums expended by Lender In
<br /> connection witl� tlie exercisa by Lender of tl�e foregoing rigl►ts, tagetl�er wit(i Inlereat tl�ereon at Uie default rata provlded in tl�e
<br /> Note, whiclt eliall be added to tlie 1nJebtedness secureJ liereby. LenJcr ehall uot lucur euy llablllty becausa of auytl�ing lt may dv oc
<br /> omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> 9. Ilazardous Materlais. Truator siiall keep tlie Property in cotnpliance wW� all appllcable lawa, orJluances aud regulatlot�s
<br /> relating to induatrial hyglene or envlronmental protecdon (collectively referred to Lerein as!•"�nvlronmental Lawa"):��Truator ahall .
<br /> keep Ilie Property free from all subalances deemeJ to ba I�azardous or toalc uiider suy Bnvlrorunental Lawa (collectively reCerred.to,
<br /> I�ecetn as "liazardous Materials"). Trustor l�ereby warrants and repreaenta to L.ender Aist thera ara no Hezardoua Materlals oa a�
<br /> under U►e Property. Truator i�ereby agrees to lndemntfy and hold l�annless L.cnder� its dlrectore,'officere, employeea and agente,,
<br /> and any successora to Lender'a interest, fram and against any and all claiins, damagea, loases and llabilides'arlsing in connecdon
<br /> wid�tl�c presence, use,disposal or transport of any Hazardous Malerlals ou, under, from or sbout ll►e Propecty, THB FOREQOIN(].
<br /> 10.A�stgnment of Rents. Trustor hereby asaigns to Lender, and grants Lender a aecutlty lntereat ln� all ptesent, iLture and
<br /> afler-arising rents, issues and proCtts of tl�e Property; provided tl►at Trustor sl�all, until tl►e occurtenca of an Bvent of Default
<br /> hereunder, have the right to collect and retaln sucl�renta, issuea and prolits as they becoma due and payablo:� Upon q�e occutrouce
<br /> of an Event of Default, Lendet may, eiU►er ln person or tiy agent, wiW ot wiQ�out bringing any acdon or proceeding, or by a
<br /> - receiver appolnted by a court and wltl�out tegard to tl►e aJequacy of its aecurity, enter upou and taka poaseaeion of the Properry, or
<br /> any part U�ereof, in its own name or in tl►e name of Q�e Trustee, and do any acts wlilch it cleems neceesary:or.desirable to preserve.
<br /> U�e value� marketability or rentabllity of the Property, or any part Uiereof or intereat d�ereiii, br to lncreasc tlie Incoma tlurefrom oc
<br /> protect U�e security l�ereof and, wltl� or witl�out taking possession of tlie Property, aue for or oQierwlse collect dta rents, issues and _
<br /> profits thereof, ine�yc�i��'+jtliqsb.p`t�t;cl��#�d unpaid, by notifyiug tenants to make payments to Lendec. I.ender may apply rents,`
<br /> issues and profits, (ess costs and eapenses of operation and collection including attorneys' fees, to any.lndebtedness secured l�ereby��
<br /> all in such order as I.ender may determine. 1'I�e entering upon and taklt►g posseasion of U�e Property, Wa collection of aucli rents,
<br /> i��ues and profile, and tl�e appiication U�ereof ea aforesaid, el�all uot cura or waiva any default ot nodce of defeult l�ereunder or
<br /> Invalidate any act douo In response lo auch default or pursuaut to suclt notica of deCauit and, notwltl►atanding Wo conduuauce in
<br /> poesea�ion of llie Property or the collection, recelpt aud applicadon of re��ts, issuea or pcofits,Trustee and L.ender ahall be entlticd to
<br /> exercise every tight provided for in any of Ilie I.oau Instruwe�Ns'or by law upou occurreuco oP any Byent�of Default, including�
<br /> without linillalion Iho right to caercise,tlia power of eale. Purll�er, Lander's rlghts and•remediee under Il�le�paragreph eliall be
<br /> '' c�mulalivo wi�h, aud In no way a Iliultatlun on, Lender's rlglUs aud reuicdles under auy assigument of leseca anJ raita rccorJed
<br /> ' agA(�cel q�c Propecry. Lender,Truetee end ll►o recelver ehall ba liablo,to accouat only for tlioeo reuts actuslly.recolved,
<br /> . , . . . 1
<br />