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��14�75�5 <br /> A1� insuranc�policies required by Lender and ren�v�a�s of such po��c�es shall be sub��c��n L�nder's rzght�o <br /> d�sappr�ve such pol�c�es, shal� include a standard mor�gage c�ause, and shall name Lend�r as mortgagee <br /> andlor as an addi�i�nal loss pa�ee. Lender shall ha�e�he right ta ho�d �he polic�es and renewal cer�i�ca�es. If <br /> Lender requires, Bflrrower shai�pramp�l�giv��o Lend�r all r�c��pts flf pa�d prerniums and renewa�n�tices, <br /> �f Borrotiver ob�ains any form of insurance co�erage, not o�he�-v�rise requ�red�y Lender, for damage�o, or <br /> destruc�ian of, the Proper�y, such pa�icy shall �nciud�a standard mor�gage c�ause and sha�� name Lender as <br /> martgag�e andlor as an addi��ona1 �oss payee. <br /> �n the ev�nt of�oss, Barrower sha�� gi�e promp�noti�e�o�he insuranc�carrier and I.�nder. I..�nder may <br /> make proof of�oss �f no�made pramp��y by Barrower. Un�ess L�nder and Borr�vWer a�herwise agree in <br /> wr�ting, an� insurance proceeds, whe�her or not�he underlying�nsurance was requ�red by Lender, sha11 be <br /> applied to restorat�on or repair of�he Prop�r�y, if�he restora�ion or repair is economica��y feasib�e and <br /> Lender's s�curity �s n�t lessened. During su�h r�pair and restorat�on periad, Lender sha�1 ha���he right�o <br /> hald such insurance praceeds untii Lender has had an appor�un���t� insp�ct su�h Property to ensure the <br /> work has been completed�o Lender's satisfac�ion, provide�tha�such �nspection sha��be under�aken <br /> promptly. Lender ma�d�sburse praceeds for�he repairs and restaration in a sing�e payn�en�or in a seri�s of <br /> progress pa�ments as Yhe work is comple�ed. Unless an agreexnen��s made �n wr�ting�r Ap�licable Lav� <br /> requires inter�st to�e paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender sha�l not be required to pay Borrawer any <br /> in�erest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pub�i� adjusters, or other third par�ies, r�tained by Borro�rer <br /> shall not�e pai�i aut af�he insurance proceeds and sha��be the soie ob�igat�on of Barrov�er. �f the res�oration <br /> or repair is na�ec�nomically feasible�r Lender's security wou�d be l�ssened, the insuran�e pro�eeds sha11 be <br /> applied to�he sums secured by this S�curi�y�nstrument, whether�r not th�n due, w�th�he excess, if an�, <br /> pa�d to Borrower, Such insurance proceeds sha�l be app��ed in�he�rder provided for�n Sec�ion�. <br /> �f Borraw�r aband�ns th�Proper�y, Lender may file, nego��a�e and set�le any available�nsurance c�aim and <br /> related matters. Zf Borrower does not respond v�r�thin 3�days�o a n�ti�e from L.end�r�ha��he�nsurance <br /> carrier has�ffered�o se��Ie a claim., then Lender may nego�ia�e and settle the claim. The 3�-day peri�d w�I� <br /> beg�n when�he na��ce is g��en. �n e�ther e�ent, or�f Lender acquires �he Pr�pe��under Se�t��n 2�or <br /> otherw�se, �arrovver hereby ass�gns to Lender�a} Borrower's r�ghts�o an}� insurance proceeds in an amount <br /> not to exceed the am�unts unpaid under�he No�e or this Security �ns�rumen�, and��} any other of <br /> Borrov��r's r�ghts �other�han�he r�ghY�o any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under a�� <br /> insurance polic�es cnvering the Proper��r, insofar as such righ�s are app�icabie�o the ca�erage of the <br /> Property. Lender may use the�nsurar�ce proceeds either�o repa�r or res�ore the Prvper�y or to pay amoun�s <br /> unpa�d under�he No�e ar this Secur�ty �ns�rum�en�, wh��h�r or no��hen due. <br /> C. �]ccupancy. Borr�wer shall occupy, establ�sh, and use the Prop�r�y as Borrower's principa� res�dence <br /> with�n��da�s af�er�he execu�ion of this Securit� Ins�rument and sha11�ont�nu�ta occupy�he Proper�y as <br /> Barrower's principal residence for at least one�ear af�er�he da�e�f occupancy, unless Ilender atherwise <br /> agre�s in�vr��ing, which consent�ha�l not be unreasona��y w��hh��d, or unless ex�enuat�ng circumstances <br /> ��ist which are beyond Borraw�r's contral. <br /> 7. Preserrration, Maintenance and Pr�te�t�on vf the Property; Inspect��ns. B�rrower shall nat d�stray, <br /> damage or�mpair the Proper�y, a��ow��e Proper�y to deteriora�e ar comm��waste fln the Proper�y. Whether <br /> or n�t Barrnwer is residing in�h�Prop�rty, Borrower shal�maintain�he Property in order to pr��en��he <br /> Proper�y from.deter�ora�ing or de�reasing �n va�u�due to i�s�ond�tion. t�niess i�is de�erm�ned pursuant to <br /> Sec�ion S that repa�r o�restora��on is not econoxnically feasib�es Borrovver sha��promptly repair the Proper�y <br /> if damaged ta avoid fur�her deteriora�ion or damage. �f�nsuran�e or conden�ation proceeds are paid�n <br /> cannec��on wx�h damage to, or the�aking of, �he Proper�y, Borr�wer sha��be respons�ble for repairing or <br /> res�oring the Property on�y �f Lender has reieased proceeds for su�h purpos�s. Lender ma�disburse proc�eds <br /> NESRASKA-Singie Family-Far�nie Mael�redciie Mac 13N1�4RM INSTRUMENT Farm 302$11�� <br /> VMP� VMP6�N��[13�2} <br /> Wofters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 of�7 <br />