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��14�75�5 <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Borrower sha�� pay�a Lend�r�he amaun�necessary to mak�up the de�cienGy in <br /> accardanCe w�th RESPA, �ut�n na more�han �2 rnonth�y payments. <br /> Upan payment �n full of aIl suxns secured by�his Security Ins�rumen�, Lender sha1�pr�mptly refund to <br /> B�rrower an�Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. B�rrow�r shai�pay a�� taxes, ass�ssments, �harges, fines, and xmpas�t�ons attr�butable to <br /> the Prop�rty whi�h�an attair�priarity over thi� Secur�t� �nstrument, �easeho�d pa��men�� �r ground rent� on <br /> the Property, if any, and �ammun��y Ass���at�on Dues, �ees, and Assessn�ents, if any. To�he extent that <br /> �hese i�ems are�scrow �terns, Borro�ver sha��pay the�n in the maxuaer pravid�d in Sec�ian 3. <br /> Borrau�er sha�l pramptl�dis�harg�any��en�hich ha�pr�or�ty�ver this Se�ur��y �ns�run�ent un�ess <br /> Borrawer: �a} agrees in wr�ting to�he payment�f the�bizga��on secured by the�i�n in a manner acceptable <br /> ta Lender, bu�on�y so�nng as Barrower is perf�rm7ing such agr�ement; �b} contests�he�ien in good faith by, <br /> or d�fends aga�ns��nfarcement�f the��en�n, �egal proceedings which in Lender's�pinian�perate�a pr��ent <br /> the enforcernen�of the lien�hile�hoSe praceedings are pending, but anly un�i� such proceedings are <br /> cancluded; or�c} secures from the halder of the lien an agreemen�satisfaCtar�to Lender subord�na�ing the <br /> Iien ta this Se�urity �nstrum�nt. If Lend�r determines�ha�any par�of�he Froperty is subject to a l�en which <br /> can at�ain pr�orit��ver th�s Secur�t� �ns�rument, Lender may gi�re Barrower a notice identif�ing the�ien. <br /> 'V�'ithin 1�da�s of the date�n wh�ch�ha�not�ce is g�v�n, Borr��ver shali sat�sfy�he��en or take on�or more <br /> af the act�ons se�far�h abov�in this Se���on 4. <br /> Lend�r may require B�rr�wer to pay a ane-�ime charge f�r a real es�a�e ta�ver�f�cation andlor r�por�ing <br /> service used��Lender�n cannectinn u�ith�his Loan. <br /> 5. Pr�perty [rtsurance. Borr�wer sha�� k��p��.e impravemen�s naw existing or hereaf�er erected on�he <br /> Pr�pert�r insured against Ioss by f�re, ha2ards inc�uded u�ithin the�erm "exten.ded co�erage," arzd any o�her <br /> hazards including, bu�not 1imi�ed to, ear�hquakes and floods, for which Lender requ�res �nsurance. This <br /> insurance sha��be main�ained in the amaun�s�inc�uding deduc��b�e�e�e�s}and far the periads that Lender <br /> requires. �Vha�Lender requ�res pursuan�ta�he precedzng s�nt�nces can change during�he term�f the Loan. <br /> Th�znsurance carrxer pro��d�ng the�nsurance sha�� be chos�n b�Barrower subject t� L�nder's righ�ta <br /> disappro�e Borrower's cha�ce, whzch righ�sha�� nat b�ex�rcised unreasana��y. Lender may requzre <br /> Borrower t❑pay, in cannection with�his Loan, ei�her: �a} a nn���ime charge f�r flood zone d��ermination, <br /> c�rt��ca�ian and tracking service�; ar�b} a ane-time charge far f�oad zone de�ermina�ion and cer��fi�ation <br /> s�rvi��s and�u�s�quent Charges each��me r��ngs ar sixnilar changes accur�vhi�h reasonably might <br /> affect su�h de�ernr�ination ar c�r�zf�cat�on. Borrawer sha11 also be responsible for the paym�n��f any fees <br /> �m�p�sed by�he Federa� Emergency Managexnent Agency �n connec�ion with the review�f any flood zone <br /> detern�inatian resul�ing from an ob�ec�ion by Borro�ver. <br /> If B�rrower fails to ma�ntain any�f the�a��rag�s descrzbed a��ve, Lender nnay abtain insurance ca��rag�, <br /> at Len�er's op���n and B�rrower's expens�. L�nder i�under n�flbliga�i�n�o purchase any par�icu�ar�ype flr <br /> am�unt of c�verage. Therefore, such caverage shall cover Lender, but might or migh�n�t pro��c�Borrow�r, <br /> Borrower'�equity in�he Praper��, ar the contents of�h�Proper�y, against any risk, hazard or�iab��zty and <br /> m�ght pra�ide greater flr lesser coverage than was pre�iously in effec�. Borrower acknow��dges�hat the cost <br /> of the insurance cn�erag�so a�tained m��ht sign���antly exceed the cos�af�nsuranc�that Borrawer�au�d <br /> have obtained. An�amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender under�his Section 5 sha�i b�come additi�r�a� deb�of <br /> Borrower s�cured by th�s Security Ins�rument. These amoun�s sha11 b�ar in��rest a��h�Not�rate from the <br /> date of d�sbursem�n�and sha��be payabl�, v�rith such interest, upon nat�c�frorn Lender t� B�rrower <br /> reques�ing paymen�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gl��amily-Fanni�MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT Forrn 302$11a� <br /> VMP Q VMP�tNE��13Q2} <br /> Wotters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ic�s Page 6 of 17 <br />