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��14�75�� <br /> B�]RR�VL�ER C�VENANTS tha�Barr�wer zs �avvfu��y se�s�d of th�estate her�by c�nveyed and has the right to <br /> gran�and con�ey the Property and�hat the Prflperty ��unencumber�d, e�cept for encumbra.�ces of record. <br /> B�rrower warran�s and w��� defend generall�the���1�to �he Proper�y agains�a��c�a�ms and demands, subje�t ta <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SECt3R�TY INSTRUMENT comb�nes uniform cavenants for natianal use and non�uniform co�enants w�th <br /> lirni�ed Wariations by�ur�sdict�on ta constitute a unifarm security in��rumen�covering real proper�y. <br /> Un�fvrm �o�enants. Borrow�r and L�nd�r��venan�an.d agree as follows: <br /> �. Payment of PrEnc�palr �nterest. Escro►n► Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges. Borrow�r <br /> shall pay when due the princ�pa� �f, and in�eres�on, the d��t e��denced by the Note and any prepayment <br /> char�es and lat�charges due under the No�e. B�rrower shall a�so pay funds for Escr�w ��ems pursuan�t� <br /> Se�t��n 3. Payments due under�h�N�t�and�hzs Secur�ty �nstrum�nt sha��be made zn U.S. �urr�ncy. <br /> ��wev�r, �f any che�k�r a�her�nstrum�.en� r�ceived�y Lender a�pa�ment under the N�te ar this Security <br /> Ins�rument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any ar all subsequent pa�ments due und�r <br /> the Nate and this Security Instrument be made in one or more�f the faliav�ing form�, as selec�ed by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b}money order; (c}cer�i�ed chec�, ban�che�k, tr�asurer's check or cash�er's ch�ck, pro��ded any <br /> such check�s drawn upon an insti�ution whose depos�ts are insured b� a federal agency, ins�rumenta�i�y, or <br /> en���y; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed received b� Lender when received at the Iocation designat�d in the N��e or at such <br /> �ther��ca�ion as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notiCe proviszons �n Sec��on �5. <br /> Lender may r�turn any paymen�ar par��a� paymen� if the payment or par��al payments are insuff��i�n��a <br /> �r�ng the Loan curren�. Lender may accept any payment�r par�ial payment�nsuff�c�ent�a bring the L�an <br /> curr�nt, w�thnu�wai�er of any r�ghts h�reunder or prejudice to �ts r�gh�s to refuse such paymen�ar par�ia� <br /> payments in th� future, but L�nder�s not abligate�.to apply such paymen�s at the time�uch paymen�s ar� <br /> acc�pted. If�a�h P�riadic Payment�s applied as�f i�s scheduled due�a�e, �hen Lender need not pa� interest <br /> on unappl�ed funds. Lender may hold�u�h unapp��ed funds unt�� Borrower makes payments to bring the <br /> Loan curr�nt. �f B�rrower d�es nat d� so wi�hin a reasonab�e per�od�f�ime, Lender shall�ither apply such <br /> funds or return them�o Borraw�r. �f n�t appiied ear�ier, such funds wi��be applied to the outstanding <br /> principal balar�c�under the Note imm�dia�ely prior to forec�asure. No affse��r claim wh�ch Bnrrower migh� <br /> ha��n�w or in�he fu�ure agains� L�nder sha11 reli��e Borrower from rnaking payments due under the No�e <br /> and this SeCurity �nstrument�r performing�he��venan�s and agreements secured by�h�s 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument. <br /> �. App�icat��n Qf Payments ar P��ceeds. E�cept as a�her�i�e described in�his Secti�n�, all payments <br /> accepted and appli�d by Lender sha11 be app�ied�n�he foltawing arder of priari�y; �a} interes�due under�he <br /> Nate; �b}principa� due und�r the Not�; �c} amounts due under Sec�ion 3. Such payments sha��be app�zed tfl <br /> each Period�c Payment in the order in which it became due. Any remainzng amaunts sha�l b�appli�d first to <br /> �a�e charges, se�ond to any a�her amounts due under thxs Se�ur�ty �nstrument, and then�o reduce the <br /> pr�ncipa�balance�f the No�e. <br /> If Lender rec�i�es a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Pa�men��hich �nc�udes a suff�c�ent <br /> arnount to pay any�ate charge due, the pa�ment may�e appli�d to the del�nquent pa�ment and�he�ate <br /> char�e. �f more�han one Periodic Paymen� �s autstand�ng, Lender may app�y any paymen�r�ceived fram <br /> Borrawer to th�r�paymen�of�he Per�od�c Payments if, and to the�x�en� that, �ach payment can be pa�d in <br /> fui�. To the�xten�that any�xcess e�ists after the payment i� applied to�he ful�paym�n�of one or mare <br /> Periadi� Paym�nts, such excess may b�appii�d to any late charges�ue. Valun�ary prepa�rments �hal1 be <br /> applied fzrst ta any prepayment�harg�s an.��hen as des�r�bed�n the No��. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl�Family-Fannie Ma�l�reddie Mac UN�FQRM INSTRUMENT Form 3D28 1!�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN���130�� <br /> Wvlters Kluw�r Fin�r�cial Ser�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />