<br /> ���a �� T�UST
<br /> �Can��n��:�d P��� �
<br /> � � �
<br /> para�raph vf this �eed a€Trust.
<br /> Aftarneys' Fees; Expense�. If L�nder instftutes any suit or activn �v enfvrce any ❑f the terms af this aeed v�
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be entitfed to recov�r such sum as the court may adjudge r�easonable as aftarneys' fees at trial
<br /> �r�d upon any appeal. Whether �r not any court activn is in�alved, and to the ex��nt n�t prohihited by Iaw, all
<br /> reasonable expEnses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's �piniqn are neo�s�ary a� any �ime �or �he protectivn of its
<br /> intere�t or t��enforcement af its rights shall k�ecome a part of the inde�tedness payable fln demand and shall �ear
<br /> interest a�the Not�rate frvm the date��F the exper�ditur�until r�paid. Exper�ses coWere�i C�y this paragraph include,
<br /> withaut limitat�on, howe�er subject to any limits unde�applicabfe law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lend�r's legal
<br /> expenses, �nrhether or not th�ere is a iawsuEt, in��uding attQrneys' fe�� and expenses far �ankrup�cy p�roceedings
<br /> �including effarts to madi�y or�acate any automatic stay c�r in�unGtion}, appeal�,and any anticipated pvs�judgmen�
<br /> coli��ion serv�oes, �he cnst o�searchin� re�ards, �b#a�ning title repo�� �incfud�n�fQreeiasur� rept�rts}, survey�rs'
<br /> report�, and ap�praisal f�es, �itle insuranoe, and �ees far fhe Trustee, to the extent permitted by applicab�e �aw.
<br /> Tru�tor also wil!pay any court�osts, in ad�iition ta all other sums p�r��ided by law.
<br /> Ri�hts of Trustee. Trus�e��ha��have al[flf the right��nd dufies of Lender as set for�h in this sectian.
<br /> i��4���S AiVD aBLIGATI�!��DF TRLlSTEE. Th�foll�wing prvvis�ons relating ta the pvwers and�bligat��ons a�Trustee
<br /> are part of th�s �eed of Trust:
<br /> Pawers vf Trustee. Ir�addition tv all pow�rs of Trust�e arising as a matter of�aw, Trustee shal�have the�v�er to
<br /> take th�f�llowing actions with r�spect to the Property upan the written request of Len�er and Trustor: (a}jvin in
<br /> pre�aring and filing a map or plat vf the �ea1 Prvp�rty+, inc�udin� the dedica#ivn �f stre�ts or other r�ghts to the
<br /> puhlic; �b} jvin in granting an� easeme�t ar creafing� any restriction on the Real Prv�erty; and (c} join in any
<br /> su�ardination ar other agreem�n#affecting th�s Deed of Trus�or the int�rest af Lend�r under this De�d of Trust.
<br /> Truste+a. Trustee sh�ll meet al� qualificatinns required for T�ustee under applicabl� lar�v. 1n additi�r� tv #he rights
<br /> and remedies se�forth abo�e, with r��pect to all or any part of th� Prope�ty, the Trustee sha�f have the right#❑
<br /> far�close by notice �nd s�le, and Lender will have the righ� to foreclase by judicial foreclosure, in either case in
<br /> acco�danc�with and to the full�xtent provided by app�icable law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. L�nder, at Lender's vpt�on, may from time to tim�appoint a succe�s�r T�ustee tv any Trustee
<br /> appoin#ed under this Deed of Trust �y an instrument �xecuted and acknvwledged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> ��fice ofi the recorder o� Hall Caunty> State of Nebra�ka. The in�trument shall con�ain, in addition to a�l ath�r
<br /> matters requ'rred b� state law, the names of the original Lender, Trus#ee, and Trustor, the boak aRd page �or
<br /> �camputer system reference} where this Deed �f Trust is re�ord�d, and th� name ar�d address of the successor
<br /> truste�, and the in�trurnent shall be executed and a�knowledged by a!�th�b�nef�iaries under this [3eed af Tru�t or
<br /> thEi��uccessors �n intere�t. The su�cessvr#ru�tee, withou# conveyance of the Property, shall succeed to all the
<br /> title, power, and duties can�erred upan the T�uste�in this Deed af Trust and by applicab[e law. Thi�procedure for
<br /> substitution o�T'rustee shall gavern to th���clusion of all vther proWisians far subs#itution.
<br /> NaT�CES. An�r notice requrred tv be�i�en under this Deed af Trust, including with�u# limitatian an� nvtice of de�ault
<br /> and any notice of sale shal�be given in writing, and �hall be e�ffecti�� o►vY�en a�tuali�deli�e�ed, when actua�ly received
<br /> by tesefacsimil��unless vtherwi�e required by!aw},when dep�si�ed with �nationally recvgniz�d overnight cvurier,vr, if
<br /> mail�d,when depvsited in�h� united S�ates r�nail, as first class�certified nr re�istered mail postage prepaid, direct�d t�
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning of this aeed�f Trust. All copies af nv�ices afi fvreclosur,�from �he hvlder of
<br /> any lien which has �ri�rity v�er thi� ❑e�d vf Trust shall be sen�to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of
<br /> �his Deed af Trust. Ar�y p�rsvn may change his �r her addres�f�r notices under this Qeed v'�Trust by givin� f�rma�
<br /> written notice to the vther p�rsan ar persons, sp�ci�ing that th� purpose vf the nvti�� is to change the pe�svn's
<br /> address. Far nvtice purpo�es,Trustor ag�ees#o keep Lende�infnrrr�ed at all�irns�of Trust�r's curren��ddr�ss. Unl�ss
<br /> other�ise pcvvided or requi�ed by law, if there is rn6re fhan �ne Trust�r, any natice gi�en by Lender tv any Trustvr is
<br /> deerned to be rtvtice giv�n tv all Trustars. It will be Trust�r's respvnsEbility t�tell fhe vthers o�the no�ice from Lender.
<br /> II�€���ELLANE4US PR�VI5I�NS. The fo�lowing miscellanevus provisions are a par#��this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Am�ndm�nts. il'+lha# is written in th�s [�eed v�Trust and in �he Rela#�d L�v�ument� is Trustor's en#ire agreement
<br /> with Lender c�neerning the matters cvvered by tl�is Deed of Trus#. Tv be effecti��, any change vr amendment to
<br /> #his Dee�of Trust must be in wr�ting and mus# be s�gned by whvever will be bound vr vb�tgated by the change ar
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Captivn Headings. Caption headin�s in this Deed of Trust are fa� canvenience purposes onl�r and are not to be
<br /> used ta interpret or define the��v�isians of th�s Deed af Trust.
<br /> ��rger. There sh�ll b�nfl merger o�th� interest vr estate ��eated�y this Dee�d �f Trust rrvi�h an�other interest❑r
<br /> e�ta�e in the Pr���rty� a�any time held by ar fvr the benefit af Lend��in any capacity,withvut the written cons�nt
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> G�►�erning Law. This Dsed �� Trust will be gn►►ern�� b� ��deral Iaw appli�able to Lender and, tv the extent not
<br /> preen�pted by federal �aw,�he iaws of the State v#Nebra�ka►rvi'thvut�egard to its cvnflicts csf Iaw pravisions. Th�s
<br /> �eed of Trust has been a�cep�ed by Lender in the 5tat�vf Nehraska.
<br /> Joint and Se�e�ai Li�bilityo All �bliga#ions of Trustar under this �ed af TruSt shall be join# and se�eraf, and alf
<br /> r�ference� �o Trustor shail mean each and e�ery Tr�usta�. This means that each Tr�s�vr signing be[ow is
<br /> respvnsible fvr ail ob�iga�ions in this I7eed of Trust.
<br /> hla�ai�►�r I�y Lender. �frus#�r ur�derstands L�nd�r will nvt give up any af L�nder's rights under this C]eed of Trust
<br /> unless Lender d��s sv in writ�ngo The fac� that Lender delays vr om�#s to e�cer�ise any right will nv� mean that
<br /> Lender has given up fhaf right. If Lender daes agree in writing to giue up ane af Lender's righ�s, tha�does n�t
<br /> me�n Trust�r wi�l not hav�� fv comply witt� the other prv�isions vf this Deed of Trust. Trus�vr als� unders�ands
<br /> that if Lender dves �on�ent to a request, that d�es not mean �hat Trustor will nv� ha�s to get Lender's cvnsenf
<br /> again if the situation happens again. T�ustor fur�her ur�d�r��and�that just because Lender cvnsen�s to on�vr mvre
<br /> of Trus�vr's r�quests, tha� does nv# mean Lender will be required t❑ c�nsent �a any vf T�us�or`� future reques#s.
<br /> Tru��ar waives presentrn�nt,d�mand fvr pa�ment, protes�t,and notice vf dishonor.
<br /> 5ede�abili�y, !�a�ourt fi�ds tha�t any p�a�isian ��this Deed t�f Trust is not�a�id or shou�d nv� k�e enf�roed, fhat
<br /> �ac�by itself►►vil� not mean that the rest of�his Deed c�f Trust will not he�alid❑r enforoed. Therefore, a caur#will
<br /> enforc�th�rest of the pro�ision�❑f this Deed vf Tr�tst e�en if�pra►rision of th�s �7eec�❑f Trust may►he found to be
<br /> in�alid or u�enforceable.
<br /> �u���essc�rs�nd Assigns. Subje�t to any 1im�tations stated in this De�d of Trust❑n tran�f�r of Trust�r's interest,
<br /> thEs Deed of Trus# shall be binding upon and inure t� the bene�it �f the partie�, their �u�ccessors and assigns. Cf
<br /> ownersh'rp of the Prvp�rty becomes vest�d in a��rsvn other than Trustor, L�nder, without n�tice �o Trustar, may
<br /> d�al witt� Trus#or's succ�ssors with reference to#his �]eed of Tru�t and the Indebtedn�s�by w�y of�orbearance or
<br /> ext�nsio�avithaut�el�asing Trustor from�he obli�ations o�th�s Deed af Trust or liability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> `Time�s of the Essence. Time i�o�the essence�n�h�perforr�nance o�th�s Dee�d of Tru�t.
<br /> ���ve Jury. AI� parties tv this Deed o�Trust hereby wa�►►e the right tv any jury trial in any activn, prviceeding, �r
<br /> c�un#erclaim hraught by any party ag�inst any other p,arty.
<br />