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��14�7753 <br /> ��E� �� ��UST <br /> �C���i���d} Page � <br /> ��ncerning any indebtedness or other�biigatian of Trust�r to Lender,whefher existing now or later. <br /> E��nts Affec#in� Guarantor. Any vf��e preced�ng e�en�s vccurs v�ith respe�t tQ any gua�antor, endarser, surety, <br /> or �ccvrrAm��datian p�rty �f any tif�he �ndebtednes� ar any guarantar, �ndorser, surety, or acc�rrmodation party <br /> dies vr bec�mes incompetent, vr r�r��kes �r dispu�es the �aiidity �f, or Fiability under, an� Guaran�y o�F the <br /> Indebt�dness. <br /> In�e�urity. Lender in ga�d faith believes itself inse�cure. <br /> Exis#ing lndebtedness. The pa�ment vf any instalfrrsen���`p�ir�eipal or any interest vn�he Existing Indebfedness is <br /> nat rnade within #he#irne ��quired by th� pramissory note�videncin� such in��btedness, ar a d�fault o��urs under <br /> the ins#rume��se�uring such ir�dehtedness and Es no�c�red during ar�y�ppii�abie grace pe�iod in suct� instrurr�er�t, <br /> ar any sui�ar ather a�tiar�is comrr�enced to�ar�eclose any�xi�ting li�r��on the P��perty. <br /> R��HTS AN D���I������N DEFAUL'�. !f an E�enfi of I�efault o�curs under this Deed of Trust, at any tim�the�eaf�er, <br /> T'rustee or Len+d�r may exerc�se any ane ar more of�he follovuing rights and r�m�dies: <br /> Ac�et�ration Ll�vr� Default; �dd��'ro�a[ Remedies. I�any E�ent of De�ault oc�urs as per the ferms of th�Nvt� <br /> secured here�y, Lertder may dec[ar�a�i Ind�btedne,.ss sec�ret�by this[]ee�q�Trust ta�due�nd payable�nd. <br /> fhe same sha[6 thereupon becor�e due and payab�e witnout any pr�sentme�tt, derr�ar�d, pro��st�r notic�af any <br /> kir��l. Ther�af��r, Lender may:. <br /> {a} Either in person or by agent, wit1� �r wi�h�ut bring�ng any ac�io� or praa�eding, or by a re�ei�er <br /> ap�painted by a cvur#an�vv�ithvut regard ta the a�equa�y��its se�curity, enter upnn and take possessi,on <br /> af the Pra�er�y, a�r any part tiherev�, in i�s v�rn narne or En t�te n�r�of Trustee, ancl do any ac�s whtch it <br /> d�em�neoe�s�ry❑r desir��le to preserv�the va[ue, markEtabi[i�or ren�abi[�ty o'�th�F�roperty,vr p��t o�F <br /> �h� �roperky or interest ir�the Proper�y; �r��rease the incame�rorr� th� Pr�operty or prvt��t the s�curi�y afi <br /> the F'roperty; and, with or without �aking possessi�n c���he i�roperty, su� for or ofhenrvis� eallec� th� <br /> rents, issues and profits o�the Prvp�rty, including thase pas�due and u�paid, an�l��ply the sar�e, less <br /> cost�and exp�nses of flper�tion and�vll�ct�an attorneys°�ees,to any in�ieb�edness secured by th�s C]eed <br /> ofi Trust, a!I in such flr��r as Lender may determin�. The er�tering upon and taking poss�ssivn �f the. <br /> Propert►,r, the �vll�ckian �� such rents, issues and profi�s, �nd th� appEic��ion ther�ofi shall na� �ure ❑r <br /> vvai�e any d��au�t or notic��vf defau[t under th�s Deed of Tru�t❑��n�a�ida��any act done in respor�se t� <br /> s�ch default or pursuant ta such noti�e of default; and, notvv�thstanding the can�inuance in posse�sior�❑� <br /> the Prop�:rty or the cv�leGtion, receipt and applica�ion vf�ents, issues or prafits, Trusfie�or L�nd�r shall <br /> k��nt�tled tv exera�e e�ery righ�pro�ided for in fihe Nate flr th�Re�ated Do�umen�s❑r�y law upon th� <br /> occurr�nc�af�ny e�ent�f de�ault, inc[uding the right ta exercise the power vf sale; <br /> tb� Cammerace an action ta forec�os�e this C�eed of Trust as a mortgag�, �ppoint a r�cei�er or s�aecifirall� <br /> enforoe any of the c��enants hereof;and <br /> �c} De[iv►er tv Trus�ee�wriiten declaration of defau�t and derriand f�r sal�and a written notice af defau[t <br /> and election�o�ause Trus�or's interes�E��he Prop�rt�to be soi�f,►nrhich nfltice TruStee sha[��au�e to he <br /> du[y fiEed�or re�or�En the app�opriate offices c�f the�ounty in which the Pro�aer�y�s��c��ed; and <br /> �d} Vlfth respec�to afl vr any part❑t the Personal Praperty, Ler�der�h��l ha�e all the rights an�r�medies� <br /> �f a secured party under the Nebraska Uni�orm C�mnn�rr�a�Cod�. <br /> Fareclasure by Pawer�f Sale. �f Lender�[ects to foreclose by exercise o��he Power of 5ale hereir�contained, <br /> Lender shall r�otify Trustee and shafl d�posit with Truste�th�s Deeai o�Trust and�h�fVote anc�such r�oeipts <br /> and evidenoe ot expenditures made and secured by fhis Deed of Trust as Tru�tee m�y require. <br /> �a} lJpon r�:ceipfi v�f such notice fr�m Lender,Truste�shall caus�to be recarc�ed, published and d�li�er�d <br /> to Trustor such Notice o�F C]efaul�and Nafice af Sale�s then r�q�ir�ed by iaw and by this Deec�o�Trus�. <br /> Trustee shali, wi�hou# demand vn �'rustor, a�ter su�h time as may ther� be required by lavv and af�er <br /> recordation vf such Not�ce of Defi�ult and after No�ire a�Sale ha�ing been gi��n as required by I�w, sell <br /> the Praperty at �he �irr�e and plaoe ❑f sal� fixed by it in su�h Notic� o� �ale, either as a whoie, or in <br /> separate lo�s❑r parcels or i�ems as Trustee shall de�m expedient, and in 5uch orde�as i�may c�etermine, <br /> at pub�i�auction ta�he highesfi bidder for cash in law�ui money af fhe lJni�ed 5ta�es g�ayabfe at the time <br /> of sale. T�uste�shall deli��r ta such purchaser ar purci�asers fh�reof its gvoc� and suffi�i�nt deec� or <br /> deeds cc�n�eying the pro��ty sa sold, but►�v�thou� any �o�venant vr warrant�y, express or impfied. �h� <br /> reGital� in such deed o�any matt�rs ar facts sha�l be conclu�i�e praaf of the truthfu[r�e�s fih�reo�: Any <br /> person,including v�rithvut limitatian Trc�sfor, Tru�tee, or Lender;may pure�a�e a�such sal�. <br /> ��� As may be permitted by [aw, a�ter deduc�ing �Il casts, �ees ar�d �xpens�s vf Trustee and vf this <br /> Trust, includi�g costs�f e�ic�enoe a�title in conne�tio�wEth sa[e,Trustee sh�ll apply�he proc�eeds❑f s�ie <br /> tv payment o� �i�a�I sums e�pended u�td�r th�term�of�his C�eed fl�Trust�or under the terms of th�No�e <br /> not �hsn repaid, includ�ng but not limified to a�crued inter�st and late �harg�s, �ii} ali other surxls then <br /> . secured hereby, an�# �iii}fhe remainder, if an�, to the persvn or per�ons lega�ly enti�(ec�theretv. <br /> �c} Trusfee may in�he mann�r pro�ided b��aw p�asfpon�sale v��lf ar any partivn of�he Prvp�rty. <br /> Remedies Nofi Ex�lusi��. Trusfee and Lender, and each �f them, shall be en#itEed to enfor�e payment and <br /> per�ormance��any indebtedr�es�ar obligations seeured �y►this Deed of Trust and to exercase a[I rights and powers <br /> under this Deed vf Tr�ust, under#he No�e, under any of th�e ReEat�d Documents, or under ar�y other agreement ar <br /> an� Iaws n�w❑r�ereaft�r in farce; notw��hstand�ng, some flr a!i o�such indebtedness and obligatian5 secured by <br /> this �eed of Trust may now ❑r hereaft�r be otherwise seeured, �whether by r�ortgag�, deed �f trust, pl�edge, lien, <br /> assignment n� �therwise. N�i#her the acceptanc� of��Es �eed af Trust nar its er�farcement, wt�e#her by caurt <br /> action or pursuant to �he �ower o�saie�r other pa�v�rs contained in this Deed vf Trust, shafi pr�judi�e o�in any <br /> m�nn�r af�ect Trustee's �r Lender`� righ�t to realiz� upon o�enfar�e any �ther securi�� naw or h�reaf�er held by <br /> Trustee or L�nder,it being agreed that Truste�and L�nder, and each of th�,m, shall be entitled to en�orc�this C]eed <br /> vf Trust and any oth�r securi�y now or hereafter he�d by Lender ar Tru�tee in su�h order and rnanner as they Qr <br /> either o�them may in their ab�olute dis�retion determin�. No remedy con�'erred �pon ar res�rved to Tru�tee or <br /> Len�er, is intended #o b��xclusiue of any other remedy in this �]�ed of Trust or by law pro�rid�d or�ermitted, but <br /> each sha�l be cumula�i�e and �hall b� in addition to euer� o�her remedy gi►�er� in this Deed �f Trust or now or <br /> hereaft��exist�ng at Iaw❑r ir��qu�ty or by statute. E�ery power or r�medy giv�n by the Note�r any af t��Related <br /> Documents to T�uS�ee or Lender or to ►�vhich eithec af them may be o�henrvise �ntit�ed, may be �xercised, <br /> coneurren#ly or independently, fr�m tim�to time and as often as rn�y b� deern�d �xpedient by Trustee �r l�end�r, <br /> and either o� them may pursue inconsistent remedies, �iathing En this C�eed of Trust shall be c�nstrued as <br /> prohibiting L�nder fram s�eking a��ficienc�judgm�ent a�ainst th�Trustor to �he exter��s�ch action is p�rmitted by <br /> law. <br /> Election of Remedies. All of Lender's righ#� and rem�dies trvilf be cumulafi�e and may be e�erc�s�d alone or <br /> together. If Lender decides ta spend money or t� perforrra any o�Trus�or's �obliga�ivn� un�er�his D�ec1 vf Trus�, <br /> �fter Trusto�'s f�ilure�o do sv, �hat dec�sion b�y Lender will n��ai�ect Lender's raght fio dec[are Trus�or in default <br /> and to ex�ercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request for Notice. Trustor, on behalf��Trus�ar an� Lende�, hereby requ�sts tha�a copy of any Natiee vf De�au�� <br /> and a copy af any f�oti�e af Sale under this Deed of Trust be maifed tv them a�fihe addresses set forth in the first <br />