<br /> D��:� �]�` l��l���
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<br /> ��o��:��1u��} Pag� �
<br /> paragraph�f this aeed of Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; E�cpenses. !f Lend�r institu�es any �uit or activn ta en�oroe any a#the term� ❑�th�s Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust, Lender shali be entitl�d tv recover such sum as the c�urt may�djudge r�,asonable as attorne��'fees at trial
<br /> and upon an7r appeal. VVhether or n�t any court a�tivn Fs in�o���d, and �o the e��nt not p�a�ibi��d by law, all
<br /> reasvnable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lend�r's� op�nivn are neressary �t any time for the pr�tec�ian af its
<br /> interest�r fihe en�or�ement vf i�s righfs shall becarne a part of�he In�deb�edness paya�fe on demand and shall bear
<br /> int�rest at the N�te ra��from the date of the�xpenditure unttl r�paid. Expens�s ca�ered b�tl��s paragraph includ�,
<br /> withou�l�rr�ifation, hawe��r su�j�cfi to any limits under app[icable lav�v, Lender's ai�orneys' fees ar�d Lender's legal
<br /> ex�enses, whether or n�t ther� is a lawsuit, including a�#arneys' fees and expenses for b�nkruptcy proc�eeedings
<br /> {including efForts ta mvdify�r vacat�any automatic stay or in�unctior��, appeals,an+d any anticipated post�udgr�en�
<br /> cvllectian sere�ice�,th�cost vf searching r��vrds, o��aining title repo�s{in�luding fvreclosure r�parts}, surveyors'
<br /> reporfs, and ap�raisal fe�s, title insurance, and �Fees for the Trustee, tv th� e�ent p�rmitted by applica�le lavv.
<br /> T�-ustvr alsa will pay any court costs, in addF#iQn to a�[other sums pra�rided b�law.
<br /> Rights of Truste�. Trustee sha[I ha�e all of the rights and duties of Lender as set forth in this section.
<br /> P+��S AND �+.�.�IGATID�����F TRUSTEE. The�ollvwing pravi�ions relating to the power� and�bliga#ians o�Trustee
<br /> ar�pa rt�f th is❑e�d af Trust:
<br /> Pawers af Trustee. In additi�r�to all pvwers af Trustee arising as a mat�er vf law, Trustee sh�li ha�e the p�wer to
<br /> take the fQ�iawin� acti�ns with respect tv the Pr�perty upan the vwritten request af L�nder and�Trustvr: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and filing a rnap or plat a�the �eal Property, including the dedi�ation o� streets ❑r other rights to the
<br /> publiG; {b} jo�n in grar�ting any easement or cr�ating any restriction ❑n the Real Property; and tc} jvin in �ny
<br /> �ubordinati�n ar o�her agreem�nt affiecting thi� Deed of Trus#vr th� intere�t a�L�nder under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trusf�e shall me�t ai[ qualificatians required for 7rustee under �pplicable �auv. In addition to the rights
<br /> and rern�dies �et for�h abave, vvith res�ect#o a1C o� any part a�the Pro�er�y, the Trustee shall have the �ight ta
<br /> �oreclose by notice and sale, ar�d Lende�wili ha�e the right to tvreciv�e by judiciaf �'v�eclosure, �n either case in
<br /> aGcor�ance with and�o�he f�,1�extent provided hy appl�ca�le law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lende�`�optian, may from time tQ time appoint�succes�or T�u�tee to an�T��stee
<br /> appointed und�r this aeed of Trust by an instrumenf ex��uted an� ackno�vledged by Lend�r and re��rded in the
<br /> affice +af the �ecard�e� of Hall Caunty, S#ate o� Nebraska. The instrum�ent shail contain, in additivn to all oth�r
<br /> matters r�quired by stat� law, �he names vf the original Lender, Trustee, and Trus�or, the bo�k and page (or
<br /> cvmputer s�st�m re�eren�e} ►rvhere thi� D�ed of Trust �s Fe�orded, ar�d the n�r�ne and addr�ss vf the success�r
<br /> truste�, and the instrur�ent shall be executed and acknowledged �y all�h�ben�ficiaries under fhis Deed of Trust a�
<br /> their successors in intere�t. The suc�essar t�ustee, v�ithout con�eyance of the Property, shall succ�ed to �ll the
<br /> title, power, and duties conf�rred upon the Trustee in this oeed of Trusf and by applica�le l�w. This proeedu�e for
<br /> subs�itutian Qf�rus#ee shali ga�em to the ex�lusion of all o#he�provisions for suhstituti�n.
<br /> N�TiCES. Any notice requ�r�d to br�gi�en under�his Deed of Trust, including withou# limita#ion any notice of de�ault
<br /> and any nv#Ece af sale shali be given in w�itin�, and shaE! kse effective when actuallyr de�iver�d, wMen a�tually rec�ived
<br /> by felefacsimil�[unless atherwise required by law},wi�en depvsi#�d w�th a nativnalfy recagnized avernigh�couri�r, �r, i�
<br /> mai�ed,frvhen depvsited in the Uni#ed State�mail, as fiirst class, certi�isd or registere��nail postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> the addressss shvwn near tfie beginning vf th�s �eed t��Trust. Afl capies a�natices of foreclosure fr�m the holde��f
<br /> any Eien wh,ich has �riori�y vr►er this �]eed vf Tru�t�haii b�:ser��to L�nder'� address, as shown near the beginning af
<br /> this Deed of Trust. ,Any p�rsvn may change his or h�r adc�ress fvr notic�s under this aee� of Trust by �i�ing formal
<br /> w�itten no�ice #o the �ther person or pQrsvns, spec�fy�ng t#�at #he purpose of �he �otice is to change the persvn's
<br /> address. Far natice purpases,T�us�or agrees to keep Lender infvrr�ed at a�l#ir�es of�'rustvr's �urr�nt address. �Jnless
<br /> �th�rwise provid�d or required by law, �f the�� is mvre than ane Trus�or, any nvtice gi�en by Lender ta an�Trustor is
<br /> deemed tv be natice given�o aEl Trustors. It wi�f be Trusto�'s respvnsibility tv te�l the�thers of the noti�e�rvrr�Lender.
<br /> ���CELL��I�.�US PRflVIS[ONS. �he folEvwing rr�iscellaneous provisians are a part of fhis D�ed of Trus#:
<br /> �4ra�endmen�s. Wha� is writ�en in this Deed vf Trus#and in tfie Rel�ted Qvcuments is Trustvr's entire agreernent
<br /> with Lender con�rning the mat�ers �o�ered by this Deed of Trust. Ta be eff��ti�e, any change or ame�dm�nt to
<br /> this Dee�of Trus�must be in writ�ng and rrrust be si�ned by wh���er wi�l b�baund ar obliga#ed by the change or
<br /> amendmenta
<br /> Gaption Headings. �apti�n heading� in this �eed o� Trust are �or can�enien�� purposes Qnly and are not to be
<br /> u�ed to interpr�f vr define the proWisions of thi5 Deed�f l"rust.
<br /> �+��ger. Ther�shali be nv merger❑f the interes�or estat� �reated by thi� �]eed of T�us#with an�other i�ter�st o�
<br /> e�tate in the Pr�p��ty at�.ny time h�ld by or�ar the benefit�f L�nder in ar�y�apacity,withou#the w�itten consent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> �Gov�rning Law. This 13e�d of Trust wil� b� goWerned by �ederal 1a►n�applicable to Lender and, to thg extent not
<br /> preempted by federal Iaw,fhe iaws of fihe State vf Neb�aska without reg�rd t�its confli��s nf law provisians. This
<br /> ae�d�f Trust has been accepted hy Lender in�he S�ate��Ne�r�ska.
<br /> Jain�and �everal Liabi[ity. AI! obligations of Trustor under this Deed c�f Trust shall �e jaint and se�eral, and a11
<br /> r�ferences fa Trustar shalt mean each and e�ery Trus#or. `fhi� rneans tr�at �ach Trustor signing �elow is
<br /> r�spvnsible�or�i�obligativns i n�h is Deed of Trust.
<br /> N��#�:�v�r hy LendQr. Trustor understands Lender wili not gi��up any of Lender's righ#s under�h�s l7eed v�Trust
<br /> unless L�n�er dves so in v�riting. The fac# that Lender de�ays nr omits to exercise any right ►n�il1 no# mean �hat
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that rig��. lf Lender does agree in wri�ing tv give up one vf L�nder's righ#s, that does not
<br /> mean Trustvr will no'� have �� Gam�ly wi#h the other �rro�isi�ns vf this Deed o�Trust. Trustvr a�so understands
<br /> that if Lender does cons�nt to a request, �ha# does not mea� that Tru�tvr will no� ha►►e to get L�nder's cansent
<br /> �gain if#he situafian happens again. Trustar further understands that just becau��Lender cans�nts to one flr rnare
<br /> of�rustor"s r�qu�sts, that does not rnean Lender will be requir�d t❑ cvnsen��o any af Trustor's �uture requests.
<br /> Trus#or wai���pr�sentment,demand for payment, prvtesf>and notice�f dishon�r.
<br /> �e�rerability. ��a court frn�s t�at�ny pro�isian of this Deed�af Trust is not�a�id vr should not be enforced, that
<br /> �ac��y itself wili not mean�that the r�st of this Deed af Trust v�il��not be r�alid vr en�oroed. There�o�e, a caur�uvill
<br /> �r��orce the cest of the proWisions of�his Deecf of Trust e��n if a pravision a�'�his Deed vf Trus�r�ay!��ound to be
<br /> i r��a1 ici or unenfor�a��e.
<br /> 5uc�essors and�4ssEgns. Subje��to any fimitatian� sfated in this De�d a�Trus� on transfer o�Trustar's interes#,
<br /> th�� Deed o�Tru�� sha�l be binding upan and inwr� tQ the benefit of the pa�ties, their su�ce�so�s �nd assigns. lf
<br /> ownership of th� Pro�erty becames Wested in a p�rson o�her�han Trustvr, Lender, withou# n�t�ce #v Trustor, may
<br /> d�al with T�ustor's suc�essars►n�ith re�erence ta thi� D�ed �f Trus#and the �ndebtedness by way vf�or�earance or
<br /> ext�nsion withoufi releasing`Trustor frarn the obli���ions af this Deed o�Trust or liability under the lnde�tedne�s.
<br /> `Time�s of#he Essenceo Time i�af the essence in th���rforr�ance of this l]eed�f Tr�,st.
<br /> �11a�v�Jury. All parties ta this Deed of Trust hereby wa��e the �ight t�any jury��ial in any activn, prviceeding, �r°
<br /> cauntercfaim�ro��h��y any party a��:�nst any other party.
<br />