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��14�775� <br /> C��ED �� T��1S`T <br /> �C���i n u��} ��g� � <br /> cQncerning any indeb�edness or oth�r obligation�f Tr�stor to Lender,whether�xE�ti�g r�o►nr ar later. <br /> Ever�ts Affe�ting Guarantar. Any vf the preceding e�ent� oc��rs wit� re�pect#� any�uaranta�, �ndorser, surety, <br /> or accvmmodation par#y ❑f any of fhe Indeb�edness or any guarantvr, end�rser, surety, �r acc�mmvdatEan party <br /> �dies or becvmes in�vmpeten�, �r reWoke� �r disputes th+e �alidity vf, or I�ability und�r, any Guaranty �f th� <br /> [ndebtedness. <br /> Inse�ur�ty. Lender in goad fai�t� be�ieves itself�nsecure. <br /> Existing Indebtedness. The payrrrenf of any ensfallment �f prin�i�a[ vr any bnterest �n the Exist�ng �ndebtedness�s <br /> nat mad�w�thin fh�time requored by the pramissory no��evidencing such inde���dness, or a default�ccurs under <br /> the insfrurr�en#securing su�h ind�btedn�ss and �s nvt cured during any appl�cable grace peri�d in such instrur��nt, <br /> or any suit or�ther action is c�mmenced���are�los�any ex���ing lien on the Property. <br /> RIG�!T5►A����]���5 n� D EFA�LT. !f�n E�ent of De�a�lt occurs under�h is DPed of Trust, at any time ther�aft�r; <br /> Trustee or L�nd�er may e�cercise any one ar more�f the�ollowing r�ghts and remediese <br /> Acceler��ion �pon Defau�f; Additi�nal Remedies. If any E�en�o�F D�ta�r[t��ccurs as per'�he t�rrr�s vf the Nvte <br /> secured hereby, Lender rnay dec�a�e all I nd�:bt�dr�ess secured by this I]eed vf Tru�t fi� Ibe du�andl payable and <br /> �he sam�shall fihereupon becvme due and payable without any pr�sen�ment, demand,prote�t�r nv�ti���any <br /> kind. Ther�after, Lend�:r may: <br /> �a} IEither in perso� ar by ager�t, with or wi�hout k�ringing any acfian or pr�c�eeding, or� by a r�cei�er <br /> ap�vin�e�! by a cvurt and wi�hvut regard�o the�dequacy of it���curi�, enter upor�and fake�ossess�o� <br /> of�h��roperty, or any p�rt thereofi, 'rn its own name�r in the name af�rus�ee, ar�d da any acts which �t <br /> d�em�n�oessary❑r desirabl�to pres�n�e th��ralue, rr�arketability ar rentabili�of the Property,�r part❑f <br /> the Prv�erty vr�nt�r�st in fihe Property; increase the income from the Propert��r protect the�ecurity of <br /> the Property; ar�d, with or without �ak�ng possession ❑f�he Pr��erty, su� for flr�thenr�ise collect the <br /> r�n��, issues and pro�its of the Pro�aerty, includ€ng thase past due ar�c� unpaid, and appl�t�e�arr��, iess <br /> co�ts�nd e�enses of ape�-ation and cvl�eckion afi�vr�ney►�'�ees,to any incie�atedness secur�d kay this De�c� <br /> of Trust, a!f 6n such �rder as Le�der may defierm��e. The entering u�on �nd taking pvsses�ian of the <br /> Properljr, the �llection �� �uch re�t�, i��ues and profits, and the �pplic�tion �hereo�F shall no� cure �or <br /> w�i�e ar�y de�auft or r�otice of defau[t under this Deed of Trust�r in�alidate any a�done in response�o <br /> such defauit ar pb�rsu��t to such n�tic�vf de��ul�; and, nvtwithstan�far�g the continuance�n pvss�s�Eor�of <br /> th� Pr�perEy or�h� callec�ion, receipt and applicati�n vf rents, i5sues or profts, Trustee or Le�der sha11 <br /> be�n�E�i�d ta ex�rcise��ery righfi pro�ided for in the Note or the Rela�ed Dacument�o�by lav�upvn the <br /> orcurr�noe of any e���t o��efau�t, including the right to exercise the powe�ofi saie; <br /> ��� Comm�nce an ac�ion tv farecl�se fihis Deed flf T�ust as a mortgag�, a{�point a reoei�er ar sp�e�ifica�ly <br /> enforoe any�f the�a�er�an�s hereo�; and <br /> �c} C7eli�er to Trus�ee�written declarafion of def�u[t and dernand far sa�e and a wri���n notice of def�ult <br /> and election tv�ause��u�tor's in�ere�t in th� Pr�operty fio be safd,whi�h natice Trustee shal� cause to!�e <br /> dulyr f led for record ir��h�apprapr��te offices of the+County i�t wh�ch the Property i�iQcated;and <br /> {d� With �espec�to all or an�par�of�he�'er�onal Pr�pert�, Lender�hall h���alf the rights and remedies <br /> of a secured part�under the Ne�raska Uniform�arnmerr�al C�ode. <br /> Fvreclosure hy Pvwer vf Sale. If Lend�r efect�to foreclase by exe�cise ot�he Pawer vf SaE�h�rein contain�d, <br /> Lender sh�lf na�fify Trustee and 5hai!d�posit with Truste�this C)e�d v�Tr�ust and the No��and sueh reoeipts <br /> and e�+d�r�oe a�expenditures rr�ade and secured by fhis Deed o�Trus�as Trustee may requir�. <br /> �a} U�vn receipt�f such noti�e fr�m L�nder, Trus�ee sha[�cau�e�o b�reco�ded, publish�d and delivered <br /> to Trustvr such Notice of�]�fault�nd N�ti�of 5ale a�then required by laWv and b�this De�o�Trust. <br /> Trustee shali, without d�mand on Trus�or, a�ter �uch tirx�e as may then be requEred by !aw and �fte� <br /> r��or�dation�'f such No�ic�of Defiaul�and�fter NofiiGe of S�E�ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, seff <br /> the Property at ��re tim� and plaoe of sal� fix�d by i� in such NotEce o� Sale, either as a whvl�, or in <br /> s�parate Io�s or parcels o�i�ems as Trus�ee shall deern expedient, ar�d in such ord�r as it may d�termine, <br /> at public au��io�ta �he high�st bidder�ar cash ir��awful money of th� LJ�ited Stafies payable at the time <br /> ofi sai�e. Trus�ee shal� deli��r tQ such pur�haser ar purchasers thereafi its go�d and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds can�eying the prflperty s� sald, but v+�itfnou� �ny co�enan� or warranty, express or implied. The <br /> recitais �n su� d�ed o�any matters or�acts shaf� be�anclusi�e pra�f��fihe truthfulness therea�. Any <br /> person, incfuding withvut limitativ�Tru�t�r, Trustee, or L�nder, may pur�hase at such sale. <br /> �b� As rnay �ae permitted by l�w, aft�r deducting all cos�s, fiees and expenses of Truste� and ��this <br /> Trust, �nc[uding�os�s of e�idenoe af title in conn�c�ivn with�al�, Trustee sha�l apply th�prooeeds of sale <br /> to payrnen�of �i}ail sums e�nded under the terms of th�s De�d af T�ust�r under the terms of�he Note <br /> no�th�n repaid, in�luding but no� limi��d to accrued inter�st and late charges, �ii} al1 other sums then <br /> �e�ured hereby,ancl {iii}ths remainder, i�F any, fio�he per�on vr p��-svns legally entitl�d ther�to. <br /> {c} Trustee may ir�fhe manner provid�d by law postpone sa�e of a!I ar any portion o�the Prvpertya <br /> R�medies N�t Exclusi��. Trus�ee and Lender, and �ach of thern, sha[f be enfi�tied to enfarc� payment and <br /> p�rf�rmance of any indeb�edness or ob�igatiorts secured by th« De�d of Trust and to exercise all r�gh�s and powers <br /> under�his Deed of Tr�st, under the Note, under any �f the Related ❑oeuments, ar und�r any other agreement or <br /> any la�rs now or her�aft�r in farce; n�tw�thstand'rng, some or�al[ o�such indebfedness and 4bligativns secured by <br /> th�s Deed of Trust may n�w or herea�ter b�atherwise ��cu��d, whether by mortgag�, de�d af tru�t, ple�gg, lien, <br /> assignmen# or �therwise. Nei�her th� acceptance of fhi� Deed of Trust nor it� enforc�ment, whe�her by courk <br /> acfion or pursuanf to the p�wer of s��e or other paw�rs �antained fn this D�ed o�Tru�t, shall prejudice or in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lend�r's righ# t6 rea[ize upon or en�orc� any ath�r s�curi�y naw or hereafter held by <br /> Trus�ee o�Lender, it being a�reed that Tru$�ee and Lender, and each o�F them, shafl��entitled#o enfarce�his Deed <br /> of Trust and any o�her security now or hereafter h��d by Lender or Trus�ee in suct� order and rrEanner as #hey or <br /> �ither �f them may in thei� abs��u#e discretion d�tErrr�ine. No remedy �onferred Wp�n or reserved #o Truste� or <br /> Lender, is intended #❑ be ex�lu�ive �f an��#her r�medy in #his Deed vf Trust or by [aw provided or permit�ed, but <br /> each shall be cumulafi�� and shall be in ad�ition t� euery ofher remedy given i�a this Deed of Trust or naw or <br /> hereaf��r exisf�ng at law or in eq�ity or hy statu�e. E�ery power o�remedy gi��n �y�he iVo#� vr any of th� Refated <br /> Qvcuments t� Trustee or Lender or to which ei#her of them m�y be otherwise en�itled, may be exercised, <br /> cor�curren#iy or independently, �ror°n tirn��a tim� and as often as may be deemed exp�dient by Tru�te�or Lender, <br /> and �ith�r of th�m may pursue �nconsistent remedie�. No�hing ifl this De�d of Trust sha[I �e canstrued as <br /> prohibi�ing L�nder from s�eking a d�ficiency judgment against the Trustar to the extent such ac#ion is permitted by <br /> Eaw, <br /> Ele�tion of R�medies. �eii nf Lender's righ#s and rerr�edi�s wilf be curnulati�e and may he exercised alone or <br /> together. If L�nder decides to spend money v�to per#orrn any vf Trustvr'� obligatians under this Deed af Trust, <br /> after Trustor's failure to dv�o, fhat decisi�vn by Lender wil! not afife�t Lende�'s r�ght to de�lare Trus�or ir� de�ault <br /> and t�exercise Lender`�remedies. <br /> Reques�f�r Nvtice. Trus�ar, ❑n b�half of Trusfvr and Lender, hereby requ�s�s fhat a cvpy vf any Nvtice of Defauft <br /> and a copy�f any Notic� v�5ale und�r this�3eed af Trust be mai[ed ta therrt at the addresses set fvrth in the first <br />