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��14�775� <br /> �EED �F ��Ll�T <br /> ������t1��:�} �ag� 3 <br /> �alance of th��oan and any �rior liens vn the property securing th�loan,up��the maxir�um �olicy limit�set und�r <br /> fhe Na�ior�al F�oad 1n�uran�e Pragrar�, ❑r as otF�enivi�e required b� Lender, and ta maintain �uch insurance for�h� <br /> ��rr� o�t#�e loan. <br /> ARpli��:���r� vf Pra�ee�s. Trust�r sha�il promptly notify �,�nder o�any loss or damage to the ['roperty. Len�ier may <br /> rx�ake prvof vf loss if Trus�or �aEls to do so within ffteen ��5} days af�h� casu�lty�. Whe�her or not Lender's. <br /> securifi� is impaired, Lend�r may, at Lender's�iec�ion, recei�e and retain the prviceeds of any �nsurance and appfy <br /> the pr�ceed� t� fihe reducti�n of the [ndebfedness, payment Qf any �ien af��ctin�g th� Prvperty, or th� restvration <br /> �nd ��pair vf fine Prap�rty. If Ler�der eEect�t� �pply the pra�eeds tv restoratian �nd r�epai�, Trustor shall repai�-�r <br /> replace the darrlaged �r d�stro�ed lmprv�emen�s in a manner satistacfiory to Lender. L�nder shall, upan <br /> sa��sfactot�y prvof of such expendi#ure, pay vr reimburse Trustvr from the proceeds far th� reas�nabl� �ost af <br /> repair vr restoration �f Trustar is nat in defauf# under this fleed �f Tru�t. Any pr��eeds which �ave not beer� <br /> disb�rsed within �8� day�s after�heir re�eipt and v�hich Lender ha� nvt committed t❑ �he repair�r rest�ratian ❑f <br /> the Pr�perty shall be used first to pay any amount ve►ving to Lender ur�der this Dsed of Trust, �[�en tv pay ac�rued <br /> interest, and th� remain�der, �f any, shall b� applied t❑ �he principal balanc� ❑f fihe Indebtedness. If Lender �olds <br /> any praceeds a�ter payment ir� full ❑f the Indebtedness, su�h pr��eds shail be pa�d to Trustar as Trustor's <br /> in��rests m�y appeara <br /> �ompl�ance with E�isting [ndeb�edr��ss. C]uring th� pe�iod in which any Existing �ndebtedness c��s�ribed below� is <br /> in e�fe�t, campliance wit�t �he insurance prov�sions cnr�tained in the i�strument ev�dencing �ucl� Exis�ing <br /> fndebtedness �hall constitute compliance w�th the insuran�e proe�isions under this �eed af Trus�, to the extent <br /> compfiance with fihe ��rms �f this ❑eed a�Trust�vou�d constitute a du�Eication �f ir�surance r�quirement: If any <br /> proc�eds frvm the insurance be�ome payable on loss, �he pro�i�iflns in this Deed vf Trust for di�ision of pro�ceeds <br /> shall app�y only to that p�rtian flf the proceeds�ot payab�e�v the holder af#he Existirig I�deb#edn�ss. <br /> LEN��R°5 EXR��:�1TLlF�ES. If Trustor fiails �A} to k�p fh� Prop��ty tr�e ❑� a[� �a�ces, lien�, security in��re�ts, <br /> encumbranoes, and oth�r claims, �B} �o �ro�ide any requir�d insuranoe�n �he Praperty, ��} tv rriake re�ai�s t� th� <br /> Prope�ty❑r fi� c�mply with any obligatio�t� maintain Exis#ing lndebtedness in good 5�and�ng �s required bela�rv, ther� <br /> Lender may d� so. If an� actior� �r pro�eeding is �ommenoeal �hat would materially affect�.en�der's interes#s in th� <br /> Pr�operfy, then L�nder on �rustar's k�eha[f ma�r, but is no� required to, �ake any acti�an tha� Lerx�er belie�es to b�e <br /> apprapriate �o protec� Lender°s interests. A�i expens�s iracuo�red �r paid by Lender fvr �urh purposes will ther� �ear <br /> interesf at the rafe �harged under the I�ot� from the date inc�ir�ed or paid by Lender to the elate o� repayr��n� by <br /> Trustor, Af I such expenses wi!I become a part of�h� Indebtedn�s and, �t L�nd�r's op�ion, wi�f �A) be payabf�vn <br /> derrjan�9; ��} be added �o the balanoe af the hivte and �e �pportioned arravng anc� be payable with any installmen� <br /> payments�o become due during either �'1} the t�rm of any appli�able ir�surance policy; �r ��} the remaining term vf <br /> fh�Note; or �C} he treated �s a�alloon payrr�en�t which w�lE be due�nd payable�t the Note's maturity. `�'h��o� <br /> Trust also wi�l secur�e paymenfi of these arno�nts. Th�righ�.s pro�id�d �ar in this paragraph sha�! be Er� addition to any <br /> ofher rights or an� rem�dies to which Lender may be entitled on account �f any d�fault. e�ny such acfi�r� hy Ler�der <br /> sha�l not#�e c�nstrued as eur�ng th�de�au�t so as ta b�r Lender fram any r�medy tha�it vtherwise wvuld ha�e h��. <br /> WARRANTY;DEFENSE�F TITLE. The faliowing provisions relating ta ownership of th�Proper#�are a part of this Deed <br /> af Trust: <br /> Title. Trustvr warrants that: �a} Trustor holds good an�l marketab�e ti�fe o�record t� the Property En fe� simple, <br /> free and clear of all [iens �nd encumbrances �the�than those set f�rth in the F�ea� Pr�p�rty description or in fh� <br /> Exist�ng Indebtedness sectian bei�w or in any�i�[� ir�sur�nce policy, titfe report, or fnal tit[e vpinivn issued in fa�€ar <br /> �f, and accep�ed by, Lender in connecti�n with this Deed vf Trust, and �b}Trustar ha�the full right, po►nrer, and <br /> a�thority ta exe�ute arrd deiiver�his D��d af Trust to Ler�der. <br /> Defense af T���e. Subject�o the excepfion in the paragraph �bove, Tru�tor warrants �nd onril[ fore�er defend the <br /> ti#I� �a fhe Proper�y again�t the lav�rful �laims of�fl p�rsons. In the e�ent any actEan ar p�oceeding is�ammenced <br /> tha�questio�s Trusfor's ti�Je or the interest vf Trustee or Lender under#his De��o�F Trusti,Trustor shai� d�fend the <br /> a�tion at Trustor'� expense. Trustor rr�ay be the nominal party in such pro�eeding, but Ler�der shal! be enti�fed to <br /> participate in #he prace�ding and t� be represenfed in fh� praceeding by counsel of Lende�'s own choice, and <br /> Trusfor will deli��er,or cause fo �e defir�ered,to Lender such instr�,men�s as Lender may requ�st from time to time <br /> to permit su�h participa#ion. <br /> �omplia�ce Vllifh Law�. Trust�r warran�s tha� the Property and Trust�r's use ❑f the Property comp�ies vuith all <br /> existEng appFicable laws, ❑rdinances,and re�u�ations vf governm�ntal au#horities. <br /> 5urvi�a� of Pramises. Ail prvmises, agreements, ar�d sta�emenfs Trusto� has made in this Deed o�Trust sk�all <br /> survi�e the exec�tion and delf�ery of�his Qeed vf Trust, shall be cvntinuing in natu�re and shall remain in full force <br /> and effec�un�il such�ime as Trustor'�Ind�btedness i�paid in full. <br /> E�CISTtNG 1�I���BTEt]NESS. The following provisians coneern�n� Exis#ing ln�ebtedness are a par�of thEs De�d o�F T�us�: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien af this� �ee� �f Trust s�cu�ing the Indebtedness may b� se�candary and in�eri�r to an <br /> existing Ii�n. Trustvr expressiy covenants and agrees to pay; or see#o the payrrtent af, #he Existing Indebtedness <br /> and tv prevent any default an such indeb�edness, �ny default under the instrumen�s�e�i�encir�g such indebtedness, <br /> or any defauit und�r�ny securi�y documents fvr su�h indebtedness. <br /> No �adificatian. Trus�or shalf not ent�r infia any agreemen#with th� hvlder of any m�rtgage, deed of fru�t, or <br /> ather secu rity ag reem�nt wh�ch has p ri�rity v�e� th is Deed o� Trust by �wh Fch th at agreement is mod ified, <br /> amended, exfiend�d, or renewed withaut the priflr written cansent v� Ler�der. Trustor sha[I neith�r request nvr <br /> a��ept any fiu�ure aduan�es und�r�ny�u�h se�uri#y agreemenf wit�tvut the prior v�ri��en �consent o�Lender. <br /> C�NDE�NATI+DN. Th�foll�wing pro�isians refating tv condemnatian proceedings are a�art vf this C3eed❑f Trus�: <br /> Pra�Qedings. If any pr�aneeding in cvndemnati�n is filed, Trustor shall promptly nvfiify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trust�r shall pramp�i�r take su�h step�as may�e r�eoe�sary to�i�fend the ac�ivn and vbtain fihe avvard. Trusfor <br /> rnay he the naminal party in such prv�ing, but Lender shall be entitEed to pa�icipate in th�prac�eding and�o be <br /> repres�nted in the proc�eding tay cour�sef of its own �hvire, and Trustor wil[ deli�er vr r�use t� be deli�ered t� <br /> Lender such ins�r�um�r��s �r�d docum�ntation as may be reques�ed by Lender�ram tim� to time to p�rmit suGh <br /> parkicipativn. <br /> A���ication�t Net Proceeds. If afl or an�►part of the Prv�erty is conderr�ned by eminent domain proceeedings or by <br /> any prac�eeciing or purc,l�as�in iie�of cond�mnation, Lend�r ma�at its ele�tian require�hat all or any portior�o��h� <br /> net prq�ds of�h� award be applied to �h� I ndebtedness or the repair❑r resforafior� ❑f the Properky. Tl�� net <br /> pror�eed��f the award shaff inean�h�award a�ter paym+er�t af all reasvnab��costs, expenses, and attarney�' fee� <br /> �ncurred by Trustee or Lender En�canne�tion with the c�ndemnatian. <br /> l��`�SITI�N �F TAx�S, ���AND CH►�►R�E� BY��VERN��NTAL ALJTH�RITIES. The ��Ilawing pravision� rela#ing <br /> ta governmental taxes,fe�s and cha�ges are a p�rt of this De�d of Trus�: <br /> Cu�rent Ta�es, Fees and Charges. Upan request by Lender, TrustQr shall exec�+t� su�h dacumen�s in addition to <br /> thi� Deed of Trus��and tak�v�rhatev�er other acfi�n is requested by Lender t� perfect and con�inue Lender's [ien on <br /> the Rea! property. Trusfor shal� reimburse L�nder for a!� fax�s, as d�sc�ri�ed beior�, together with all exper�ses <br /> incurred in recording, p�rf'ect�ng or cantinuing �his �e�� o� Trust, inc�ud�ng without li�mitati�n ali taxes, �e�s, <br /> documentary stamps,�nd other charges f�r r��ord�ng�r registering fh�s Deed of Trust. <br />._____-•---------------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------.......... <br />