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��14�775� <br /> ���D �� T�UST <br /> �C�r�t�nu�d} �age 2 <br /> a!1 applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulativns and ord�nances, inctuding without limitation a�l <br /> Environmental Lav�s. Trustor authorizes Lender and its a�ents to enter upon �Me Pr±operty to make such <br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Tru�tar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to �determin� compiiance vf the <br /> Property with �his section of'the D�ed of Trust. Any insp�ctions or te�ts made �y L�nder shalf be for Lender'� <br /> purposes onfy and s�all n�t he construed to create any respon�ibifity or liabifity on the part of Lender#o Trustor or <br /> to any a�her�ersan. The representati�ns and war�anties contained herer� ar� based �n Trustor's du�diligence in <br /> invesfi�ating the Prop�rty f�r Hazardous Su�stances. Trustor here�y ��} releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender far indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trustor be�comes liable for cleanu� or ot�er costs� under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agree�to ind�mni�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all �laims, losses, <br /> I�abilities, dama�es,penaCties, and expenses whi�h Lender may direct[y ar ind�re�tly sus�aEn or suf�er resulting�rflm <br /> a brea�h af thi� se��ion afi the Qeed of Trust vr as a consequen�e o�any use, gen�ration, manufacture, stora�e, <br /> disp�sal, �e�ea�e or threat�ned release oc�urring prior to Trustor's ownership or inte�est in th�e Prop�r#y,whether or <br /> not the same was or should have �een known to Tru�tor. The provisions o�this secfiion of the Deed of Trust, <br /> i�c[uding the o�ligation tQ indemnify and defend,shal!surv��e the payment of the Indeb�tedness and the�atisfac�ion <br /> and �ec�nveyance o�the lien ot�his Deed�f Trust and shall not be aifec�ed by L�nder's aaquisition ot any interest <br /> in the Prvperty,whether by foreclasure or otheraruise. <br /> Nuisan�e, '���te. Trus#vr shall n�t cause, conduct vr permit any� nu�sance nvr c�mmi�, permit, ar suffer any <br /> s�ripping of or v►�aste on vr�o the Property� or any portion a�the �r��erty. Vlfithou� limiting the �en�rality of the <br /> f��eg�ing, Tr�stor wil� nvt r�mvve, ar grant tv any other party the rigl�t t❑ �emo�e, any timber, minerals�including <br /> oil and gas}, caal,�lay, s�oria, svil, gra�el or rock prvducts withaut Lender's prior writfen cons�nt. <br /> Remo�al of Impro�ements. Tru�tor shall not demolish ar remave any Improvements from the Real P�rope�y wi�hout <br /> Lender's prior�rvritten cvr�sent. As a cvnditian to�h�remo�al�f a�� Impravemen�s, L�nder may require�rustor ta <br /> make ar�angemen�s satis�actary t❑ Lender ta replace su�h lmprovements with Improvement� �f at Eeast equal <br /> �alue: <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. L�nder�nd �ender's agents and representatives may enter upan the R�a� P�oper�y a#af! <br /> reasonable times ta attend t❑ Lender's interests and t❑ inspect the Real Property for purposes of Trustvr's <br /> compliance v�rith the terms and conditions of this �eed�f T�u�t. <br /> Campliance wE�h �a�ernm+en�al Requirem�n�s. Trustvr shall prompt�y c�mply with al� laws, vrdinanc�s, ar�d <br /> regulatio�s, naw �r hereaf�er in effect, flf ali g��ernm�n�al authorities applicable to �he use or occupancy af the <br /> Pr�pert�. Trustor m�y cvnt�s�in gvvd faith any such lauv, ❑rdEnance,ar�egulat��n and withhvid cvmpl�anc�during <br /> any proceeding, in�luding apprapriate appeals, sv lvng as Trus�vr h�s n��i�ied Lender �n writin� prio� t� doing sv <br /> and so�ang as, in Lender's�vle v��nion, Le�nder's in�er�st� in the Prop�rty are r�at jevp�rdi�ed. Lender may require <br /> Trustvr tv p�st�d�equate securi#y or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactary ffl Lend�r,t� pratect Lender's in�er�st. <br /> Duty to Prvtect. Trustvr agrees nei�her to abandon nr I�a�e unattend�d the Prope�ty. Trus#�r s�hall do ail other <br /> acts, in addi�ion tv those acts set forth abav� in this sectian,utirhich from t�e character and use vf t�e Property are <br /> r�asanably necessary tv protect and�rsserue the Property. <br /> QUE DN SALE-G�3NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender`s optivn,declare imrr�ediately du�and paya�le afl sums <br /> se�ured by fhis Deed vf Trust Wpvn the�ale or transfer, �+vithaut Len�er's priar vuritfen ��nsenf, af all vr any part of the <br /> Real Prvpe�ty, or any interes# �n the Real Proper��1. A "sale or transfer" me�ns the conv��ar�ce vf F��al PropErty ar any <br /> right, �it�e v� interest �n �he Real Praperty; whether �egal, beneficial or equi#able; whe#her voluntar� ar invalur�tary; <br /> vvh�ther by vutright sa�e, deed, installmenf sale cantract, land cvntra�#, cvntract far d��d, lease�old in�erest wi�h a <br /> term great�r than �hree �3} years, lease-option contract, o� by sale, a�si�nment, or transfer of any b�n�ficial interest in <br /> or to any� land trust ho�ding �itCe �� the R�al Pr�pe�ty, or by any�th�r mefih4d �f c�nveyance Qf an inferest�n th� Real <br /> Property. Howe�er, this optivn shall nat be �xe�cised �y Lender if such exercise is prohihit�d by fede�al law or by <br /> Nehraska�aw. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fvllowing pro�isions relating t❑ the taxes and lier�s vn the Property are part of this Deed of <br /> Trus#: <br /> Payrr�ent. Trus#vr shal[pay vichen dus(and in ail events privr tv delinquen�y}all t�xes, sp�ecial taxe�,asses�ments, <br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines and impositians levied against vr on ac��unt af the Pr�pertyr, and �Malf <br /> pay when due a!E c�aims for►�v�rk dorre on or fQr ser►�ices �end�red vr material furnish�d tv the Pr�perty. Trustvr <br /> shal!maintain the Property free�f ail liens ha�ing priar�ty o�e�vr equal t�the interest vf Lender under th9s aeed of <br /> Trus�; except fvr #he lien o� #axes and assessrnents not due and except as otherwise prauided in this 67eed vf <br /> �'rust. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may�rithhald payrnent of any�ax, assessment, or c�aim in connection v�+ith a good faith <br /> dispute aver the abligation t� pa�, sv long as Lender's ir�terest in th�Property i� not jeapardized. If a lien arises or <br /> is filed �s a r�sult o� nanpayment, Trustor shai� v�ifhin fift�en ��5} day� after the lien arises or, �� a [ien is�iled, <br /> within �i�teen [�5} days after TruSt�r has n�tice �f the f�ling�, secure the discharge of the lien, or i�requested by <br /> L�nder,d�pasi#with Lender cash�ar a sufficient carporate s�rety bvnd�r other security sat�sfactary to Lender in an <br /> amnunt�uf�icient to discharge the lien pfus any cvsts a�td a���rneys'fees, or other charge�that could ac�rue�s a <br /> r�sult�f a f�reclosure�r sale under�he lien. !n any contest, Trusto�shall�defsnd i�self and Lender an�d shall sati�fy <br /> any�dvers��Wdgrr�ent bef�re errforcement against the Praperty. T�ustvr sh��f name Lender as an add�tional vbligee <br /> under any sur��y bond furnished in the�ontest prviceedings. <br /> Ev�denc� ❑�Pa�ment. Trustor shalf upon demand�urn�sh ta Lender sati�f�ctvey eWid�nce v��ayment❑f the taxes <br /> �r assessm�n�s and shall autharize the appropriat�gove�nmental o�ficial fv deliver tv Lender at any time a writter�. <br /> statement af the tax�s and assessments again�t the Property. <br /> No�i�e o�Canstructivn. Trustor sha11 nQfify Lender at least fifteen [fi 5� days be�vre �ny wvrk is commen��d, any <br /> �ervic�s are'�urnished, or any mat�erial�ar�supplied to the Praperty, if any mechanic'� lien, r�aterialrr7en's lien, or <br /> othsr lien cvul� b�e ass�rted �n account fl�the v►�ark, ser�i�s�, or r�aterials. Trusta��►vill upo� requ��#vf Lender <br /> furnish tv Lender ad�ance assurances satisfact��y tc� Lend�r that Trustor can and �ill pay #he cvst �� such <br /> �mprovements. <br /> PRDRERTIr �A�#�GE INSiJRANCE. Th�fvll�wing prvvisivns relating to insuring the Praper�y are a part af this deed vf <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance af �nsurance. Trusto� shall pr�cur� and rt�aintain palicEes vf fire insUrance with standard �xtended <br /> �overage end�rsemer��s on a fair �alue basi� f�c the fiull insurable r�alue cauering a�� Impr�vements vn the Real <br /> Property in an a�nount sufficient to a��id appl��ation of any �oins�arance claus�, and i,{vith a standard� mflrtgagee <br /> c�ause in�'avor of Lender,fiogether with such other hazard and liabilEty insuran�e as L�nder may reasanably r�equi�e. <br /> Palicies�hall be�+ivritt�n in fvrm, ar�no�n�s, c�uerages and basis rea�dnably ac�eptab�e t❑ Lender and issued by a <br /> �ompany ar c�mpanies �easanably acreptab�e t� Lender. Trus�or, upon request ❑� Lender, ►nrill de[�ver�a Lend�r <br /> frvm �irne to time the policies vr certificates❑f insurance in form satisfac�ocy ta Lende�, incCuding stipuEativns that <br /> coverages will nvt b�canr,ell�d❑r dirninished withvu�at leas�thir#��3�} days pr�or written notic�tv Lender. Each <br /> ir��urance pvlicy alsa shall include an�ndorsement prvviding that cvverag� in fa�vr vf Lender�vill not be imp�ir�d <br /> in any way by any act, vmissivn or default af Trustar vr any vth�r persan. Shauld the R�a� Propert�be[ocated in <br /> �n ar�a designated by the►�dminist�at�r vf#he Federal Erner�ency Management Age��cy as a spec�al fl�od hazard <br /> areag Trusta� agrees to ob#ain and main�ain Federa� �lood Ir�surance, if available, for the �Full unpaid ��incipal <br />