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.�titi�� <br /> ,..����. ��14�7751 <br /> ���� C�� T�ll�T° <br /> ���ntir�u�d} �age � <br /> term vf th�loar�. <br /> App�ica'�ian v�Proceeds. Trus�or shall pramptly �a#ify Lender��F any lass ar damage t� �he Pro�er�y. Ler�der may <br /> make pr�fl# of 1os� 'rf Trustvr�ails to do sv riv�thin fifteen �15} days of �he �asualty. Id'lihether vr r�at Lender's <br /> securi�y is impaired, L�nder may, at Lender'S elect�vn, rec�:iue �nd retair� the praceeds❑f ar�y insur�r�ce ar�d apply <br /> the pro�eeds to the re�r�ctivn flf the Indebtedness, payment vf any lien af�ectEn� the Prape�ty, vr th� re�tarati�n <br /> and repair vf the Property. l�L�nder e[ects ta apply the pr��eeds tv restorativn ar�d repair, Trustor shall repair�r <br /> repface the d�mag�d ar dest��yed lmpr���ments in a manner satisfac�or� t❑ Len�er. Le:nder �hali, upvn <br /> satisfac�vey pr�of vf such expenditure, pa� �r r�imburse Trustor frvrn th� prv��d� �or� fhe reasonabl� cost afi <br /> repai� or restoration i� Trustor i� not in default under this Deed of Trus�o An� prvice�ds which have not beer► <br /> disbursed within 18� days after their receipt and wh��h Lende� has not camr�itted ta �he repair or restoration ❑� <br /> #he Prop�r�y shall b� us�d first to pay an�amount owing �v L�nder und�r th is Deed a�Trust,then t� pay�ccrue�d <br /> interest, and the remaind�r, if any, shall b�appli+�d t� tl�e princ�pa[ baiance ❑��he Indebtedr�ess. I� L�nder holds <br /> any prviceeds afte� pa�men� in �uff �f th� Indebt�dn�ss, such proceed� shall be paEd t� Tr�s�o� as T�usfior's <br /> int�resfs r�ay ap�ear. <br /> Cvr�p[ian��►Ni�h �xisfin� Indebtedness. Dur�ng the periQ�d �n which any Ex[sting lndebt��ness described bel�w is <br /> in effiect, car�plianc� with the insuran�e provisE�ns �onta�ned in the ins�rument �vtdencing su�h Existing <br /> Indeb�edness shali �vnstitute complEance wi�h �he insuran�e prflvisians �nder this Deed of Tru�t, t� the ext�r�f <br /> comp�iance wi�h the t�rms o��his De�d of�'rust woufd cansti�u�e a �uplica�io� o�F insurance require�n�nt. If ar�y <br /> proceeds from the insurance becom� pa�rabie vn loss, th� pr�v�sions �n this D�ed o�Trust�or divisian �f pr�ceed� <br /> shall app[y only to� that portian�t the pro�eeds no�payable to th�e holder�f the Exis�inc� End�btedness. <br /> L�����'S ExPENDITURES. If Trus�or fails ��1} ta ke�p �he Proper�y �ree �� alf taxes, ��ens, security ir��ere��s, <br /> en�umbrances, and other claim�, (E3} fio pro�ide any requireci insuran�on th� Properky, �C} to r�ake re�a�a�r's�� �he <br /> Pra�erty�ar t� comply with �ny❑bf�gation to maintain Ex�stin� �ndehtec�r��in govd standi�g as r�quir�d b�lo�, tin�r� <br /> Lerx�er may da sa. �f any action ❑r pr�c�edin� is �mmenc� tha�wauld ma�eri�lly �ffect Le�der's in�e�es�s in the <br /> Property, then Lenc�er on Trus�or's behalf m�y, l�ut is not required tv, tak� any a�tion tha� Lend�r beli��e� tfl !�e <br /> appropriat�:to prvt��t Lender`s ie�t��est�. AII exp�nses ir�curred ar pa�d by ILer�der for sucf� purposes wil! t��n k�ar <br /> interest at th� ra�e charged under the �I�te �rom �he �ate incurred or paic� by Lerrder to the date of repayment by <br /> �'rus�or. AII sueh expenses will bec�me a part of the indelo�edr��s�and, a� Lende�"s option, wil� �Pi} b� pa�yable fln <br /> demand; �B} he added fo the baiar�oe of�he Note and be �ppor�ioned amor�g and be �ayabl�wi�h any installmen� <br /> payments to becam�due during�ither �'l} the term of any applicable insuranr�e policy; or �2} the r�maining term o� <br /> the�lote; ❑r �G} be�reat�d as a bal[onn payrn�n�►ivhEch will be du�ar�ci payable at�he Nate's ma�urity. Th��o� <br /> Trust al�v wifl secur�payment af�h�se arnounts. The rights prfl�i d e d for in�his paragrap h s�a l l b e in a ddit��n t� any <br /> vther rights r�r any re�dies to�vhich Len�der may be+entitl�d ❑n ac�ount of any def�u[f. Any such action by L.�nd�er <br /> shall nofi k�construed as curing�he default sv as to bar L��der frorn any►�emedy thafi i�otherwise wou�d ha��had. <br /> V�fARRANTY; DEF����.+t]�T[TLE. The following p�avisions r�lating�o ownership❑f th� Property�re a part v�this Deed <br /> o�Trus�: <br /> Ti��e. Trustor�varr�nks that: �a) Trustor hold�gvod and mark�table title vf�recvr� t� the Property in �ee simple, <br /> free and ciear vf a!6 lier�s and �ncumbrance� other than those set fvrth in the Real Prvperky descriptian or in the <br /> Ex�sting Indebtedness s�ctian belvw vr it��ny title insuran�e pvlicy, title report, or fina�titl� opinior� 'tssued in favor <br /> of, �nd ac�epted by, Lender in conne�tiorr with this Deed af Trusf, and �b�Trustor h�as the fulC right, pflw�er, and <br /> autharity tfl execut�and deli�er th is�]�ed❑f Trust tv Lender. <br /> Defense vf Titie. Subject ta th� excepti�n in the paragraph ab��e, Trustor warran�s an� will fare�er�efend the <br /> title ta th� Properky ag��nst th� lawful claims vf�II persons. ln the��ent an�acfion vr proc�eedin� is commenced <br /> tha�question�Trustor's �itfe ar th� infer�st o#T�uste� o�Lend�r und�r this ae�d �f Trust, Tru�tor shall defend the <br /> action af T�ustor'� expense. Trustor�nay be the naminal party irt s��h proceedir�g, �u� Lender sha[[ be entitled to <br /> pa�ticipat� in the pr�c�eding and to be rep�resented in the proceeding by caunseE af Lender's own chaic�, and <br /> Trus�or will de�i�er, Qr�ause to be deli�ered, to Lender such insfrum�nts as Lender may reques�fram �ime to time <br /> to permit such par�icipatiQr�. <br /> C�omplian�e 1Nith L�ws. Trustor warrants �hat the Property and Tru��vr's Use v� th� Prap�rty GvmpEies with all <br /> ex�sting appli�able laws, vrdinances, and regulatians a�gvvernmental au�horities. <br /> Survi►►a1 of Pramises. All prvmise�, agreements, and st�t�ments Tr�ustvr has mad�e in thi� De�d of Trust �hai� <br /> sun��ve the execrution an�cfeli�r�ery of this Deed of�'rust, shalf be cont�nuin�in nature and shall rerrtain in fufi fo�ce <br /> and e�fect until such tir�e a�Tru�tor'�Indebtedness is�aic�in full. <br /> EX1ST[N�G:i����`#`EDIVESS. The�vilowing pravisi�ns coneerning Ex'ts��ng indebtedne�s are a p�rt❑f this Deed af Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. �he lien of �h�s aeed o� Trust se�uring the Inde�t�dness may be se�ond�ry �nd �n�er�or #fl ar� <br /> existing lien. Trus�ar expressly cvvenants and agrees�a pay, ar�ee to the payment of, �he Existing [ndeb#edn�ss <br /> and#v p�revent any default on suc� indebtedness, any d�faulfi und�r t�e instrurnents e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> or an�default under any s���urity documents for such inde�t�dness. <br /> N�a �odi�'��atian. Trustor shal� nofi enter iro�v any agre��nent wE�h the hvlder of any mQrtgage, deed of trust, or <br /> ofhe� seGurity agreemen� whEch has prior�t� o�er �his Deed mf Trusfi by which that agreement is mad�fied, <br /> amended, exten�ed, ar renewe�d withou� the priar writ�en consent v� Lender. Trus��r shall ne�th�r r�ques� nor <br /> accep�any fu�ur�aduances under��ny�uch securi�y agre�ment withvut the privr�written cansent��Lsnder. <br /> C�NDI����T[�]N. Th�e failar+ving prvv�si�ns relafing ta conderr�nati�n proceedi�gs ar�a part of�hi� Deed of Trust: <br /> Prvc�edings. lf any praceeding in e�ndemnation is fi�e�i, Trus�or sha[f promp�Iy notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustor shall promp�i�take sucn�teps as may�e neo�ssar�to de�end th� ac�on and abtain the award. Trustar <br /> �ay be the nflrMina[party in su�h proc�e�ding, �u�Lender shall k�entitled�fl pat#icEpate in the pro�e�ding and to be <br /> repres�nt�c! ir� the proc�eec�ing by �oun�el vf its �v�n ch�i�e, and Tru�tar will deli�er or rause to be deli��red to <br /> Lend�r such instruments and do�umen�ation as may be requested by Lender from tim� to time tca permit such <br /> pa�ki�cipatian. <br /> ��plica�ion�f Ne� Proce�ds. 1f all or any part vf the Prop�rty�s cvndemned by eminent domain prooeedings❑�by <br /> any prvoeeding or purc�ase in lieu�f candemnation, Lend�r may at its eEectEan require�hat a11 vr any portion of the <br /> net prooeed� ❑f the award #ae app[ied to �he indebtedness or the repair ar rest�rativn of�he Prv�erty. The net <br /> proc�eeds o�the award shall mean the award af��r pay►ment of a[1 reasar�abl�costs, expenses, and a�torr�e�s' f�es <br /> incurred by Trustee o�Lender in conrtection with�he condemna�ion. <br /> 1���SIT[�.� �F TAXES, FEES AND CHAR�ES BY G�VE�����TAL AUTH�R�T���. The fiollowing provisivns relating <br /> t�governmental�axes,fee$and charges are a part of this ❑eed�f Trust: <br /> ��rrent T�xes, Fe�s and Cha�ge�. Upan request by �ender, Trustor shall execute �uch d�cum�n�s 'rn addition to <br /> this Qeed of Trust and take what�ver vther action is requested by Lender to perfec�and continue Lende�'s �ien on <br /> the R+eal Pr�per��. Trustor sh�11 reimb�rse �.�nder for all taxes, as d�scribed be[o�rv, together rrv�th ali exp�er�se� <br /> incurred in record�ng, perfecting or �an�inuing this �eed of Trust, including v�rithout limita�ion all tax�s, fees, <br /> documentary stamps, and o�her�h�r�es for rec�rding or registering��is❑eed of Trust. <br /> Taxes. The ffl�lowing shall cvnstitu�e taxes to wht�h this �ectivn appiie�: �'�} a sp�cifc t�x upvn �his typ� of <br />