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��14�7751 <br /> .•,\1Sti'•.. <br /> .. . . ...tiS'�' <br /> f3��D C3� T�I��[���'� <br /> �o��:�n u�� Pa � Z <br /> � � � � <br /> inspections and te�ts, a# Trustor"s e�cpense, as Lender may� deem appr�priate to determine compliance o# the. <br /> Pr�per�y �vith this section of the Deed tif Trust. Any inspections or �es�s r�ad� by Lender shall b�fo� L�nd�r's <br /> purpo�es on�y and shall no�be construed to create any respons�bili�y ar liability on the pa�t of Ler�de��� Trustor ar <br /> to a�y oth�r perso�. The r�pres�ntations and warra�ties contained h�rein ar� based on Trustor's du�dili�ence i�n <br /> inv�stigating fh� Prvperty for Hazardvus 5ubstance�. Trustor hereby ��} releases and waives any futu�e �la'rms <br /> again�t Lender far indemnEty ar cor�#ribution in th� e�rent Tru�tor bec�mes li�ble for cl�anu� or ather costs under <br /> any such favu�s; and �2} agre�s to indemnEfy, de��n�, and hold �+armle�s L�nder a�ain�t any and all claims, losses, <br /> iiabili#ies, �ama��s, penai�ies, and exp�nses�vhich L�nder may directly or indire�tly�ustain ar 5u�fer�esulting�rom <br /> a br�ac� vf#his sectian o�the ❑eed of Trust or as a con�equen�e Qf any use, generation, r�anufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, relea�e or threaterted�ele�as�ac��rring pri�r to Trustar's ownership vr int�rest in the Propert�y,vuhether or <br /> not the sam� was a� should ha�e b�en known to Trustar. The Rr�ovisions o�this section of the Deed vf Trus�, <br /> including the abiigation to �ndemnify and defend,�hall survive the payment af the Indebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and re�onveyance�f the li�n of this Deed af Tru�t and shall n�t b�e affected by Lender's acquisi�i+an o�any int�rest <br /> in�he Proper�y,whether by fareclasure o��th�rw�s�. <br /> �:�isance, ����e. Tru�tc�r shall nvt cause, �onduct ar permit any nuisance nor comm�t, permi�, or su�fer ar�y <br /> stripping vf or wa�te on vr to the Property or any partion vf the Prvpe�ty. V'Vithou# limiting �he genera�ity vf the <br /> fo�egving, Tr�astor wil! not rernove, vr grant#o any vther party the right t� remo��, any timber, m�nerals�including <br /> aii�nd gas�, coal,clay,�cor�a,soi1, gravel ar rock produc#s without Lender's priar written cons�nt. <br /> Remaual Qf lmprvvements. Trustor shalF nvt demolish ar remov�any Irnp�ovemer�ts from the Real Prvper#y wi�haut <br /> Lender'�privr wrif#�n cvnsent. As a cvndi�ivn to the remov�l of any fm�rov�rr�ents, Lender may require Trustor tv <br /> make arrangements �a�is�Factvey to Lender to re�lace su�h fmprflvem�nts vuith Emprouements af at least equal <br /> value. <br /> LenderRs Ri���.to Enter. Lender�nd Lender's agents and repre�entative� may enter upvn the Real�roperty at all <br /> reasQnahle times tv attend to Lender's interests and to in�pect the �ea� Prvper�y for purposes of Trustvr's <br /> compl�an�e with the terms and canditivns af this C3eed of Trust. <br /> Compliance with Governmenta! Requirements. Trustvr shalf prnmp�ly c�mply with all Iaws, �rdinances, and <br /> regulatians, now ar hereafter �n efFect, of all gv�ernrnen#al authv�ities applicable to t�� use vr occupancy of the <br /> Praperty. T�ust�r may cont�st in good faith any such �avu, ardinan��,�r regulat�on and withhold cvmp�iance during <br /> any �rviceed�ng, 'rr�cluding apprvpriate appea��, sv �ong as T�ust�r has natifi�d Lender in writing prior ta dving s�o <br /> �nd sa f�r�g �s, in L�nder's s�le�pinivn, Lend�r's interests in the Pr�p�rty are nQ#je�pardized. L�nder may require <br /> Trustor ta pvst adequate security ar a su�ety bvnd, reasonably satisfac#vey�o Lend�r,ta pratect Lender's intscest. <br /> Duty t�a Protect. Trustor a�rees neither�❑ �ban�on vr I�ave unattended #he Proper�y. Trustor sha�l do al� other <br /> acts, in additi�n to�hose ac#s se#forth abo�e in this sec�ion,which fram the character and use of��e Prope�ty are <br /> reasonably ne�essary ta prv�ect and�reser��the Praper��r. <br /> DUE t]N SALE-��:�����BY LE����R. Lender may, at Lender's vpti�n,de�lare immediately du�and payab[e�I!sums <br /> see�ared by�his Deed ofi Trust upon th�safe��#ransfer, without Lender's pri�r wriften c�r�sent, of af� or any�ar�of the <br /> Real Prope�ty, ❑r any intere�t in the Real Prop�rty. A "sale or trans�er" means#he conv�y+ance pf Rea� Prvperty vr any <br /> right, titie �r intere�� in the Real Property; vvh�ther legal, �er��ftcral ❑r equitabie; whether voluntary vr invvluntary; <br /> whether by �utr�ght sale, �deed, installmen� sai� �ontract, land c�ntract, contract for deed, leasehvld in�erest vuith a <br /> te�m gr�ater fhan three �3} �ears, iease-opxion contract, or by �ale, as�ignm�nf, or transfer of any �eneficiai intere�t in <br /> �r#o any iand tr�st haiding titi� ta the i�eal Prap�rty, ❑r b� an�r o�her r��thvd of conveyance of an interest in the Rea� <br /> Prvperty. Hvwever, this Qption shall nat he exercised b� L�nder �f such exercis� is prahibi�ed by f�deraf law or hy+ <br /> iVe�raska law. <br /> TA]CES►41�D L�ENVS. The follawing pravisions relating tv the �axes and liens vn th� Pr�perk�l �re par� of�his Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. TrUst�r shall pay when due[and�n all events privr�v delinquency}aEl#ax�s, sp�cia�taxes, assess�nen�s, <br /> charge� �including wa�er and sewer}, fnes and imp�s��ivns le�i�d against ar vn a�c��nt r�f the P�operty, an�d sh�ll <br /> pay wh�n due a�i �iaims fvr wvrk dvne on or�ar servi��s rendered or materiaf f��rnished to the Pr�pe�ty. Trustvr <br /> shall maintain the Prvp��ty free��F ali liens hav�ng priority�ver or equal tv#h��n�er�s�❑f L�nder under this C3e�d o� <br /> Trust, except for the lien nf taxes and assessments nvt due, exc�pt f�r the Existin� lndebtedness referrsd ta <br /> b�iow, and ex�ept as athervvise provided �n th�s�]eec�of Tr�st. <br /> Right to Cantest. Trustor may withhvld payment af any tax, assessment, vr claim in connectian with a�avd faith <br /> dispute�ver ths obligafian tv pay, sa �ong as L�nder's inte�est in the Property is not jeQpardi�ed. If a lie�arises or <br /> is fied as a re�utt a� nvnpayr�ent, Trus#vr shall within fi�te�n �15} �ays after the lien ari�es or, if a l�ert i��il�d, <br /> within fifteen (�5} days after Trustvr ha� notice af the filing, secure the discMarge af the lie�, vr 'tf reques#ed by <br /> Lender,�eposit�ith Ler�der cash❑r a�ufficien�co�parate surety bvnd or�ther�ecurEty sati�factary tv Lender�n an <br /> �maunt sufFicienf�o discharge#he lien p�us an�casts and a�ttQrne�s'fees, or ather charges thaf ca�ld accrue as a <br /> resul�of a foreclo�ure or�ale und�r the lie�. �n any con�est, Tru�tor shai!defend itse�f and L�nder and shall satisfy <br /> any ad►��rse judg�nent b�fvre en�forcement aga6n�t the Prvpe�ty. Trustor�hall name Lender a�an additiona�obi;�e� <br /> un�er ar�y surety bvnd�urnishe�d in the cvn�es�pr�eeedin�s. <br /> Evid�nce a�Payment. �'rustor shalE upvn deman�furnish tv Ler�der satisfactvey e�iden�e vf payment of the taxes <br /> or assessm�n#�and shall �uthorize�h��ppr�priate gv�ernmental of�icial ta deii�er�v �ender at any time a v�ritte� <br /> statem�n�v�th�taxes and assessm�n�s aga�nst the�'raperty. <br /> fV��ic� a�Cvn�truc�i�n. Trustor shalC notify Lender at least fiifteen �'I5} days b�fvre any work is cvrnmenc�d, any <br /> services are�urni�hed, �r any materials�ar�supplied to the Prvper�y, if any mechanic's lien, r�nateria�men's iien, �r <br /> ath�r lien ��ufd be asserted on account vf t�ie wvrk, s�rv�ices, ar mat�rials. Trustar uvill upon requ�st�t Lender <br /> fu�nish to Lender advance assura�ces satisfactary to Lender that Trus�or ca� and wili pay the cost of such <br /> �mprov�ments. <br /> ��C3PER'�'Y DA�#�GE �NSUR►4NGE. The�ol[owing provisions relating tv insuring the Proper�y are a p�rt❑f this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> I�Ilaint�nance vf ln�uran�e. Trustar sha�� procure and maintain pvlicies ❑f fire insurance with s#andard �xtended <br /> �overag� endv�sements vn a 'Fair valu� basis f�r �he full insurable �afue cavering a1� Imprv�er�ents vn the R�al <br /> Proper#y in an amount �ufficient to a�roid app[icativn o� any cainsuran�e claus�, and wi#h a standard mortgage�e <br /> clause in favor af Lender,±�gether vwith such vther hazard and I�ability i�suranc�as Lender may reasonabfy r�qui��. <br /> F'olicies shall be written in fvrm, amounts, cover�g�s and basts reasanably acc�ptable t� Lend�r and issued by a <br /> cvmpany r�r carnpanies reasonably acceptable to Lender. Trus�or, upon request of Lender, rivill deliver#� Lender <br /> fr�m �ime tv tim��he pvlicies or certificates vf insurance in fivrm �atis�a�tory tv Lender, ir�clud�ng st��ulativns that <br /> c�v�rages will not be canceafed ar diminished w's�hvut at�east thirty t30}d�ys prior►nrri�t�n notice to Le�d�r. Ea�h <br /> insura��� p��icy alsa shal� in�lude an endarsement prv�iding that cv�erage in fav�r of Lender wili nvt be �mpaired <br /> in an�way by any act, omiss'ron vr default�vf Tru�tor or any other pers�n. Shvuld the R��I Properfy b�lacat�d in <br /> an area designated �y the Administratar of�h� Federal Emergenc�Managem�nt�Igen�y as a speci�l�Ivvd hazard <br /> area, Trustor agr+ees tv vb�ain and maEnt�in Federal Flvad Ir�surance, i� auailabf�, fvr the fu Il unpaid principal <br /> balance o�th�l�van and any prior Iier�s on�he proper�y sec�ring the I�an, up to the rr�aximum pvli�y limits set under <br /> #�� Nationa� Ffvvd tnsurance P��gram, ar as�#henivise c�qu�red by Lend�r, and#a maintain su�h i�surance for the <br />