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��14�77�� <br /> Any applica��on nf paym.ent5, insurance proeeeds, or Mzscellaneous Proceed.s to pri-���pa1 due un.der the Note <br /> sha1�not extend ar postpone the du�date, or chang��he amou�.t, af the Per�odic Pa�ments. <br /> 3. �E`umds�o�r Esc�ow Items. Borro-v�rer shall pay to Lend�r on�he d.a:y Pex xadzc Paymer�ts are due ura.der the <br /> Note, unt���he Note zs paid ir�ful1, a sum��.ie"Fu�ds"}�o prov�ide for payment of amoun�s due for: �a�ta�es <br /> and assessments and ather i�ems urh�:ch can attain pr�ority over tl�is Secur�ty Instxumen�as a��.en or <br /> encumbranee an the 1'roper�r; �b} leasehold payme�ts�r graurrd rex�ts on the Property, if a:n:y; �c}premzums <br /> for any and all�nsurance required by Len.der under Section 5; axid�d�Mortgage Ix�.surance prem�ums, �f an.y, <br /> or any sums payab�.�by Barro�xrer ta Lender�.n lieu of�he payme�.t of Mortgage Ir�s�rance prerr�ums i-n <br /> accordance��h.�.he provisions of Section �.�. These�t�ms are called"Escrow I��ms.'' At ar�.g�natior�or at <br /> ar�y timme dur�g the term of the L�an, Lender may require�hat�ammur�ty Associat��n Du�s, Fees, and <br /> As�essments, �f any, be escrowed by�orrower, and su�h dues, fees and assessm�nts sha1�be ax�.Escro�w <br /> Item. B�rr�wer s�a1Y prompt�y fi�rnish ta Lender a1�.n�tices af am�u�ts to be paid under this Sect�on.. <br /> Borr�wer sha11 pay Lender�he Funds for Escrow Items unl.ess Le�der waives Borravver's ob��gat�on:�o pay <br /> �he Funds far any vr a,II�scrow Items. Lender may waive Borrawer's obligat�on to pay�Q Lender Funds for <br /> ax�y ar all Escraw It�ms at any t�me. Any such v�aiver may only be i�.writing. In�ie event of such yvaiver, <br /> Borrower shall pay d�rectly, when and where payab�e, �b�.�anmaun��due for ar�y Escrow Item�for which <br /> payment of Funds has been wazved by Lender and, �f Lender requi.res, sha1l.fu�-n�sh�o Lend�r receipts <br /> ev�dencing�uch payment wi�th�n such time per�od as Lex�der may requ�.re. Borrower's o�bligat�.on to <br /> such payments ax� prova:de receipts shal.l.for all purposes be deemed to be a.eovenar�t and agreement <br /> co��ained i-�thi�Securzty I-�str�.ame��, as�he�phra�se p'covenan�and agreement" is Sect�.on 9. If <br /> Borrovsrer is obl.zgated�a pay Escraw Item.s c�vc-ectly, pursuant to a waiver, ar�.d Borrowe�fails ta pay the <br /> anlount due�or ar�Escrow Item, Lender gnay e�ercise its r�ghts under Sec��on 9 suc�i amoux�t and <br /> Forro�rer sha1l then be ob�iga�ed under Sec�ion 9 to repay�o Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke <br /> the waa.ver as�o any or all Escrov�r Items at any tim�by a natice given�.r�accordanee with Se�t�o�. �5 and, <br /> upon such revacatiori:, Borrower��a Lender aI�Fund.�, and in such amounts, that ar�then required <br /> ur� t�is Sect�on 3. <br /> Lender may; at any ti�e, collect and hold Funds i�an amount�a} suff c�en�to permit Lender ta apply the <br /> F unds at the�irne sp ecifi ed under RE SPA, arid�b)n�t to e�eeed the ma�.i.mum amount a Iender can requi:re <br /> under�ESPA. Lender shal.l.estimate the anaount of Funds�ue ar�the bas�s of curre�x��ata.�d reasonab�e <br /> estvnates of expex�d�.tures af fixture Escraw Items or other�wi�se�accordance wit.�:App�ic�.b�.e L�.w. <br /> The Funds sha��.�e he�d in a.��.nstxtution w�as�d.�aos��s�.re insured by a fec�eral agenc�r, instx�umen�a��.ty, ar <br /> enti�(in.c�uding Lender, i:f Iaender is an�nst�tution whose deposxts are so�nsured� or in any Federa�.�Iome <br /> Loan Bank_ Lender�ha:11 app�.y the Func�.s to pay the Escraw Items no l.ater tha�the time spec�f ed under <br /> l�ESPA. Lender sha11 r�at charge Borrower for ho�.din.g and apply�ng the Funds, ar�ual.Iy ana�yz�.ng�he <br /> escrow accaunt, or verify��g�he Escrow Items, ur�less Lender pays Borrourer�.nterest fln the Funds anc� <br /> Applicabl.e Law permits Ler�der to make such a Gharge. Unless an agreeme�t�.s xnade in writing or <br /> Applicab�e Law requ�res interest to be paid ox�the Funds, Lender sha11 not be required to pay Borrov�rer any <br /> interest or ea,rnings on the Fuxid�. Borrovrer ar�d Le�der cax�agree in wr���n�, hawever, �Yiat�r�terest sha1�:be <br /> �aid:an the Fu�xd.5. Le�der sha�.�.give to Borrower, v�r�ithaut charge, a.n axanual accour�:t�ng of th�Fund�as <br /> reqtu:red�by l�ESPA. <br /> If t�ere xs a surp�us of Funds held�e�cro�, as de�ne�l un�.er RESPA, Lender shall accaunt t��o�rov�ex for <br /> �h.e excess fiulds in.a�cordance vr�i�h RESPA. If there�s a shortage flf Funds hel.d in escr�w, as defined ur�der <br /> RESPA, Lexider sha��notify Borrower as requir� RESPA, and Borrower sha��pay to Lerider�ie amount <br /> necessary ta ma�e up�he�hortage in accorda��e w�th RES�'A, but�n na more than �.�,month�y payments. If <br /> �here is a de�c�ency of Funds held�n escraw, as de�:ned ur�der RESPA, Lender sha:Il not�fy Borrower as <br /> 24Da7�25 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie M aelFredd'€e M a�LJNIFdRM 1NSTR�N!ENT Fafm 3�28�101 <br /> VM P�] VM Pfi�NE}��3D2] <br /> V11Q1ters K1uw er Finar�cial 5er�ices Page 5 of 9 7 <br />