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��14�77�1 <br /> 2. Applicationof Paym�nts vr Proceeds.Excep�a.s otherwise described in this Se�ti�n 2, a�l paymen�s <br /> accepted and appl�e�by L�nt�er shail be applied in the following order of priari�y: �a�in�erest due under the <br /> No��;{b�prin�i�a�due under th�Nvte;�c�amvunts due u�der Secti�n 3. Su�h paym�nts sha11�e applied ta <br /> each Periodic Payment i.n the arder�n which it became due.Any xemaining amaunts sha11 b�applied fust to <br /> late charges,second to a�y other�maun�s due under this�ecurit��nstrument,a�d th�n t�red�ce t�.e <br /> princ ipal balanc e o f the Note. <br /> If L.ender receiWes a pa�ment fram Borrower far a delinquent Periodic Payment�vhich inc�udes a suffc�ent <br /> amount to pay any late charge due,the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment an.d the Iate <br /> charge. If more than on�Periodic Payment�s outstanding,Lender may app�y any payment r��eived fr�m <br /> Borrower to the r�payment af th�Period�c Payments if,and to the extent that, each payment Gan be paid in <br /> ful�. To#he extent that an.y excess exists after the payment is appli�d to the ful�pa�ment of one or nzore <br /> Periodic F'ayments,su�h exGe�s may be applied ta any lat�charges due,Vo�untary pr�payments sh�.11 be <br /> applied first to any prepaym�nt charges and the�.as described in the Note. <br /> Any application of paym�n�s,insuranc�proceeds,or Miscellaneous Proceeds ta�rincipal due under the Note <br /> shall nat ext�nd ar postpone the due�.ate,or change th�amount,of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Fundsfc�r Escrow items.Barrower shall pay to Lender on the day periodi�Paym�nts are due under the <br /> �oteA t�n�i�the l�ote is paid in fu11,a sum�tl�e"Funds"}to provi�t�for payment of amounts due for: �a}taxes <br /> and assessments and other items whi�h can.attain priori�r over this Security Instrument as a�ien ar <br /> encumi�rance an t�e Property; (b}leasehold paymen�ts or ground rents on the�roper�, if any; (c�premiums <br /> for any and a1�insurance required�ay Lend�r under Section S;and(d)Mor��age In�urance premium.s, if any, <br /> ar�ny sums gayable by Bono�ver to Lender in lieu of the payment af Mortga�e Insurance premiums rn <br /> accordance with the pro�isions of Section 1 D. These items ca��ed"Escrow Items."At origina�ion or at <br /> an�time during the term of the Loan,Lender may requue that Community Assaciation Dues,Fees,and <br /> Assessments, if any,be�scrawed by BorrQwer,and�uch dues, fees and assessments sha�I be an Escrow <br /> Item. Borraw�r sha��promp�ly furnish�o Lender a�l n�tices af amaunts to be paid under this Section. <br /> Bortower shall pay Len�ler the Funds for Escrow Items un�ess Lender�vaives Borrower's obligatian�o pay <br /> the Funds for any or a�l Escro�v Items. Lender may waive Barra�v�r's obli�atiaa to pay to Lender Funds far <br /> any or all Escrow Items at any time,�Any such waiver may only be in wr�ting, In the e�ent of such waiver, <br /> Borrower sha��pa�direct�y,when and where payable,the am�unts due for any Escrow Items for whieh <br /> payment oF Funds has been�vaived b�Lender and,iF Lender requires,shall fu.r�xish to I�ender receipts <br /> evidenci�g such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borrawer's obligation to ma1�e <br /> such�ayments and to provide receipts shatl for all purposes be deemed tv be a cover�ant and agr�ement <br /> contained in this Security Iastrument,as th�phrase "c�venant and agre�ment"is used in�eGtian 9. If <br /> Bvrrawer is obligated ta pay Esc�o�v I�.ems t�i�ectly,purs�a�.�to a�raiver,a�nd Borro�er fai�s t�pa�r�th� <br /> amount due for an Escrovv Item,Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 aad pay such amount and <br /> Bo�a�er sha1�t�en be obligated t��der�ection 9 to repay ta i,ender any sur�amount.Lender may re�oke <br /> the wai�er as to any or a11 Escro�v Items at any t�rne by a notiGe giv�n in acc�rdance�vith Sec��on 1 S and, <br /> upon suc'h re�ocation,Borrv�ver shall pay to Lender all Funds,and in such amounts,that are then requir�d <br /> under this Sectian 3. <br /> Lender may,at any t�me,co��ect and hold Funds amount(a}sufficient to permit L�nder to apply the <br /> Funds at the ti�rne specified under RESPA,and�b}�ot to exceed�he maximum amouat a lender can re�uir� <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�1�stnmate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasvnable <br /> estimates of e���nd�tures of future Escrow It�ms�r�therwise in accordance�vith A���icable La�v. <br /> 3r1EBRASKA�in81e Fami4y����rie Mae3Freddie Mac UN3F�f�Nf 11�5�RU'M�E1�T WtTH NiERS Famn 3D2��1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6A(NE�('1302)A4 <br /> Wol#ers Kfuwer F�nan�ial Services Page 5 af 17 <br /> q�333����711 4�33 �39 D517 <br />