<br />' ��14�77��
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<br />�
<br />� DEED �F TRUST
<br />�
<br /> Loan No: '[�'1�S'I 3�9 ���nt�nued} Page 9
<br /> previous fisca� year in such form and detail as Lender shal[ require. "Ne� opera�ing income" sha[� mean all cash
<br /> receipts from�he Property less all cash expendi�ures made in connec�ivn wi�h the❑peration of the P�vperty.
<br /> Captivn Headings. Captian headings in this Deed af Trust are �ar con�enience purposes ❑n[y and are not to be
<br /> used to interpret or de�fine the pro�isians o��his I�eed v#Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall be no merger of�he interest❑r estate created by this De�d of Trust wi�kh any other interes�or
<br /> estate in the Praperty at any time hefd by ❑r far the bene�it o# Lender in any �apacity, withvut the written consen�
<br /> afi Lender-.
<br /> Governing Law. This Deed o�Trust will be gvverned by federal law applicable to Lender and, #v the ex�ent nat
<br /> preempted by federal law,�he iaws vf�he 5#a�e of Nebraska without regard tv�ts �on��icts vf iaw provisivns. This
<br /> . Deed of Trust has heen a�cepted by Lende�in fihe 5ta�e o�Nebraska.
<br /> Chaice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upvn Lender's request�o suhmit fio �he jur�sdiction of the
<br /> cvurts❑fi HaiE Counfiy, 5tate of Nebraska.
<br /> Nv�ai�er hy Lender. Lender sha[l not be deemed tv have wai�ed any rights under�his Deed o�f Trust unless such
<br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. Nv delay or omissivn an�he part o-�Lend�r in exer�isEng any right
<br /> shall ❑perate as a wai�er❑f such �-ight�r any oth�r right. A waiver by Lender❑�a prv�isivn o�this Deed ❑�Trust
<br /> shall not p�ejudice or cans�itu�e a wai�er af Lender's right vfiherwise t❑ demand strict comp�iance with that
<br /> pro�isian ar any other pra�isivn of fihis Deed a� Trust. No priar waive�- hy Lender, nar any �vurse of dea�ing
<br /> l�etween Lender and Trustar, shall �anstitute a wai�er of any o� Lender's rtgh�s ar o� any of Trustv�'s obligativns
<br /> as t❑ any fu�ure transactions. VlJhene�er the consent o� Lender is required under this Deed vf Trust, the granting
<br /> of such consenfi by Lender �n any instance shall not consfiitute continuing consent�o subsequent instances where
<br /> . such consent�s required and in all cases such consent rnay he granfied vr withheld in the svle discretian a�Lender.
<br /> 5e�erahi�i�y. l� a cvur� ❑f competent.jurisdictian finds any pro�ision v�this Deed of Trus�to be illegal, in�a[Ed, or
<br /> unen�orceable as to any cir�umstan�e, that finding sha11 not make �he vffendEng proWision illegal, in�a[id, ❑r
<br /> unenforceable as to any other circumstan�e. ff feasible, the ❑ffiending pra�ision shall be considered madified s❑
<br /> fiha� i� becvmes legal, �alid and enforceah�e. lf th� ❑ffending pro�ision cannot be sv modified, it shal� be
<br /> considered deleted from �h15 Deed �f Trus�. Uniess o�herwise required by law, �the illegali�y, in�alidity, ar
<br /> unenforceabi[i#y af any pravisi�n ❑�fihis Deed af Trust shall no�af�e�t the Eegality, �aiidi�y o�-en�orceabil�ty ❑� any
<br /> v�her pro�isi�n of this Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> 5uccessars and Assigns. Subject�t❑ any limitations sta�ed in this Deed of Trust an transfer of Trusto�-'s interesfi,
<br /> this aeed of Trust shall be binding upon and inur�ta �he benefit o� �he parfiies, their successvrs and ass�gns. 1�
<br /> ownership of�he Prvper�y becames �ested En a person other than Trustor, Lender, without not�ce�a Trustar, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trus��r's successars wi�h re�erence ta this Deed ❑fi Trust and the lndebtedness by way❑f farbearance or
<br /> extensian withaut releasing Trustar�From the abEiga�ians ❑�this aeed❑�Trust or Eiability under the lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is❑f the ess�nce in the pe�-�vrman�e v�this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 1Naiver v� Homes�ead Exemp�ion. Trustor hereby reieases and waives all rights and benefits of the hames�ead
<br /> exempfiian laws vf the 5ta�e v�Nebraska as fi�a!I lndehtedness secured by�his Deed of T�ust.
<br /> �EFINIT��NS. The follvwing capifialized words and terms shalt ha�e the�oi�vwing meanings when us�d in�his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust. Unless speci�ically stated �o the contrary, all re�erences to dollar amaunts sha�l mean amounts in Iawful mvney
<br /> af the Uni�ed States of America. V1lords and terms used in �he singula� shalE include the plural, and the plurai shall
<br /> include the singular, as �he �vntext may require. Words and terms not o�herwise defined in �his Deed of Trus�t shalf
<br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed�a such terms in the Uniform Commercial Cvde:
<br /> Beneficiary, The word "Bene�i��ary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its suc�essors and assigns.
<br /> Bvrrower. The word "gvrrawer" means STAR�STKA GR�IJP UNL11VIlTED [NC and includes all cv--signers and
<br /> co-makers signing the Nate and all�their successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed v� Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> inctudes wi�hvufi lim��ativn all assignmen� and security interest provis�c�ns relatEng t� #he Personal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Default. The word "Defau��" means the ❑efault set�orth in�his Deed of Trust in the sect�vn ti�led "De�aul�".
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. The words "En�ir�nmental Laws" mean any and a!C state, fede�ral and Ivcal s�atutes,
<br /> regulations and a�dinan�es relating t❑ the protectEvn ❑f human heal�h or �he en�ironment, inc[uding wi�hout
<br /> limitatian the Camprehensi�e En�ironmental Response, Campensa#ion, and Liability Act�f 198D, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Section 95D1, e� seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendmen�s and Reautharization Ac�❑fi 1�8�, Pu1a. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materia�s Transpvrtation Ac�,49 U.S.C. 5e�tion '[SD1,e�seq.,the Res�urce
<br /> Conser�ation and Re�v�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. 5ectivn E9D'[, et seq., ar other applicable s�a�e or federaj laws, ruEes,
<br /> or regulations adopted pursuant th�re�a.
<br /> Even#of De�ault. The wvrds "E�en�o�De�auft" mean any❑��the events❑f defauEt set��rth in this Deed ❑f Trust in
<br /> the e�ents��de�au[�sec�ivn❑f�his Deed nf Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The wvrd "Guaranfy" means�he guaranty�rvm guarantor, endarser, surety, or a�commvdafiian party to
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