� ��14�77�� �
<br /> DEED �F TRLJST �
<br /> r ,
<br /> Laan No: '[D'128�3�9 {Cantinued} Page g
<br /> Documents �o Trus�ee ❑r Lender ❑r to whi�h either ❑� them may be ❑therwise entitled, may be exercised,
<br /> cancurrently vr �ndependently, �r�m time to�ime and as aften as may be deemed expedien� by Trustee ❑r Lender,
<br /> and either of �hem may pursue incansisfient remedies. Noth�ng in this ❑eed of Trust shall be const�ued as
<br /> pr�hibi�ing Lend�r�rom seekEng a de�i�iency judgment against fihe Trustor tv�he exten�such activn is permit-�ed by
<br /> law. Electinn by Lender fio pursue any remedy shall not exc[ude pursui� ❑f any ❑ther remedy, and an election ta .
<br /> make expendi�ures or to take ac�kion �o perfarm an ob�i�ation ❑�Trus�o�- under�his ❑eed �f Trus�, after Trus�or's �
<br /> failure to perform, shall n�t a�f�ect Lender's right to de�lare a defau�t and exer�ise its remedies.
<br /> Request�vr Natice, Trustor, on behal#of Trustvr and Lender, hereby reques�s tha-�a copy vf any Noti�e of�e�ault
<br /> and a cvpy❑f any Notice of 5ale under�his I�eed ❑f Trust be mailed�❑them at the add�-esses se�forth in the�irst i
<br /> paragraph of�this Deed af Trust.
<br /> At�orneys' Feesi Expenses. 1� Lender institufies any suit or ac�ivn to enforce any of the #erms of �his Deed vf
<br /> Trust, Lend�r sha�E 1ae entit�ed tv recv�er such sum as�he caurt may adjudge reasonable as at�orneys' fees at�ria!
<br /> and upon any appea[. V1lhether or not any caurt action is inWol�ed, and �o the extent nat prohibited hy Iaw, all
<br /> reasana�le expenses Lender incurs fihat in Lender's opinian are necessary at any time for the prot�ctEon of i�s �
<br /> interest❑r the enfo�cement❑�its rEghts shall �ecome a part o�f�he lndeb�edness payable ❑n demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at the Na�ke rate fram the da�e❑�the expenditure unfii�repaFd. Expenses �o�ered by this paragraph in�lude,
<br /> withaut �imi�a�ian, hawe�er subjec�#o any Iimits under applica�le law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's �egal
<br /> expenses, whether ar nat there is a iawsuifi, in�lud�ng att�rneys' fiees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings �
<br /> {including e��vrts tv mod��y vr�a�a�e any automatic stay or in�unction�, appeals, and any anfiicipa�ed post judgmenfi
<br /> coi�ec�ion ser�ices, the �ost of searching records, obtaining title reparts �inc�uding �oreclosure repvrts�, sur�eyars' ,
<br /> repvrts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees fvr fihe Trustee, �❑ �he ex�ent permit#ed by applica�fe �aw. �
<br /> Trustar a[so wil! pay any c�urt costs, in addi�ion to all ❑ther sums pro�ided by law. ' !
<br /> Righ�s of Trus�ee. T�rus�ee shall have all�f the righ�s and duties af Lender as set forth in this section.
<br /> P�VIIERS AND�BL�GATI�NS DF TRUSTEE. The�ollaw�ng pro�isi�ns relat�ng �o�he powers and o�ligations of Trus�ee
<br /> are part at this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. �n additian�o all pvwers ❑�Trustee arising as a matter❑f law,Trustee shatl ha�e the pow�r t❑
<br /> #ake�he follow�ng actions with respect�v#he Prvper�y upvn the written request❑f Lender and Trus�ar: {ay join in �
<br /> preparing and filing a map or plat of the Real Property, including �he dedication af streets ar vther !'fg�"1t5 �❑ the �
<br /> public; �b� join in granting any �asement ar creating any restriction on the Real Prope�ty; and ��� �vin in any '
<br /> subordinatian❑r other a�reement af�ec�ing�his Deed of Trus�flr�he in�erest nf Lender under this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet all qualifications required for Trus�ee under applicable law. ln addition �o the rights
<br /> and remedies set�vrth abvve, with respect�o aE! ❑r any part o-�the Property, the Trustee shafl have the right t❑
<br /> �vrec�ose by nvtice and sale, and L�nde�- shall haWe fihe right�v fareclose hy�udicial �oreclasure, in either case in
<br /> accordance wi�h and to the�ulE extent pro�ided by app�i�able law.
<br /> 5u�cessor Trusfee. Lender, a�Lender's option, may fram time to�ime appoint a successor Trusfiee�❑any Trustee �
<br /> appointed under this ❑eed of Trust hy an ins�rumen� executed and acknflwledged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> office o��he rec�rder ❑f HALL County, Sta�e �� Nebraska. The instrument shall cvn�ain, in addition �a afE o�he�r ;
<br /> mafiters required by s�ate law, �he nam�s ❑f the ar�gina� Lender, Trustee, and Trus�or, �he bovk and page �ar �
<br /> �omputer system reference� where this Deed vf Trust is recarded, and the name and address a�the successor
<br /> trus�ee, and the instrument sha!! be execut�d and acknowledged by a1I the beneficiaries under this ❑eed❑f Trus�o�-
<br /> • �heir successors in interest. The su�cessvr�rustee, withaut con�eyance of the Property, sha�l succeed �o a�l �he
<br /> . titie, pawer, and duties conferred upon the Trustee in fihis ❑eed vf Trust and �y applicalaie law. This prvicedure far
<br /> substitu�ion o�Trustee shall gv�ern�❑the exclusi�n of al! ��her pro�isians-for substitution. . �
<br /> N�T10E5. Any natice �equired ta h� gi�en under�his Deed ❑�Trust, including wi�hout i�mE�a�ian any notice of default
<br /> and any no�t�ce af sale shalf be gi�en in w�i�ing, and shal! be e��ec�ive when ac�ually delivered, when actualiy recei�ed
<br /> by te[efacsimile �unless o�herwise required by lawy, when depos�ted with a natianal�y recvgn�zed o�ernight courier, or, Ff .
<br /> mailed, when deposited in the Uni�ed Sta�es mail, as �irst class, certified ❑r registered mai[ pos�age prepaid, directed�o � �
<br /> the addresses shawn near the beginning af th�s Deed ❑f Trust. All copies of natic�s vf fareclosure from the holder ❑�
<br /> any lien which has priori�y o�er this Deed o�Trust shaE� be sent tv Lender's address, as shown near�he beginning ❑-F
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust. Any par�ty may change its address for notices und�r this ❑eed af Trust by gi�Eng formal ►nr�itken
<br /> noti�e to #he othe�- parties, specifying that the purpose vf the no�tce is t❑ change fihe party's address. For noti�e
<br /> purpvses, Trus�or agrees ta E�eep Lender infiormed at a�l�imes of Trustor's current address. �nless otherwise prv�ided
<br /> ar required by iaw, i�there is more than vne Trus�kv�r, any na�ice given by Lender to any Trustor is de�med to �e no�i�e
<br /> gi�en to a1[Trustars. , - �
<br /> M15CELLANE�US PR�V15f�N5. The�alf�wing miscellanevus provisi�ns are a part❑f this Deed o�Trus�: �
<br /> , Amendments. This Deed❑fi Trust,�vgether with any Related D�cuments, �onstitu�es�he entire understanding and '
<br /> agreement o��he par�ies as�❑the matters set�arth in this Deed ❑�Trust. No a�feration a� or amendment fio �his ;
<br /> Deed af Trus�shall be ef�ecti�e unless gi�en in wri�ing and signed l�y the par�y or parties saught ta he �harged ar
<br /> bound by fihe alteration❑r amendmen�.
<br /> Annual Repvrts. lf the Proper-ty is used far purposes other than Trus��r's residence, Trusto�r shail furnish to �
<br /> Lender, upon reques�, a certitEed statement v� net operating incame recei�ed from the Property during Trustar's
<br /> �
<br />